Home > Trouble(68)

Author: Samantha Towle

Her nipple is taut, and so very ready for me.

I dip my head and take her into my mouth, sucking hard. She groans, her hips jerking upward, pressing her pu**y hard against my cock. I nearly shoot my load.

“Fuck,” I groan. I grip her hip with my hand, keeping her steady. I intend on making this last for as long as possible.

I return my attention to her nipple, laving it with my tongue, then I begin licking and sucking every part of her tit. Not content with the limited access, I ease my hand behind her, reaching for the clasp on her bra. She inclines, allowing me to unhook it, and I slide it down her arms, tossing it to the floor.

She lays back, hands on my shoulders.

I stare down at her naked tits, unable to look away. “Fuck … Mia, you’re beautiful.”

Her hand goes to her face, covering it. I know she’s feeling shy.

I move her hand from her face. “You’re beautiful,” I reaffirm and press a gentle kiss to her lips.

I shift down her body, allowing me access to her neglected tit. I take it in my mouth, paying it the same attention, sucking and licking while I pinch her other nipple with my thumb and finger.

She cries out. Pushing against me, panting, “Jordan, please. I need you.”

“Fuck. You’re so f**king hot.” I drop my head against her chest. “I wanted this to last, but I don’t know if I can.”

Getting to my knees, I hook my fingers into the top of her damp panties. I pause, giving her time to let me know if this is too much.

She nods her head, lightly. “Please,” she says.

I pull her panties down her legs. She bends her leg, allowing me to slip it off one leg, then the other. I toss them to the floor and look down at her pu**y. It’s shaved and neat. I bet she tastes as sweet as she smells.

My c**k hardens further. I grab it through my wet boxers, sliding the shaft up and down, all the while staring at her pu**y.

“I need to taste you.” I’m asking, but I don’t wait for her answer because I’m off the end of the bed, knees on the floor, spreading her thighs.

I press my mouth to her pu**y, sucking on her clit. Jesus, she tastes amazing.

She cries out, making a mewling sound, digging her heels into the bed. I smile, loving her reaction as I run my nose between her lips, inhaling her.

“So f**kin’ good,” I murmur, knowing the vibration of my voice will only tease her further.

“Please, Jordan…” she moans. “I need…”

I run my tongue down, pushing it inside her, taking more of her sweetness into my mouth. “Shh … it’s okay. I got you, babe.” I press my tongue against her clit and slide a finger inside her. Then another.

Then I’m pumping my fingers in and out, licking and sucking her. And I don’t stop going until she’s exploding under my mouth.

While she’s coming down from her orgasm, I remove my boxer shorts in the fastest time known to man, and climb up her panting, trembling body, so ready to be inside her it’s not even funny.

I kiss her, running my tongue over her lips, letting her taste herself on me.

She sucks my tongue into her mouth. Her fingers dig into my hips, pulling me closer. “I want you,” she breathes.

Jesus. She’s so f**king sexy.

I reach over into my drawer, and pull out an unopened box of condoms that I’d bought when Mia and I started dating.

Call it forward planning.

I’m an optimistic kind of guy. And that was optimistic, not opportunistic.

Turns out I was right to buy them and keep them in here. I used to keep condoms in my car or wallet. But Mia isn’t one of those girls I used to go with, and I knew when I did have sex with her, it would be here, happening exactly as it is.

I rip the box open, tear the foil on one, and roll the condom on. Positioning myself between her legs, I press the head of my c**k at her entrance. I stop to kiss her—not rough and passionate, but sweet and tender. I want her to know what she means to me. How I feel about her. How much I want this with her.

Her hands grip my ass, urging me forward.

Taking her lead, I slowly slide inside her. “Mia…” I moan her name like a prayer.

Her hips shift under me. “Jordan,” she breathes.

Kissing her again, I pull out and slide back in. “You feel so f**kin’ good. I’ve never wanted anyone like I want you.”

“Oh God,” she moans, digging her nails in my back, scratching over my skin.

The feel of her nails…

Being inside her…

I lose it. I start f**king her like I’ve never f**ked anyone before.

“Don’t stop, Jordan. Don’t ever stop.” Mia’s legs lift, wrapping around my waist as I continue to drive into her.

It’s too much. She’s too much. All these feelings and emotions and sensations…

All for her…

Because of her…

And I have no clue what to do with them.

I take her hands above her head, holding them to the bed. I lace my fingers with hers, thrusting my c**k in and out, watching her face, seeing her pleasure, soaking up every moan and whisper of my name that she makes.

It’s not long before I feel her tightening around my cock, and I know she’s almost there.

“That’s it, babe,” I pant over her mouth. “Come for me.”

The instant I feel her coming around me, I explode inside her, coming hard like I’ve never come before.

Catching our breaths, I stay inside her, reluctant to leave her just yet.

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