Home > No Bad Days (The Fisher Brothers #1)(37)

No Bad Days (The Fisher Brothers #1)(37)
Author: J. Sterling

Three of my fraternity brothers were in the hotel room next to ours, drunk out of their minds, and shouting so loud it was like they were in the room with us. And when Jess and I walked through the front door of our suite after formal, one of the guys was screwing his girlfriend up against the wall like Spiderman.

I’d never seen Jess look so horrified as when she hauled ass into our bedroom and slammed the door. I followed quickly behind her as she went into the bathroom to get changed.

She turned to me, her eyes huge. “I can’t believe he’s just having sex with her and didn’t even stop when we walked in,” she said through a horrified sort of half laugh, half gasp.

I had no idea what to say. We were guys. We did whatever girls let us get away with.

I shrugged. “Actually, I was more shocked that she didn’t stop.”

Which was more or less the truth, although I knew those two had a reputation for doing it anywhere and everywhere. Another reason I was thankful to have my own master suite in the fraternity house. No one was fucking in my bathroom during our parties unless it was me.

“Did you have fun tonight?” I stepped up behind her, standing at the bathroom counter, and put my arms around her.

She leaned back against my chest. “Except for the girl who’s lucky she still has a hand, I had a great time. It was different, but I liked it.”

“I’m glad.”

Jess turned around to face me. “Did you have fun? I know you go to these things all the time, but do they ever get old?”

“Not when I’m with you.” I leaned down, my lips grazing hers before I pulled back.

“Don’t feed me lines, Nick.”

I smiled. This girl was always cutting to the chase. “I’m not. Yeah, they get old, but not tonight. You let me wear a hat! No one has ever let me wear a hat before.” I smiled as I grabbed the hat and tossed it off.

“Because you look hot in a hat. It was truly for my benefit.”

When she winked at me, I picked her up, setting her ass on top of the bathroom counter.

“Wanna go somewhere with me?” I asked, catching her off guard.


“I want to take you somewhere. Come with me?”

“Of course.” She smiled before wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling my mouth to hers.

“You probably want to change out of that dress, though.”

I pulled on a pair of jeans and a snug graphic tee, then watched as Jess peeled off her dress and stepped into some skinny jeans and an off-the-shoulder shirt that was sexy as hell.

I opened the passenger door for Jess and helped her into my truck, then drove us toward Santa Monica and my brothers’ bar. It would still most likely be packed, even though it was almost closing time.

The closer we got to Sam’s, the more excited I felt. My brothers and I didn’t get to spend nearly enough time together when I was growing up, or even now, so I loved visiting them at the bar. The minute I stepped inside, it felt like home. When something resonated so deeply inside you, you knew where you belonged. That’s how I felt at Sam’s with my family.

We got lucky as a car pulled out from in front of the bar just as we pulled up.

“We’re seeing your brothers?” Jess asked, her eyes wide with what looked like equal parts awe and concern.

“Yeah, why? They’ll love you, Jess.”

“You could have warned me.”

“Why? What would you have done differently?” I turned to study her.

“Nothing. But you know I’m not twenty-one yet.” She frowned. “I don’t want them to get in trouble.”

I’d already thought ahead, knowing that I wanted to bring her here at some point. Reaching into the center console, I grabbed my wallet and pulled out an ID to hand to her.

“Bettina Fisher from North Carolina?” She read the name and state before scowling at me. “You named me after my dog?”

“I thought you’d laugh.” I shrugged. “Plus, I knew you wouldn’t forget your fake name if it was familiar,” I said, hoping she picked up on the fact that I’d given her my last name.

“How’d you get this? It’s got my picture and everything.” She studied the ID, turning it over in her hands.

“I called in a favor. Come on.” I turned off the ignition and stuffed the keys into my front pocket as she closed her fist around the card.

“I’ve never had a fake ID before,” she whispered as we neared the security guard stationed at the front door.

“You’re fine,” I reassured her.

The security guard smiled as we approached. “Hey, Nick.”

“Hey, Kyle, this is Jess. Jess, Kyle.” I introduced the two and watched as she smiled at him, lighting up the whole damn street.

“Go on in,” he said with a nod of his head, and I pulled the nondescript door open.

The sound of the crowd hit my ears immediately as I scanned the packed space. From the outside, you couldn’t tell how many people were inside or what was going on.

My brothers both stood behind the bar, Ryan tossing bottles into the air and catching them effortlessly like some movie star while Frank looked on, his face changing from a grimace to a smile every few seconds.

“Those are your brothers?” Jess shouted above the noise, her eyes fixed on the two men behind the bar.

I couldn’t stop the smile from taking over my whole face as I pulled her toward them. “Yup.”

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