Home > Trouble(62)

Author: Samantha Towle

“Well, that’s the thing…” He crouches down, stroking Dozer who’s positioned between us. His fingertips touch mine. Heat flashes up my arm careening straight for my heart.

“The date was amazing, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her … or her gorgeous mouth ever since…” He leans over Dozer. Close to me. I suck in a breath. “And the thing is, I really need to kiss her again.”

Baboom! The sound of my heart … so loud, I’m sure he must hear it.

“I think she needs you to kiss her too,” I breathe.

“You do?” He swipes his lower lip with his tongue.

My insides coil. “Mmm,” I murmur.

I close my eyes as he brings his mouth to mine, more than ready to taste him and feel the explosion his kiss creates inside me.

It’s only when I part my lips against his that I remember I haven’t brushed my teeth.

“Wait,” I say against his mouth, pressing my hand to his chest. “I haven’t brushed my teeth.”

“Shh.” His hand goes to the back of my head … holding me … kissing me deeper. Apparently he has no issue with my morning breath. I should, but I really don’t want to stop kissing him right now.

All thought is lost when he runs his tongue along my lower lip, then slips it into my mouth. I curl my fingers into his shirt.

His kisses are drugging. I could live a contented life being as high as a kite on him all day long.

He gets as close to me as he can with a hundred and sixty pound dog laid on the floor between us, and takes my face in both his hands, taking full control of the kiss. It’s at this exact point that I feel things change between us.


Don’t ask me why or how, they just do, and I know he feels it too because of the look on his face when he parts his mouth from mine on a gasp, eyes staring deep into mine.

I know, in this moment, there’s an unbreakable connection between us. Something tying us together, irrevocably, and no matter what, I’ll never be without him.

“Hi,” I whisper.

“Hi.” He smiles.

Dozer lifts his head between us, nudging Jordan back from me a little.

I chuckle, and stroke Dozer, giving him the attention he wants.

“So, where was I before you distracted me?” He grins, still looking as dazed as I feel.

“You were telling me about the awesome date you had last night.”

“Right, yeah. Well, it was so awesome that I was hoping she’d go on another date with me today.”

“You always could ask her.”

“What do you think she’d say?”

“Hmm…” I press my lips together in thought. “I’m thinking that she’d definitely say yes.”

He smiles wide. “Good, ’cause I’ve got an awesome day planned for her.” He leans across and gives me another quick kiss, pulling back far too quickly, leaving me wanting more.

“You’re going to want to wash your hair again.” He twists a piece of my hair round his finger.

“What? Why?” I touch my hair where his hand is and feel the strands of crunch. Damn paint.

“Blue, and a bit of pink.” He leans over, examining. “It’s a good look on you.”

“I’ll stick with my natural color, thanks.”

Chuckling, he gets to his feet. I follow.

“Shower. Then get your cute ass dressed ASAP so we can head out. Need an early start for where we’re going.”

“Where are we going?” I ask.

“You’ll see when we get there. Come on, Dozer. Leave Mia to get ready. I’ve got some sausages with your name on.”

Dozer’s ears prick up at the mention of sausages. For a dog with a cast on his leg, he sure does move quickly.

“Tossed aside for sausages,” I croon. “And I thought we had something special, Dozer.”

“Just so you know…” Jordan leans his shoulder against the door frame. “I would never toss you aside for some sausage.” The glint in his eye is unmistakable.

I flush bright red all the way down to my toes.

Grinning, he turns and starts off walking down the hall. “Oh, and make sure to wear comfortable shoes. And bring something warm, just in case.” He calls to me.

“Will do.” I close the door behind me, catching hold of my happiness and hugging my arms tight around it.

One thing I’m starting to realize with Jordan is that moments of wonderful aren’t a rarity. It seems I might just have more than one great memory with him to keep, and I’m thinking my arms and heart are going to be full of them.


Dressed in jeans, t-shirt and sneakers, and carrying a hooded sweatshirt with me just in case, I’m in Jordan’s car, heading to town with him. He still won’t tell me where we’re going, but I get a pretty good idea of what we’re going to be doing when he pulls up outside, White Rock Jeep Tours.

“You’re taking me out on a jeep tour?” I’ve never done anything like that before.

“Yeah. Is that okay?”

“More than okay.” I run my fingers into the back of his silky hair.

“I do tours for Wade, the owner, mainly in high season,” he tells me. “Though, not as much this summer with Dad being away. You’re safe with me. I’m an official tour guide.” He grins. “Thought I’d take you up to La Plata Canyon. It’s amazing there, and one of my favorite places to go. Aside from the canyon itself, there are some amazing lakes, rivers and waterfalls. Tons of wildlife … and I remember you saying how much you like animals.”

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