Home > Tracker's End (Wind Dragons MC #3)(71)

Tracker's End (Wind Dragons MC #3)(71)
Author: Chantal Fernando

“You’re mine,” he replies simply. “People need to know.”

“Caveman,” I utter.

“Only when it comes to you.”

There is no winning with this man.

* * *

I find that with the right angle, speed, and rhythm, I can make Tracker come again soon after he’s just come. He’d just finished thirty minutes ago, and he’s ready to do so again.

“Fuck, Lana,” he grits out. “You really know how to work me, don’t you?”

I smile seductively.

I’d once asked Tracker what goes through his mind when we’re making love. Does he have any sweet thoughts? Or is it all hot, tight, wet-pussy thoughts? As a writer and as his lover, I wanted to know. His response was a classic one.

“When I’m rock-hard, I’m like a shark. Concentrating and going in for the kill. I don’t think much of anything besides reaching my goal.”

Tonight, I was the same. Well besides the rock-hard part. But I wanted to blow his mind, so I was concentrating on doing just that. I’m on top, straddling him. He has his hands on my ass, squeezing tightly as I ride him into oblivion.

“Right there,” he groans. “Fuck. Yes. Lana.”

I lift my hips up and push back down on him, over and over again. The feeling of him inside me is one that will never get old. Being connected to him, it’s like this is where I’m meant to be.

We’re animals, living off our base instincts.

I belong to him, and he belongs to me.

Nothing else matters in this moment except each other, pleasure, and our connection. Tracker is a man who both respects me and protects me. He’s an alpha male, but he also knows how to listen, how to take how I’m feeling into consideration. He’s a shade of gray, no white or black.

I lean down and kiss his mouth, but he soon takes over, kissing me with a passion that should frighten me.

But it doesn’t, it fuels me.

His want, his need, his obsession fuels my own.

We’re bound, Tracker and I.

Whether that’s a good or a bad thing is yet to be seen.


THE guy who Tracker hit, from the Kings of Hell MC, his name is Zed. And he is standing right in front of me at Rift.

“Hello,” he says, grinning at me.

“Hi,” I say, staring at his black eye. “Sorry my man hit you.”

He laughs. “I would’ve done the same if you were mine.”

I look around. “Do the Wind Dragons know you’re here?”

He nods. “We’re here for a peace-meet-up kind of thing. We’re going to prove we can all get along here with no issues.”

I didn’t get it, but whatever. “You know if Tracker sees you talking to me there will be no peace.”

He smiles again. I don’t think he’s the sharpest tool in the shed. “Tracker’s out front talking with our prez. Maybe we could sneak in a quick dance?”

The man has a death wish.

“No, thank you,” I say. “But thanks for the offer.”

“What she means is, fuck off,” Anna says, coming to stand next to me. “She’s just too nice to say it.”

“But you’re not?”

She shakes her head. “Nope. I like doing it.”

“Are you taken?”

She grins, flashing her teeth. “Yeah, by Arrow. If you want to live you’ll step away, because I don’t want my man going back to prison.”

Zed leaves, but I don’t miss the twitch of his mouth.

“Men are weird,” I announce.

“The Kings of Hell are weird,” she replies. “Talon’s coming here tonight too. Whose stupid idea was this? Someone is gonna get killed.”

“Hopefully it’s one of the Kings,” I mutter under my breath, making Anna laugh.

“You really are Wind Dragons, you know that, right?” she says. “I love you, Lana.”

“Love you too, Anna Bell,” I reply. “We should hug. This is a hugging moment.”

We do.


“I’m joining this hug,” Faye announces, wrapping an arm around each of us.

“Everything okay?” Sin asks, walking up to his wife.

“Yeah,” we all reply at the same time.

Sin looks over all of us. “Didn’t know I have three wives.”

Faye pulls away from us and goes to her man’s side. “Everything okay?”

Sin nods. “Yeah, everything is okay. We have a few leads on Allie’s death, so we’re going to see what we can come up with. Until then, stay close, don’t separate, and always have someone with you when you leave the clubhouse.”

“We know,” Faye says. “We’re being careful.”

“Good,” he says. “Now let’s try getting through this meeting without someone dying. Whose idea was this again?”

Anna smirks. “Not ours.”

“Fuck,” Sin mutters. “I need a drink.”

“I’ll order a round,” Faye says. “I think we all need a damn drink.”

Surprisingly, the rest of the night progresses without incident. As the Kings head out, Tracker tells me that tonight was actually for a reason—they’d set some kind of trap.

“Are you going to dance with me?” I ask him, running my fingers down his arm.

“I will.” He grins. “When a good song comes on.”

“What’s wrong with this song?” I ask.

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