Home > Trouble(67)

Author: Samantha Towle

Fuck. Me.

I suck in a breath.

I want her. Really want her.

Half an hour ago, I would have sold my Mustang if it meant I could be with her.

But now … I don’t know what this means. She’s been gone all day, and now she turns up, strips off her clothes, and tells me she wants me to make love to her.

My c**k is telling my brain to shut the f**k up, and just do it, but my head is worried if I do, I’ll only end up pushing her further away.

“I need you, Jordan … please,” she whispers.

Hearing her plead like that … I’m done for. Add in the fact that I haven’t had sex for weeks, and she is the most beautiful woman I’ve had the privilege to know, and my willpower is shot to f**king hell.

My hand goes to the back of her head and I bring my mouth crashing down to hers.

She moans, her arms instantly going around my neck, her legs wrapping around my waist.

Jesus f**king Christ.

I wrap both my arms around her tiny waist, kissing her like there’s no breath left in my body. Like she’s my lifeline. With our mouths melded together, I lick the inside of her mouth. She tastes like a mixture of candy and mouthwash.

Her hands slide down my arms, into the water and then across my back. Her fingers creep into the elastic of my boxers.

“I want you,” she breathes into my mouth.

Then my goddamn brain has to kick back in. I really f**king hate my brain at times.

“Wait.” I pull back, breathing hard.

The disappointment shows clear in her eyes. I take her face in my hands.

“We don’t have to do this now. I’ll wait, however long you need. I just want to be with you. That’s all that matters. Sex can come later.”

Her grip on my boxer shorts increases, and I can feel her nails digging in my skin. “I don’t want to wait. I want you now. I want to feel normal and complete and whole, and I feel all those things when I’m with you.”

My heart sinks.

I shake my head, solemn. “Babe, having sex with me isn’t going to change how you feel about yourself. Those things will still be there afterwards.”

Who the f**k am I nowadays? Dr. Fucking Phil?

“But they’ll be gone for a time.”

I shake my head again because I don’t know what else to do. To be honest, I’m feeling pretty f**king gutted right now.

Her gaze lowers. “You don’t want me,” she whispers, starting to pull away.

The tone in her voice almost kills me.

Keeping hold, I force her eyes to mine. “I want you, babe. Believe me, I want you like I’ve never wanted anything before in my life. I can think of nothing else but you. What it would feel like to be inside you. I want you because I’m gone for you.” I let out a light sigh, my gaze dipping. “But I want you to have sex with me because you want it for the same reasons as I do – and no other reason.”

She leans in and sucks my bottom lip into her mouth. “I want you because, since the day I met you, I’ve thought of nothing else but what it would feel like to have you inside me.”

And just like that, my brain is gone.

I kiss her with everything I have. I kiss her like I don’t know how long I have left with her. And maybe that’s because I don’t.

She rubs herself up against my aching cock, and the need to be inside her becomes urgent.

“Fuck, Mia,” I groan.

Keeping hold of her, I wade through the water and walk up the bank, not wanting to let go of her for one second, with only one destination is in mind – my bed.

Mia’s hands are gripping my shoulders, nails digging in my damp skin. Her wet tits are pressed up against my chest, begging for me to touch them.

Sliding the palm of my hand over the lace of her bra, I rub her already hard nipple through it. Then I move my hand up, around the nape of her neck, driving my fingers into her hair, I take her mouth again in a deep, hard kiss.

She moans a sound so f**king erotic that I almost lose my shit right here.

When I finally reach my room, I kick the door shut, then lay her down on my bed.

My room is in darkness, the only light coming in through the window. I really want to see her, so I reach for the lamp, but she stops me.

“Leave it off.”

What? Why?

I want to see every gorgeous inch of her, but because it’s her, and I know she’ll have her reasons, I let it go and slowly retract my hand.

We can forego the light, but after tonight, I’m going to have every light in this goddamn room on so that I can see every beautiful inch of her.

I stare down at her, letting my eyes adjust to the dark. I see the creamy skinned silhouette of Mia on my bed, and it turns me on in a way I didn’t know possible.

I’ve never had a woman in my bed before. This has always been my space, but I want to share my space with her. I want her here. I want her in every aspect of my life.

Climbing up on the bed, I kneel between her parted legs.

I lean over her, hands pressing into the mattress either side of her head. I dip my mouth down and kiss her once.

Then I trail my hand with featherlight movements down her face, going down her neck until I reach the peak of br**sts where her still damp skin awaits me.

“Is this okay?” I check before diving in.

“Yes.” She sounds breathy and sexy. So damn hot.

Lifting her hand to my head, she slides her fingers into my damp hair.

I free one strap off her shoulder, letting it fall as I move the cup, freeing her breast.

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