Home > Close to You (Fusion #2)(64)

Close to You (Fusion #2)(64)
Author: Kristen Proby

“Very,” he replies. His hand dips under the waistband of my yoga pants, but before he can make me too crazy, I move, urging him to sit up, and I straddle his lap, grinding my still-covered core over him. “Fuck, I never stop wanting you.” His voice is raw and his breath is coming in short pants. He drags his nails up my back and buries his fingers in my hair, fisting them and pulling.

“Oh, yeah,” I moan.

“You like that?”

“You know I do.” He lets go and I look down at him to find him grinning wickedly.

I love it when he looks at me like that. Very good things happen when he’s in this mood.

Wicked things.

Naughty things.

I can’t wait.

“I want to suck on you,” I murmur against his lips. Suddenly he palms my ass, flexing his fingers hard, and lifts me. I wrap my legs around his waist and hold on as he walks to the stairs.

“I have a better idea,” he replies, then kisses me as he climbs the stairs and gets us both settled, naked, on the bed.

“We’re never going to have sex on the couch.” I pout, then laugh when he bites the ball of my shoulder.

“Eventually,” he says. His tongue glides over my collarbone, and then he places a wet kiss at the hollow of my throat. “But for right now I want to make love to my fiancée in our bed.”

“I support that wholeheartedly.” I gasp when his hand glides down my stomach and his fingers find their way to my pussy. “You’re really great with your hands.”

“Just my hands?”

“So far.”

“Hmm.” He licks my neck, tugs my ear between his teeth, then proceeds to kiss me madly. His hand is playing me like an instrument, and I’m making sounds I didn’t know I was capable of. My hips are moving, rocking against him, and just when I’m about to fall over the ledge, he stops. “Not yet.”

“I’m so close,” I say, reaching for him. He captures my hands in one of his and pins them over my head.

“I’m in control here,” he says, his voice hard, but his eyes are happy and bright with lust. His gaze slowly slides from my face, down my torso to my wet pussy, and back up again. “You’re stunning.”

“You’re sexy as fuck and I want you.”

“God, I love it when you talk like that.” He lowers his pelvis to rest against mine. His cock is hard and heavy, resting against my wetness, and he begins to move in small pulses, rubbing the head against my clit. “How does that feel?”

“Shit, Landon.”

“Tell me.”

“I don’t know how,” I reply honestly. I can’t form words, and if he stops now, I’ll die. I bite my lip and gasp as my world splinters, sending me into an intense orgasm, and just when it’s almost over, he rears back and pushes inside me, burying himself to the hilt, and the orgasm starts all over again.


“Yes, baby,” he growls. “Look at me.”

I open my eyes. I’m blind at first, but then there he is, above me, watching me with those ice-blue eyes, so full of love and lust and admiration. He releases my hands and lifts my left leg, hitching it over his shoulder, and opening me up so wide, plunging so deep, I can hardly stand it.

“You are so fucking sweet,” he whispers roughly, and begins to pound me in earnest, our hips rocking and meeting in a rhythm as old as time. I can’t take my eyes off of him now. His muscles are flexed, sweat has beaded on his brow and neck, and he’s the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen.

Just when I think it can’t get any better, he slips his hand between us and circles my clit with his thumb, and suddenly my muscles flex, squeezing him, and I come undone, shaking, trembling, unable to control myself.

He cries out as he comes, pushing into me once, then again, and holding himself there as he empties himself into me.

When he covers me, bracing himself on his elbows, we’re both out of breath. I can barely move.

“Love you so much,” he whispers, his hands in my hair. I find the strength to drag my hands up his back and down his arms, and then circle back around to his ass, where I give him a little squeeze.

“I love you too.”

Chapter 18


I’m in heaven. There is a cat, curled up and purring, next to my hip and a beautiful woman draped around me, her head on my chest and arm around my waist. We’re snuggled up under the covers early in the morning one week later.

“I don’t want you to go,” Cami says softly. She hugs me tighter, clinging to me, and buries her sweet face in my neck.

“I’ll only be gone for a couple of days, baby.”

She nods, but I know she’s not convinced. This will be my second trip down to San Diego for meetings about the new flight school.

My traveling makes her nervous. I don’t know how to reassure her that it’s not permanent. That traveling full-time no longer interests me.

I guess only time will truly prove it to her.

I move to get out of bed, but she coils tighter, throwing her leg over mine now, and holds on tight. “Three more minutes.”

I chuckle and kiss her head. “I don’t want to miss my flight.”

She tips her head back so she can look up at me and pouts. “Stay.”

“Turn your dimple off, sweetheart,” I say with a laugh, and trace the spot in her cheek. “You know I can’t resist it.”

“That’s my evil plan,” she says, and drags her hand down my stomach to my cock. “Don’t you have a little time?”

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