Home > Crown of Lies (Truth and Lies Duet #1)(63)

Crown of Lies (Truth and Lies Duet #1)(63)
Author: Pepper Winters

Stuffing my face with salmon crostini or risotto balls wasn’t exactly correct etiquette.

Striding in cream heels, I approached the maître-d. “Hello, I’m looking for the Loveline party?”

“Ah, yes. Right this way.” The headwaiter nodded and guided me into the restaurant, around quaint tables and big tables to a large one at the back of the room where it was quieter. Blue velvet drapes hung on the walls while the salt and pepper shakers were in the shape of cute bunnies.

Nearing the table, Jennifer Stark stood up and waited with her hand outstretched. “Hello again, Ms. Charlston.”

I shook her hand warmly. “Please, call me Elle.”

“Elle then.” Letting me go, she sat back down while motioning to the three other diners around the table. “This is Bai, Andrew, and Yumaeko from the merchandising and production departments in Shenzhen.”

“Hello.” I nodded politely.

Settling into the last remaining seat, I glanced once around the restaurant, afraid that just like the other times I’d been in public, Penn might show up. He seemed to have a knack for finding me.

Jennifer leaped straight into it while two waiters brought water and an array of starters to the table. “As you know, Loveline is an up-and-coming label we’re hoping will find a niche market at Belle Elle.”

I opened my folder and pulled out my voice recorder. I’d long since stopped trying to take notes. This way Fleur could type up the important points when I headed into the office tomorrow.

“Can you tell me a bit about what Loveline will consist of?”

Jennifer smiled shyly at her co-workers before reaching into her bag and pulling out a pamphlet. She kept it face-down, passing it over the white tablecloth. “The world is much more open about sexuality these days, and we believe capitalizing on this openness is a prime opportunity, especially with more erotic literature and movies in the mainstream market.”

I turned the leaflet over and promptly slapped it against my chest, so the young waitress didn’t see the giant glittery dildo on the front. “You’re proposing sex toys? In a major department store?”

“We’re proposing toys for adults in a private room located within the lingerie department, yes.”

My cheeks burned.

Up until Penn came into my life, I hadn’t had to deal with sex at all. Now, my dreams were saturated in skin and panting. My days consumed with kissing and thrusting. And now, I had to talk about dildos being sold under our brand.

“I’m not so sure that’s appropriate.”

Jennifer grinned, her red hair tied in a neat bun on the top of her head. “I thought you’d say that, so I brought the latest numbers from Mark Sacs in Australia, who recently introduced the Loveline to their department stores with record-breaking success.” She slid another pamphlet toward me, only this time, the numbers and graphs weren’t so risqué.

My eyes widened as I glanced at the figures. “Wow, that’s impressive.”

“The entire stock of two hundred Seahorses and three hundred Hummingbirds were sold in the first week alone. They’ve had to reorder three times since introducing, along with a massive bump in sales on lingerie just from add-on purchases.” She grinned. “The bottom line talks, Elle.”

I looked up. “What exactly is a Seahorse and a Hummingbird?”

Her business partners chuckled as she slid over a small black bag with pink crepe paper sticking from the top. “I thought you might ask. Included are samples from our top sellers including the Tiger Tail, Rattlesnake, and Panda kiss.”

“All named after animals?” I tugged the bag and placed it securely in my lap, leaning over the top to keep the contents hidden while I peeked inside.

There in neat, classy see-through teal boxes were an array of dildos, vibrators, and bejeweled plugs.

I closed it, swallowing hard as my fantasies imagined Penn wielding one of those as he fisted his cock in his hand. Jennifer was right. Men and women still played. I was in a long-running game myself and had no doubt others dabbled with toys and apparatus.

Why not capitalize on such an emerging and now acceptable market?

Dad will have a fit.

But I was the boss.

And I was curious.

Placing the bag by my ankle, I linked my hands on the table and smiled. “Let’s talk.”

* * * * *

Penn (8:45p.m.): Three days is too long. I’ve allowed you to avoid me out of respect. But tonight, you’re mine.

Penn (9:15 p.m.): I have methods to find you, Elle. I gave you my word I wouldn’t lie to you, so believe me when I say I’m tasting you tonight and you’ll fucking beg for more.

Penn (9:35 p.m.): Seeing as you didn’t text back, I’ve used the GPS on your phone to find your location.

Penn (9:55 p.m.): Fuck, you look sexy while you talk business.

My head shot up, glancing around the restaurant.

I’d felt my phone vibrate a few times during the business meeting but hadn’t checked it. I didn’t want to be rude and interrupt the flow of figures and forecasts. I’d only taken it out to text David and tell him I was almost done and to bring the car around.

That was until I found multiple texts from Penn.

My heart mimicked the rabbit salt and pepper shakers, hopping around my chest as I searched the last remaining diners. Being a Tuesday meant few people lingered over their meals, needing to head home for another early start tomorrow.

“Everything okay?” Jennifer asked, signing off her credit card bill for the tapas we’d nibbled on throughout the presentation. I’d offered to pay, but she hadn’t let me. Not that she would mind, seeing as I’d placed a significant order to be delivered in two months to test the market.

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