Home > More of You (Confessions of the Heart #1)(34)

More of You (Confessions of the Heart #1)(34)
Author: A.L. Jackson

“Stay away from them.” Jace’s teeth ground together so hard he could hear his jaw clicking in his ears.

This guy would probably destroy him in a fight, but Jace didn’t care. He’d gladly go down in a blaze if it protected Ian and Joseph from the seedy shit he was so clearly wrapped up in.

The guy grinned. “I’ll see you around.” He reached up and straightened Jace’s collar, pulling hard as he brought them nose to nose. “Jace.”

He released Jace and ambled out like nothing had been said. Jace slammed the door shut, glaring at Ian and Joseph, who were still sitting on the ground. “What the fuck do you two think you’re doing?”

Ian blinked, hugging his knees to his chest. “He just wanted to talk to us.”

“About what?” The words were an accusation.

Joseph pushed to his feet, lifted his chin. “About a business opportunity.”

Rage blistered across Jace’s skin, this horror that took him hostage as he thought of Ian and Joseph getting caught up in that world.

Jace flew across the room, getting in Joseph’s face. “Stay away from that guy. Do you hear me? He is nothing but trouble.”

“We were only listening to what he had to say,” Ian said quietly.

Jace’s attention darted toward him, his words hard. “Well, don’t. They’re lies. There’s nothing that he can say to you that will amount to anything but you becoming exactly what the world thinks you are.”

“Maybe you’re just jealous he asked us instead of you.” Defiance radiated from Joseph, and Jace swung his gaze back on his cousin.

“I’m warning you, Joseph. Stay away from that guy.”

A snarl curled Joseph’s face, taunting Jace with his own words. “Whatever it takes to survive, remember? We look out for ourselves. Do whatever we have to do to make it.”

Jace looked between the two of them. “Not when it comes to us. We look out for each other. Take care of each other. And I’m telling you that you aren’t sniffing up anything but a dead end with that guy.”

Most likely a body bag.

Joseph shook his head. “I think the problem is that you’re so wrapped up in that stupid girl, trying to impress her, that you’ve forgotten who you are.”

Ian nodded, his anger over the time Jace had been spending with Faith flooding out of him in a streak of jealousy.

But Joseph’s jealousy was different.

Jace knew it. Felt it in his gut.

Before he even realized what he was doing, Jace pushed Joseph against the wall. His back slammed against the paneling and the trailer shook on its rickety foundation. “Leave Faith out of this.”

Hating the instant reaction, the instant aggression, Jace took a step back, trying to get himself together. His voice trembled when he pointed at Joseph, praying he’d get it, that he’d understand. “I’m warning you. Stay away from him. I’m telling you for your own good.”

He looked at Ian. “Both of you. You hear me?”

Ian nodded.

“Whatever you say, Boss Man,” Joseph said, nothing but venom on his tongue.

Jace stumbled, his hand still on the doorknob as he peered into the darkened trailer. A moan echoed back from somewhere within.

Dread curled through his insides, and he held his breath as he fumbled to flick on the light switch.

Hazy light filtered into the space, and the dread he was feeling turned to horror when he saw his brother in a ball on the floor in the corner.

He rushed that way and dropped to his knees. His hands were shaking like crazy when he gently rolled his brother over.

A shocked gasp rocked from Jace’s lungs.

Blood covered Ian’s face. It dripped from his nose, and his upper lip was busted open. One of his eyes was swollen closed, purple and black bruises already beginning to rise to the surface.

“Ian,” he wheezed. “What happened?”

“I . . . Steven. You told me to stay away from him, so . . . so I tried to keep him out of the house when he showed up here. I tried, Jace. I promise, I tried to make you proud.”

Jace’s jaw clenched.

Fury blistered. Scoring into his consciousness. Penetrating to the ugly, dark spot in his soul.

That piece of shit did this?

“It’s okay,” he attempted to murmur, to comfort his brother, his words raking from his raw throat. “It’s okay.”

Ian nodded and then winced in pain as he moved.

“It’s okay,” Jace whispered again, helping his brother to stand. Knowing it wasn’t even close to the truth.

The pompous fucker straightened his suit jacket as he stepped out of his car and onto the sidewalk. Jace didn’t hesitate. He rushed up behind him and shoved him as hard as he could.

His back bowed as he stumbled forward a step before Steven whirled around. He cracked a grin when he saw Jace. But Jace wasn’t smiling back. He was throwing a fist. As hard as he could.

It cracked against the guy’s face. His head rocked back, and Jace didn’t slow, didn’t wait, he dove for him, tackling him to the ground.

A frenzy lit inside Jace. All the anger and hostility he possessed rising to the surface.


“You hurt my brother. You piece of shit, you hurt my brother.”

Jace threw punch after punch. They landed on the guy’s chin. His jaw. His nose. Bones crunching and flesh splitting.

It only fueled the fire.

The hot hatred that burned inside Jace.

He wanted to end him.

Erase the threat.

All of it.

The drugs he was feeding his mama, the hook he had in Joseph.

Most of all, he wanted to get retribution for Ian. His brother who was so brave and so damned stupid.

“You disgusting piece of shit. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you.”

Jace didn’t even know what he was saying, his rage so intense, red was the only thing he could see.

He could barely feel the blow that jolted through him when a fist landed on his cheek.


Feet pounded around him, and voices shouted.

He didn’t slow. He pounded and pounded and pounded.

Hands were suddenly on him, dragging him back, pinning him facedown on the ground. Cuffs were slapped around his wrists.

Jace lifted his head.

Blood dripped to the sidewalk from his mouth, and he could barely make out the figure who was pushing up to sitting, wiping the red from his face, grinning at Jace like he was the one who’d won.

“I’ll kill you,” Jace shouted.

He was jerked up, his feet coming out from under him, two officers dragging him away.

“I’ll kill you.”

The cell door buzzed, and Jace warily fumbled out, his head hung low as he was released.

Questions swirled around him, the worry of his fate and wondering how his mom had scraped together the money to bail him out.

He’d never hated his world more than right then. Who he was and where he came from. He’d never regret what he did—sticking up for his brother. Protecting him. But he would always regret what lived inside him.

Regret the fact that he was supposed to meet Faith last night and he hadn’t shown. He could only imagine what she’d thought when she’d been out in front of that house in the middle of the night and he wasn’t there.

Fear trembled through his spirit. Because he’d never been so sure than right then that he would never be good enough for her.

He stepped out into the sunlight, blinking against the bright day, only for his guts to twist when he saw the asshole leaning against the side of the building.

He pushed from the wall and grinned at Jace like they were the best of friends. “Ah. Jace Jacobs, the little destroyer. What you did last night wasn’t very smart, but I can’t say I’m not glad you did it. You owe me. Now get in my car.”

Jace’s guts curled in the tightest knot, his spirit pulsing with dread.



“I think it’d be best if I just stayed home.” I wasn’t in love with the way my voice cracked with a shot of uncertainty.

But that was the way Jace Jacobs had always made me feel.

Uncertain and confused and itchy and wanting things I shouldn’t want.

“I have to go, Faith. And that means you’re coming with me.”

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