Home > Tracker's End (Wind Dragons MC #3)(66)

Tracker's End (Wind Dragons MC #3)(66)
Author: Chantal Fernando


“Good answer.”

“It’s the truth,” he says, crouching down to pat Evie. “I better get going, had a missed call from Sin. I’ll come pick you up tonight.”

He kisses me, his mouth lingering. “Love you, baby.”

“Love you too,” I reply dreamily.

“Call me if you need anything.”

“What if I need something now?” I ask, playing coy.

He looks down at Evie.

“In the bedroom,” I suggest. “Meet you there.”

I start running to my room, but he catches me and throws me over his shoulder. “As if your short legs could outrun me.”

“I have long legs for my height!” I argue.

He chuckles. “Compared to mine?”

“Maybe I wanted to get caught.”

He slaps my ass, the sound echoing throughout the room. “I know you wanted to get caught.”

“Now that you have me, what are you going to do with me?” I ask, putting on my best sultry tone.

“Hmmmm,” he murmurs, throwing me down on the bed. He glances at the mirrors on my bedroom sliding doors. “I think I’m gonna fuck you from behind, watching your face and pretty tits in the mirror.”

I clamp my thighs together. Yeah, I might like this idea.

“And then what?” I probe.

“Then, I’m gonna pull out, go down on you, tasting your sweet pussy. After you come, I’m gonna lie you down on your side, sliding into you until both of us come again,” he says in a low tone. “Then I’m gonna get back to the clubhouse before Sin kills me.”

Two hours later, Tracker leaves.

There’s my exercise for the day.



ANNA, Faye, Jess, and I are at the clubhouse, cooking a huge dinner for the men. Several members from other chapters are visiting, and we want to be good hosts. Faye got the call first from Sin.

“Yes, they’re all here with me,” she says into her phone, sounding worried. She looks us over. “Anna, Jess, Lana, and me.” She pauses. “All right.”

She looks up at us. “We’re not allowed to leave the clubhouse under any circumstances.”

“Why?” Anna asks, putting down the potato peeler. “What’s happened now?”

“No idea,” Faye replies. “The men are still coming to visit, so let’s get this food made. I’ll grab my gun in case anything does happen.”

“Clover?” I ask.

“She’s protected,” Faye replies.

We watch her with wide eyes as she leaves to get her gun.

The woman is badass.

I look to Anna. “What are you going to get? Knives?”

She laughs, and pulls some brass knuckles out of her bag. “I have these babies.”

I roll my eyes. “Where the hell did you get those?”

Faye walks back into the kitchen. “I’ll go talk to Blade and whoever else is here. Lana, can you speak to Vinnie? He’s in his room last I saw.”

I walk to Vinnie’s door and knock. No answer. I try again but nothing. Turning the doorknob, I find the door unlocked, so I open it and peer inside. The bedroom is empty, so he must be in the bathroom.

“Vinnie?” I call out. I knock on the bathroom door, but there’s no answer. Turning the knob, I find it locked. What the hell is going on? I rush back out to the women.

“His bathroom door is locked but there’s no answer,” I say. “Something feels wrong.”

We all share a look.

“Anna, get Blade. He’s out front working on his bike.”

Anna nods and runs to the front yard, her brass knuckles in her hand.

“It could be nothing,” Jess says, glancing to Faye.

“I guess we’ll find out,” Faye replies, walking to Vinnie’s room with her gun in her hand. “Jess, call Sin and tell him to get here now just in case. I have a bad feeling too.”

Jess nods and grabs her phone as Faye and I enter Vinnie’s room.

“Fuck,” Faye bites out, her tone laced with panic.

“What?” I ask, following her gaze. “Shit.”

There was blood.

Sliding from under the bathroom door.

We both run to the door, trying to open it, banging on it, trying to kick it down—everything to no avail.

“Is there a window we could get in from?” I ask. Tracker’s bathroom has a window I could fit through; maybe Vinnie’s is the same. All I’d have to do is push out the screen.

Anna runs in with Blade.

“What the fuck is going on?” he asks.

We point to the blood. “Can you kick this door open? We need to get to him, now!”

We all move aside as Blade kicks open the door. It takes three tries, his huge biker boots denting the door until it finally gives.

What we see when we open the door shocks the hell out of all of us.

It isn’t Vinnie inside his bathroom.

It’s Allie.

And she’s dead.

* * *

The men arrive.

Vinnie rides up on his bike—apparently he was with Sin the whole time, not in his room. But the question is, who killed Allie, and how did they get into the clubhouse?

The men are pissed. On edge. Wondering who was behind this shit.

They check the entire compound from top to bottom, and someone takes Allie’s body away. The bathroom is cleaned by a professional. Then the men head to the off-limits room to have a club meeting, or church, as they call it.

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