Home > Crown of Lies (Truth and Lies Duet #1)(59)

Crown of Lies (Truth and Lies Duet #1)(59)
Author: Pepper Winters

Shifting my skirt high so I could spread my legs, I jumped and did exactly what he told me, my body taking control.

He grunted as he caught my weight before crushing me against the door again. “We’re both going to come. We’re going to do it together. And we’re not going to overthink it or ruin it by refusing what our bodies so fucking desperately need, got it?”

I had no other choice.

I nodded.

I didn’t know if he meant he planned to take me against my door or if he’d use his fingers or expected my mouth but all questions died like flightless birds the moment he thrust again.

Reaching between us, he pulled down his trousers, freeing himself and wedging his naked cock against my panty-covered pussy.

With my legs around his waist, his hardness lined up perfectly against every inch of me.

“Christ, you’re soaked.” He looked down. “Soon, I’m going to see every inch of you, Elle, but for now, you owe me an orgasm.”

Confusion hit me. So he meant to keep the tiny piece of cotton and lace between us? That we would grind and come but not consummate?

His jaw clenched, his messy hair tumbling over his forehead. His biceps bulged from holding me as he curved into me. “Kiss me.” His voice was hoarse.

I gave up my questions and denial and tipped my head up.

He groaned, capturing my mouth with his. His lips were firm and warm. His pressure the perfect accompaniment. His tongue dived inside, tasting me, fighting me with deep licks.

And then, he moved.

Slow and deep, thrusting his long length against my wet panties, grinding into me at exactly the right spot. His hands dropped to my ass, tightening and pinching with each rock, driving me insane.

He didn’t attempt to enter me. He remained on the outskirts, keeping cotton as our prison guard, letting temptation be our mistress.

I lost track of everything as his kisses swept me away and his hips kept me anchored to him and only him. I distantly noticed my hands swooped up to capture his face and hair. Tugging and yanking, I directed him to kiss me harder, thrust faster—deepening the connection between us.

He growled into the kiss, his tongue turning into a lashing whip as his body moved faster over mine, igniting electricity and chemistry and fire. The pounding of his heartbeat echoed into me as we clawed and clung, climbing and climbing, desperately seeking the pleasure just out of reach.

“Fuck, I want you.” He thrust harder. “I can’t stop.” Cupping my ass, he angled me in just the right way. My clit spindled with the beginnings of an orgasm.

I pressed tight against him, aware of every hard intoxicating piece of his body.

His face contorted. “Jesus, I’m going to come.”

My skin misted with sweat, blistering with sensitivity. Penn’s hand slid up my thigh, grabbing me so hard I shivered with a mixture of fear and abandon.

A low rumble vibrated in his chest as his pace increased and I clutched him tight. Our teeth clacked together as our kiss turned sloppy, our bodies turned manic, and the orgasm teasing us erupted into being.

I split in two.

I melted into a puddle.

Wave after wave, I shuddered in his arms, cringing and crying as his cock kept me flying far too high. I was vaguely aware of his head falling back, his fingernails breaking my skin and the shot of stickiness on my inner thigh.

Even sated, my body still strained to get closer, to increase our contact until he was inside me, not just touching me.

I didn’t know who shook more—him or me.

Lowering his head, his face blank and eyes dazed from his release, he claimed my mouth again with a thread of violence I hungered for. He drank me as I drank him. We groaned together as he rocked slower this time, highlighting sore extremities, encouraging final tingles to remain.

Then someone knocked on the door.

Shattering our moment.

Reminding us we weren’t alone.

Chapter Nineteen

“ELLE, ARE YOU free for a quick chat?”

I froze in Penn’s arms as Dad’s voice deleted any sexual heat, slamming me back into a girl who had no right, none, to act the way I just did.

“Shit,” I hissed under my breath.

The knob turned beside my hip where Penn still wedged me against the door. His eyes narrowed as he grabbed it, preventing it from unlatching.

“Answer him,” he growled low. “Tell him to leave.”

“Elle? Are you in there?” The knock came again.

My racing heart made it hard to speak. “Yeah, Dad, I am. Just—it’s a bad time. Can you come back later?”

A slight pause followed by a huffed, “This is important. I’d rather we have a quick talk now.”

Every nightmare had come true.

“Uh, okay. Just—”

Penn stepped back, letting my legs slide from his hips to place me on the floor. The moment I was standing, he let me go, hastily tucking his cock into his jeans and yanking up his belt. He gave me a look so villainous he stole my breath.

“Just give me a minute!” My hands flew to my hips to pull my skirt down, but Penn stopped me with a slight curve in his lips.

His finger smeared something sticky and cool on my inner thigh. His voice didn’t break a murmur. “You’re about to have a conversation with your father while my cum is drying on your skin.” He smiled ruthlessly. “I think it’s safe to say you’re mine now.”

I couldn’t talk to him about cum or sex. Not with my father only a few feet away. Shoving him back, I wrenched my skirt down, hastily did up my blouse, and dragged my hands through my wild hair.

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