Home > Close to You (Fusion #2)(71)

Close to You (Fusion #2)(71)
Author: Kristen Proby

“I’d texted Kat and told her that Cami’s doctor was the sexiest doctor I’d ever seen and she dared me to sneak a picture and send it to her. But I forgot to turn the flash off.”

“Seriously?” Landon says.

“Oh, come on.” I jump in to Mia’s defense. “Kat dared her.”

“If she dared you to jump off a bridge, would you do that too?”

“Possibly. Depends on the circumstances,” Mia says with a sassy smile. “Like you’ve ever passed up a dare in your life, brother.”

“I didn’t flash my camera in the doctor’s face.”

“That doctor has seen your fiancée naked,” she reminds him.

“Yeah, he’s lucky I didn’t punch him,” Landon says, and kisses my forehead. “Are you ready to go home?”

“So ready.” I nod and scoot over so he can join me on the bed. “Snuggle me.”

“That bed is kind of small for snuggling,” Mia says, then rolls her eyes when Landon complies. He cuddles me close and kisses my cheek. “You guys are disgusting.”

“You need a man to cuddle,” I say, and laugh when she shakes her head.

“I don’t need to cuddle.”

“Cuddling is nice,” I reply with a sigh, and lean against my firm, strong man.

Chapter 20


“It’s about fucking time you got married,” Lucas says a month later. We’re in the room I grew up in at my parents’ house, getting dressed for the wedding.

“You’re not married, and we’re the same age, idiot,” I reply, and grin. We love slinging insults at each other.

“I’m not the settling-down kind of guy,” he says, completely lost as to how to tie his tie. So I walk to him and shove his hands away, doing it myself. “A wild man like me can’t be tamed.”

“Or you’re too ugly for any woman to want to look at you for the rest of her life.” I laugh and cinch up the tie, too tight, of course.

“Ha ha,” he replies, and walks to the mirror to adjust his tie and slip into his jacket. “So you guys decided against going to the courthouse?”

“Yeah.” I nod and grin, remembering Cami’s face when I suggested the church. “Even if it’s still a small thing, she deserved something more special. She’s always had a soft spot for that old church down the street. You know, the tiny one that our moms used to drag us to for Sunday school when we were little?”

“I know the one.” Lucas’s face sobers. “How is she?”

“She’s doing better,” I reply, and nod, thinking of my strong girl. “She suggested us going to therapy right after she lost the baby.”

“Really?” he asks with surprise. “You’re in therapy? Has hell frozen over?”

“I was surprised too, but I’m glad she did. We’ve had some interesting conversations, that’s for sure. It’s been good for both of us.” I shrug and smile at my longtime friend. “You could use some therapy yourself.”

“Nah, I’m happy with all of my dysfunctional ways.”

“How’s it going in here?” Jake asks as he and Steven walk into the room. “Aw, don’t you just clean up all pretty like?”

“Fuck you,” I reply calmly, but my palms are sweaty and I’m more than a little nervous. Not at the thought of marrying Cami. There’s nothing I want more in the world. I’m just antsy. I’m ready to get this all over with, so she’s finally my wife and we can move forward with our lives. “Why are you guys here?”

“Because we’ve been banned from the girls’ domain,” Steven says. “And I’m sick of seeing Aunt Cami cry. Girls are so sentimental.”

“Get used to it, kid,” Lucas says, slapping Steven on the back.

“Also, she kept telling me I look so cute, like I’m twelve or something.” He shudders. “It’s gross.”

“Awww, you’re just so cute,” I say, and pinch Steven’s cheek, then slap it lightly. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

“I should warn you,” Jake says as we stomp down the stairs and out to our cars. My parents left for the church earlier to help with any finishing touches. “They’ve been drinking champagne like it’s going out of style, since Addie can drive. Let’s just hope they can stumble into the church.”

“They’ll be fine,” I reply. “You bozos are taking your own ride. I’m not giving you a lift to the restaurant after the ceremony.”

“You’re so selfish, wanting your bride all to yourself,” Lucas says with a grin. I just wave them off and drive my own car down the street, then take a deep breath and walk inside. The church is so charming all on its own that it didn’t require much for decoration. There are some candles lit, and a bouquet of flowers on the altar, but that’s it. All of the girls are already sitting, along with Cami’s siblings, who traveled for the occasion, Ringo and his wife, and my family.

We wanted to keep the guest list small, inviting only those we’re truly close to to share our day.

Steven disappears into a side room, and Jake joins Addie in the front row as Lucas and I walk to the front of the church where the minister is already standing.

“Are you ready?” he asks me.

“I’ve been ready for weeks,” I reply truthfully. He smiles and nods at the pianist, queuing him to begin the “Wedding March.”

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