Home > Trouble(73)

Author: Samantha Towle

Telling Jordan all about Oliver was like opening the door on a dark room and letting the light flood in.

It doesn’t fix things or change my memories, but knowing I have him to talk to makes it easier.

Picking up a pancake, I tear a piece off and put it in my mouth. I see Jordan’s eyes making work of me, especially the partial leg he can see. He looks like he’s remembering what we did half an hour ago. I give him a look.

“What?” he says, eyes wide with innocence. “It’s not my fault you look hot in my t-shirt. And you have great f**kin’ legs.”

A flush shimmers through my body. I can feel myself growing needy for his touch again.

I wonder if I’ll always feel like this about him.

I take another bite of pancake. Swallowing, I get an unexpected pain in my stomach. I grip my hand to my stomach. I know where this is from. I went a little rough on myself yesterday, and this is the first time I’m eating since.

Jordan notices. “Hey, you okay?” His brow furrows with concern.

“Yeah, fine.” I’m a little breathless as I ride out the pain. I put the pancake down. “Just women’s things.”

“Do I need to make the most of you while I can?”

I grin, the pain subsiding. “We’re good for a few more days, so feel free to take advantage whenever the mood takes.”

“Oh, I intend to.” He puts his pancake down and pats his lap.

“Now?” I bite my lip.

“Hmm.” He nods, that sexual shimmer in his eyes that he gets. The one that tells me he’s about to make my body feel amazing.

Getting off my chair, I straddle him, resting my arms on his shoulders and linking my hands behind his head. I can feel him already hard against me. “You’re insatiable.”

“Only for you, babe.” His hands go to my behind and his fingers trace a gentle line over my scars.

My body tenses, my muscles locking.

“Relax,” he soothes. “It’s just me.”

I nod my head, and try to relax.

Standing with me, he carries me to the bed, laying me down.

“You’re beautiful.” He drops a kiss to the base of my neck. “Every single part of you.” He moves down my body, laying on the bed beside me, and turns me to my side, facing me away from him. “Nothing about you is ruined…” His hand gently moves over my behind, down to my thigh. “Or broken, or marred…” He moves down, placing a kiss on my behind. “Just gorgeous, babe.”

Jordan moves up my body, curling his around mine with his chest to my back, hugging me to him.

“But nothing on the outside compares to what’s in here.” His voice comes in my ear, as his hand slips under the t-shirt. He presses his large hand between my br**sts, covering my heart. “This is what I’m crazy about, what’s in here.”

My heart feels replete with him, ready to burst. Needing to be closer to him, I turn in his arms and bury my face in his neck, breathing him in.

I’ve never met anyone like Jordan. He’s a miracle to me. My miracle.

He’s like breathing fresh air for the very first time.

I realize that I didn’t start breathing until him.

I didn’t start living until him.

“I breathe you, Jordan,” I whisper against his skin.

He tilts his head back, eyes staring down into mine. “I breathe you too, babe.”

Chapter Nineteen


Running back inside to answer the phone, I grab the receiver off the wall. “Golden Oaks,” I answer.

“Hey son, just checking in, seeing how you’re doing?”

“Hey Dad. All good here.” I hop up on the kitchen counter.

I can see Mia through the window with Dozer. She’s feeding him meat treats. Poor f**king dog is going out of his mind with that cast on, so we’ve been spending time with him.

In-between making out that is.

“How’s things?”

“Same.” I shrug, grabbing a nut out of the bag I opened earlier, I toss it my mouth.

“No other guests than our current one?”

“Nope.” I crunch. “The Perry’s are due later on today, though.” I lift my voice in optimism, hoping to pass some onto him.

“Christ, is it that time of year already?”

“Yep. I got their room all ready for them, so we’re good to go.”

Mia insisted on helping me prepare the room. It took a little longer than it usually takes me as we ended up having some fun which began with Mia getting down on her knees and taking my c**k in her mouth, and ended with her legs wrapped around my waist, back pressed against the wall while I f**ked her to orgasm.

“You’re a good son,” Dad says.

I shake my head.

No, Dad, I’m not, but I’m trying my hardest to be. And with Mia by my side, I think I can do it.

He lets out a sigh. “So we’ve definitely got no other bookings?” He checks this again as if I’m going to suddenly magic some up.

“No … I’m sorry, Dad.”

“It’s not your fault. Business will pick up soon, I’m sure of it.”

Always the optimist, my dad, but I hope for both our sakes that business does pick up.

“How’s Dozer doing?” he asks. “His leg healing okay?”

“Yeah, it’s healing fine, but he’s bored shitless not being able to go out for a run, so Mia’s currently keeping him entertained.” I look out the window at them again. Mia’s laying on the grass with Dozer standing over her, pinning her while he licks her face. She’s laughing, trying to push him off. The sight of them has me smiling.

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