Home > Crown of Lies (Truth and Lies Duet #1)(48)

Crown of Lies (Truth and Lies Duet #1)(48)
Author: Pepper Winters

Such an innocent question loaded with sexual mist and unsatisfied misery.

My fingers fell to my dress, stroking the material, seeking comfort and answers.

“What the fuck is going on, Elle?” Greg marched forward.

I couldn’t believe the champagne had made me think I could tolerate him. After being kissed by Mr. Everett and then even remotely entertaining the idea of doing the same with Greg, I couldn’t imagine it. It would be like seeing the most spectacular sunset only to be told I had to live in fog the rest of my life.

“One second, Greg.” I held up my hand, testing the locks and chains around my sexuality as they quaked under pressure. “Answer one question, Mr. Everett. Then I’ll give you an answer.”

“Fine.” A sly grin decorated his handsome face. “But rest assured if your answer is yes, that’s the last time you’ll call me Mr. Everett.”


He looked triumphantly at Greg as he bent to whisper in my ear. “You’ll be screaming my name as I stick my tongue inside you. You’ll be sobbing my name as I make you come over and fucking over.”

I stumbled.

His hand grabbed my elbow, a low chuckle on his breath. “That name is Penn. You might as well get used to it if, of course, your answer is what I hope.”

“Elle, are you sick?” Greg came forward, his eyes trying to murder Mr. Everett...I mean Penn.

I waved him away, flushed and nauseous, entirely too skittish to be hemmed in by another man after flashes of nakedness and dirty sex swarmed my mind.

“Yes, I’m fine.” Ignoring Greg and giving all my attention to Penn, I asked, “My question is, are you with the mother of your child?”

Penn didn’t reply.

“What?” Greg’s eyes widened. “Not only are you cheating on me with this scumbag in a nightclub hallway but he’s cheating on a family?” He threw his hands up. “For fuck's sake, Elle, I thought you were better than that. Your father believes you’re better than that. My father believes you’re better than that.”

I snarled, hating the disgust in his voice even though I hadn’t done anything wrong. Not yet, at least. If that was how those who knew me would look at me, I wanted nothing to do with whatever kinky pleasure Penn offered.

But it was as if Penn knew that.

He brought me close, whispering in my ear again as I kept my eyes locked on Greg. “I’ll answer your question, but I’ll also answer the other you just thought. First, I’m not married nor have I ever been. I’m as single as you are. I’m as confined as you are. That’s all you need to know. Second, you’re right to think people will judge you. The moment I’ve been inside you, people will know. You’ll be different. You won’t be able to help it. Rumors will start. Friends will change. Future love interests will hate you.”

I stiffened, but he pulled me closer. “But I won’t let you be subject to those rumors alone. Tell me yes, and I take control. You won’t have to make any decisions or take responsibility for what we do. It’ll all be on me.” His tongue traced the shell of my ear, hidden from Greg thanks to my fishtail braid. “Give me that word, Elle, and I’ll show you exactly what I mean.”

I stood at the crossroads, staring at Greg and the future my father wanted—the one where I stood side by side with a man who knew Belle Elle the way I did and would help run the business—while a stranger held me and pressed his cock against my hip, blatantly claiming what wasn’t his to claim.

One was a long-term choice. The other a short-term adventure.

I’d had enough long-term commitments in my life. I wanted to be different. I wanted a rumor or two because that would mean I was interesting and not predictable.

Greg made my decision ridiculously easy.

He came forward and grabbed my other elbow, pulling me away from Penn. “Elle, I’m willing to overlook whatever you just did with this bastard. You’re drunk. I know I should never have given you that champagne. Let me take you home where you belong.”


I no longer wanted to be at home.

I wanted to be lost and crazy and wild.

I yanked my arm from his hold. “I’m sorry, Greg. But I should’ve told you.”

“Tell me what?”

Locking my eyes on Penn’s, I whispered, “Yes. My answer is yes.” A little louder, I added, “But it doesn’t mean I like you.”

“Doesn’t mean I like you, either.” Penn smiled full of cream and sharpness and calmly wrapped his arm around my shoulders, tucking me close.

Together, we faced Greg.

I didn’t know what I expected Penn to do, but it was his turn to be in charge. I was in charge on a minute basis in every aspect of my world. If he wanted to share that control in a few areas, then fine...be my guest.

“I must apologize, too.” Penn smiled coldly. “We weren’t ready to tell people, but I guess now is as good a time as any.”

“Tell people what?” Greg’s eyes filled with panic, not at knowing he’d lost me but that he’d lost any chance at owning Belle Elle. His true colors revealed.

Relief siphoned through me to be free of whatever takeover he’d planned. To finally see what I’d suspected all along—that I was right to be wary of him, smart to listen to the faint warning bells whenever he was around.

“Tell them that Elle and I...we’re together.”

I flinched a little as Penn kissed my cheek. Still uncomfortable and aroused and so confused I had no idea if this was what I wanted or not.

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