Home > Leo's Chance(56)

Leo's Chance(56)
Author: Mia Sheridan

I yank the zipper on her dress down, lowering it until I’ve exposed the smooth skin of her shoulders. I bring my mouth back to hers as I lower it down her arms. When the swell of her h*ps stops the material from going any further in this position, she breaks our kiss and stands up, keeping eye contact as she lets it fall to the floor.

My eyes feel heavy, need coursing through me as I lean back in the chair, draping one arm over the back and watching the show which threatens the control I’m barely keeping in check.

Evie unhooks her bra slowly and lets it slide down her arms and drop to the floor. Her panties are next and she hooks her thumbs through the waistband and just as slowly, drags them down her legs to land on the floor with her bra. She kicks off her shoes and steps out of her panties. My eyes have been following each piece of material as it falls down her body, and now they roam back up over her, standing before me in all her na**d perfection. My gaze meets hers and I see hesitation mixed with desire. Somehow the fact that she’s a little nervous makes what she just did all the sexier.

I reach down and unbutton my pants and take my zipper down, never releasing eye contact with her. I want to reassure her by showing her what she does to me. As I spring my erection free, she finally breaks contact and follows my hand with her eyes. Her eyes turn glassy as I stroke myself. Oh God, that’s not a good idea. I’m barely hanging on by a thread here. The small whimper that comes from Evie’s throat inflames me. "Touch yourself, Evie," I choke out.

The hesitation I saw in her eyes seems to have vanished. She does what I say immediately, touching her ni**les lightly, and then bringing one hand down between the v-shaped, short dark curls and fingering herself as she moans, her lips parting. That thread of control I’ve been holding onto snaps.

"Fuck! I need to be in you now, baby," I manage, grabbing her by the h*ps and bringing her back to straddle me again, her knees on the chair next to my hips. I bring her down on top of me, thrusting with my h*ps in a force that impales her completely. Her internal muscles clench me briefly right before she pulls up and then slams back down on me. Stars blink in my head. Oh God, that’s good. I grunt at the surge of pleasure that streaks down my spine.

I watch her as she experiments with this new position, riding me, taking her pleasure from my body and it’s so f**king hot that I don’t know if I can hold out much longer.

As she moves up and down on me, stroking us both toward orgasm, I bring my mouth to her breast, sucking the nipple into my mouth. As I lathe the hardened peak, I roll its twin between my thumb and pointer, and then switch sides. When I lean back, a growl comes up my throat when I see that her ni**les are dark and wet from my mouth and her lips are red and swollen from my kisses. For some reason the sight inflames me, a primal satisfaction rising up in me at the evidence of my lovemaking on her body.

As I feel my cl**ax rising up in me, I grab her hips, guiding her harder and faster, taking what I need. "Christ! Fuck!" I grunt out as the pleasure explodes through me.

I take her mouth as she begins to peak, kissing her passionately as we both moan and grasp at each other.

We are still in each other’s arms for several minutes until our breath is steady again.

"What are you doing to me?" she finally asks.

I grin at her, chuckling quietly. "What are you doing to me?"

We clean up, and then fall onto the bed, Evie snuggling into me and squeezing me tightly as I wrap my arm around her.

"Did you take the red-eye out last night?" she asks. "You must be exhausted."

"Yeah. I thought I’d get a little sleep on the plane, but I sat next to this guy who wouldn’t stop chattering all night long. He was afraid to fly and I think talking kept him from panicking."

"Oh God, that’s awful – for both of you!"

"Yeah. Every time there was even a small bump, he would grab my thigh. Only in his panicked state, his aim wasn’t great every time, and he grazed my ‘boy parts’ more than once."

She laughs. "That’s probably close enough that you can cross joining the mile high club off your bucket list."

I laugh too. "Probably."

"Seriously – is it on your bucket list?" she asks, raising her head and lifting an eyebrow.

"Nah. But if it’s on yours, I could sacrifice." I grin down at her.

"I don’t know. I’ve never even flown before. I’ll let you know."


I pull her close and kiss the top of her head. "What’s on your bucket list, baby?"

She’s quiet for a minute, before she says softly, "Having a family."

My hand, moving slowly up and down her arm stills as her words wrap around me. It’s the only thing I’ve ever wanted too. With her. Only ever with her.

She must take my silence as discomfort because she says, "I mean, someday. In the future. If it happens. Not, like–"

"Evie, stop. You don’t have to qualify your answer. Wanting a family, especially when you’ve never had one is completely understandable."

She lifts her head and looks up into my eyes, and finally nods. "I just didn’t want you to think I was proposing to you or anything," she says, smiling now and laying her head back on my chest.

I laugh. "I would have said yes. Just for the record."

"Good to know," she says with a smile in her voice.

"But not for less than three carats."

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