Home > Trouble(60)

Author: Samantha Towle

I finally catch up with her just near the dance floor. Hooking my fingers into her tank top, I reel her back to me.

She turns.

Her eyes are wide, a fire still in them. Her chest is heaving up and down, and I’m literally lost for words. I have a hundred thoughts streaming through my mind—none of them clean—and I can’t seem to find one f**king word to start a coherent sentence.

And also, I’m trying really hard not to stare at her tits.

I see the anger in her eyes dim, and the Mia I know is back. “Oh god, Jordan, I’m so sorry. What I just said back there…” She covers her face with her hands. “God, I don’t know what came over me. I just … I didn’t like the way she was talking about you. It just … it made me so angry. And I don’t get angry – ever.”

I step into her space. Peeling her hands from her face, I hold them at her sides.

Those huge blues of hers blink up at me with total innocence. “What you did back there was good. You stood up for yourself. Shawna was being a bitch, and she deserved what you said. I’m just sorry she said those things to you because of me.”

She shakes her head. “It’s fine.”

“No, it’s not.” I dip my head closer to hers. “I’m not happy about the way Shawna treated you just then, but I am glad you got angry. You should get angry more often.” God, she should. She really should. “But mostly, I’m glad that you got angry over me.” Because it tells me you care, probably more than I deserve.

“Oh no … oh god! I told her that I don’t wear panties,” she says, like she’s not even heard a word I’ve said. An expression of horror flitting across her face. “In the middle of the club, I said ‘I don’t wear panties’.” She searches out my eyes. “I do wear them. All the time. Even for bed.” She closes her eyes on a groan. “Stop talking, Mia.”

I chuckle. “I never thought for a second that you didn’t wear panties.” Just wished, hoped, prayed…

Her eyes open back up, the look in them surprisingly alert. “Jordan, I know it’s none of my business, but … did you actually … go out with that girl? I only ask because … well…” she bites her lip. “She’s just not a very nice person.”

I wasn’t expecting her to say that. I consider my answer carefully before speaking. I’m not going to lie to her, but I’m going to make damn sure I say it in the right way.

“I never went out with Shawna – it never got that far.”

“Oh. Ahh,” Understanding flickers her eyes. “You just slept with her.”

“I’ve never actually slept with anyone. But … we did have sex, yes.”

She steps back, moving away from me, forcing me to let go of her.

“I know you told me about what you used to do … with women … and it’s fine, I’m not judging you. Not at all. And I know this is only our first date, and I don’t have a lot of experience in the dating field … well, when it comes to men in general, but I do know one thing … when I’m with someone, I’m with just them. And I want them to be the same with me. I understand if that’s different for you, but if you want to be with other women while we date … then I’m sorry, I’m not the right girl for you.”

Eh? I’m not entirely sure where this is coming from. I thought I’d been very clear about how I feel about her, but obviously not, so she needs to know.

And now.

“Mia, I’ve never really been with anyone to define parameters … I’ve never had a relationship. I’ve never dated anyone. You’re the first person I’ve ever had a real date with.”

She doesn’t say anything, her face blank, and I get this sudden ache in my chest.

I feel like I’m losing her before I’ve even gotten her.

“When I told you about me, the way I was, the way I behaved … the guy who you just got a glimpse of through Shawna, that is who I was. Not who I am now.”

She wraps her arms around herself in a protective manner. I hate that she feels she needs to shield herself from me.

“What changed?” Her voice is quiet, wavering.

“You.” I take the chance and move close to her again, closing my hands around her upper arms. She doesn’t pull away. It gives me hope. “You changed things for me.”

She looks away. “You’ve … changed things for me too.”

“I have?”

She nods, tugging on her lower lip with her thumb and forefinger.

“I see you, Mia. Only you.” My gaze drops to her lips.

She stops tugging on them, her hand falling to her side.

“This Is Love” by Will.i.am starts to filter in the background. The piano medley eases through the crowd toward us. Mia’s eyes lift to mine. My heart starts to kick a beat in my chest. Then the song explodes, like the heat between us, until there’s a bonfire of want flaring all around.

Her breathing falters, coming in quick … her eyes close on one of those sweet, short breaths … her lips part slightly…

And I know.

This is it.

The moment I’ve been waiting for since she walked into the hotel.

I lean into her, cupping her cheek in my hand, more than ready to press my mouth to those sweet lips of hers … and then the noise level around us increases exponentially until my ears are nearly bleeding from the squeals and screams of laughter.

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