Home > Crown of Lies (Truth and Lies Duet #1)(51)

Crown of Lies (Truth and Lies Duet #1)(51)
Author: Pepper Winters

I shivered, doing my best to keep my thoughts focused and not on the molten heat inside. Having him so close didn’t help. He’d been gorgeous in the club—dappled in strobes and painted in shadows—but out here; out here where the vague lights of apartments and streetlights didn’t dare enter the sanctity of the alley, he was camouflaged in darkness.

His shoulders strained against the stitches of his suit. His forearms ropey and tanned with his cuffs pushed up. His entire body flexed as he waved a hand with feline grace, hiding the throbbing tension between us, pretending he hadn’t just fired my libido to the point of excruciation.

“I’m not answering any more of your questions,” I hissed. “Who the hell are you? What do you want from me?”

Sighing heavily, his lips pouted, blood smeared a little to make him seem part vampire. “You already know what I want.”

“But who are you?”

“I’m someone you can be free with.”

“I don’t know what that means.”

“It means you don’t need to be afraid of me.”

I clasped my hands together, seeking comfort from myself. Fighting with a strange man—even one who’d touched and kissed me—in a deserted alley wasn’t exactly encouraged. Once again, Nameless came to mind and I couldn’t stop comparing the two men.

Nameless had been the hero.

Penn was the anti-Christ.

One saving, one damning.

I knew which one I preferred.

I stood firm in my heels, locking my limbs from betraying my lie. “I’m not afraid of you.”

He cocked his head. “Are you sure about that?”

“I’m not sure about anything anymore.”

He ran a hand through his hair, disrupting the strands into a mess. “Isn’t that the point?”

“Stop answering everything with a question.”

“Fine.” He stood tall, his legs spread with dominion. “You said yes to me. I won’t let you take that back. But I will try to ease your mind.” His face tightened as if this game had higher stakes for him than he let on. “I’ll only say this once, so listen carefully. I will lie to others about us. I will paint a picture that isn’t true. I will curse and hurt and do whatever I damn well want, but you have my word on one thing.”

My voice carried on a hesitant whisper. “What word?”

“That I won’t lie to you. What you see from me will be the honest fucking truth. I’ll only hurt you if you want me to hurt you, and I’ll protect you even while I do it. Give me yourself, let me take control, and I promise you, you’ll enjoy it.”

My heart only heard the word hurt and envisioned images of him abusing me. “Why would I enjoy you hurting me?”

“The answer to that question will come later. It’s a matter of showing not telling.”

I paused, sucking in another breath. My world had vanished, and I had no way of returning. Once again I stood at a fork, hidden in a dirty alley. Unlike last time, where I’d had to beg Nameless to help me, Penn had to do all the convincing.

He shifted in the darkness, dragging my attention back to his height, body, and undeniable command. “Tell me your objections.”

“My objections?”

“Your objections to letting me fuck you.”

My mouth watered but I didn’t swallow. I wouldn’t show any signs of weakness. “I have too many to list.”

“Try me.” He crossed his arms.

My eyes wanted to drop to the ground. My fingers wanted to stroke my dress with nerves.

I did neither of those things. I treated him as I would any bossy manager, negotiating our terms for a successful business deal. “I find you arrogant and rude.”

Which makes me wet.

My nose turned up. “I don’t like liars, and I don’t like men who think they can use me.”

Even though I’m contemplating giving my virginity to you.

He rubbed his jaw, his gaze dragging over me as if he could hear my silent answers and focused only on those. “I’m arrogant because I’ve earned my success the hard way. I’m rude because I have no time for idiots.” Stepping forward, he hovered over me, pressing me against the wall with sheer will. “You already know I won’t lie to you.”

His head crept over my personal boundary, his nose nuzzling my ear. “And I promise you, I’ll use you. I’ll use you every morning and night. I’ll use you on your knees. I’ll use you strapped to my bed. But with every use, you’ll beg for another. You’ll beg me, Elle.” He bit my earring, tugging it until a sharp bolt of pain appeared. “That’s what you should be afraid of. Nothing else.”

I pushed him away, taking a greedy step toward the sidewalk.

I wasn’t equipped for this. I needed to ease into sex, not be thrown headfirst into debauchery. “I’ve changed my mind. My answer is no.”

Strong fingers wrapped around my wrist, yanking me back. “Like fuck it is.” He pressed me against the wall face first. His hands clamped on my hips, pulling me back to meet his as he thrust up.

I moaned, long and low. A noise I’d never made before and had no idea where it’d come from.

“Oh, Elle, you’re a little liar yourself.” He tightened his hold, grinding into me. “Is that what you want? Seduction? Do you need to be seduced to let me inside you?” He bent over me, his lips landing on my shoulder blade. “Because I can do that. I can coax you, or I can force you. I can give you any fucking fantasy you want.”

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