Home > Crown of Lies (Truth and Lies Duet #1)(58)

Crown of Lies (Truth and Lies Duet #1)(58)
Author: Pepper Winters

My core spasmed as I swallowed hard and pulled my bra down, revealing my pebbled nipples and heavy globes of flesh that had long since been neglected.

“Fuck, Elle.” His hand grasped his long length. The head glowed with darker flesh, a droplet glistening on top. Veins ran down the sides, bulging with desire—the same desire throbbing in my clit.

All I could see...all I could think about...was sex.

My legs parted a little as my hips became loose and wanting. An emptiness echoed inside me, becoming more and more cavernous the longer I stared at him.

“Do you want this?” he murmured, his face black with lust.

There was no banter or connection. Whatever respect we had for each other was tarnished by the way I stared up with him standing over me with his cock in his hand. It ought to be degrading, but I found a different sort of power on my knees. The way he panted. The way his hips rocked with a subtle sway even he wasn’t aware of.

We no longer lived in the real world but sex, sex, sex.

I nodded just once, licking my lips.

“Jesus, Elle.” His head fell forward as he squeezed the tip. “Say it out loud. Do you want my cock?”

I didn’t care if anyone was outside my door eavesdropping. I didn’t care that I should stop this and throw him from my office.

I embraced the river flowing inside me and whispered, “Yes.”

“Where? Where do you want it?”

So many places.

So many foreign, wonderful ready-to-be explored places.

But first, the one he wanted. The one he’d hinted at, and the reason I was on my knees. “My mouth.”

He groan-growled as he stepped forward. His shoes hit my knees, his height towering over me with his cock speared from his angry fist. “Suck it then.”

My breasts ached with pain I’d never experienced.

I sat taller on my knees.

I reached forward.

My fingers so close to claiming him.

But then he stepped back, tucking his erection away, shaking with need and discipline. He didn’t do up his belt or zipper, but he flashed a silver watch on his wrist. “Your two minutes are up.”

The sexual trance he’d put me into shattered.

I shivered with sudden cold and yanked up my bra in disgrace. Grabbing the sides of my blouse, I huddled before shooting upright with rage so bright, so brilliant, I wanted to rip him into pieces.

“That’s it?” I snarled. “Was that all a stupid game to you? A ploy to show me that you can make me do what you want, after all?” A heavy gathering sat between my legs, throbbing to be touched. Desperate for a release.

“I wanted to be sure there were no lies. You saw how much I want you. I saw how much you want me.” He kept his distance, refusing to touch me. “Next time, I won’t accept your bullshit.”

“Next time?! You think there’ll be a next time? This was the only time, and you just humiliated me.”

“Yes, well, you almost made me come just by licking your fucking lips.”

I opened my mouth to retort, but angry tears crept up my spine. The lust in my blood eroded my self-control. Spinning around, I grabbed the doorknob and yanked. I didn’t care his trousers were undone. I didn’t care my blouse was open. I wanted him gone. I wanted it now.

His hand slammed against the wood, shoving it back into the frame with a loud smack. His body heat pressed against me, the teeth of his open zipper digging into my pinstripe skirt.

“You think you can leave? I didn’t say you could.”

“Let me go.”

His hands pressed flat against the door, caging me.

Sage meowed loudly, attempting to join my battle to make him leave.

I couldn’t think with him so close. I could only feel. And by God, I could feel. Everything. His breath on my nape, his chest rising and falling against my spine. And his cock twitching against my ass.

The domination and power of his will were tangible things, suffocating me under his command. Everything outside of him and me ceased to exist. My entire body begged for whatever he would do next even while my mind bellowed at me to scream.

Whatever existed between us was visceral, indescribable, completely imprisoning.

“I’ll never let you go. Not until I’m through with you.” His lips landed on the top of my shoulder. “Turn around, Elle.”

My body shuddered in an overwhelming wave of arousal. I wasn’t supposed to like this. I wasn’t supposed to get wet under his cruel, commanding tone. His body heated with hunger and demand, dragging urges from deep inside me. Urges I could no longer deny.

I wanted him.

And I didn’t know how to handle that.

I refused to turn. Sadness interfered with my desire, scrambling me up inside. “I can’t do this with you. I’m not equipped.”

His lips caressed my hair. “You can. You’re doing it right now.”

“But I don’t know what comes next. I—I—”

“You do. You know exactly what comes next.” His hand splayed over my stomach, pulling me back into his hips. His cock was big, hard, and so hot. “This goes inside you. It makes all that confusion and emptiness vanish.”

I spun in his arms.

“How? Nothing has that power.”

“Trust me.” His fingers latched around my throat, pinning me against the door. He fell forward, wedging his entire length along mine. Aligning his cock to my clit, he thrust.

The action was so crude, so basic in mating, I moaned.

“Wrap your legs around my hips.”

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