Home > Worth the Risk (The McKinney Brothers #2)(50)

Worth the Risk (The McKinney Brothers #2)(50)
Author: Claudia Connor

“Let me touch you.” He whispered it against her lips. “I need to touch you.” Had to. Which made no sense because he was already touching her, but now that he’d started, it wasn’t nearly enough.

He rolled and braced himself above her, slid her shirt up until those perfect breasts were exposed. Until he could make out her shape and the dark pebbled peaks standing up for his attention. In the glow of four night-lights he saw Hannah’s eyes wide on his. So innocent she made him feel innocent too, like he could be someone else when he was with her.

He dipped his head and circled one breast with the tip of his tongue, spiraling inward while his fingers caressed the other. So damn perfect. And he would show her in a million ways she was beautiful.

Her breath came faster and she arched into his mouth. He smoothed a hand down between her legs and cupped her through her pajamas.

Her breath caught. “Stephen.”

“Trust me.” He brought his mouth back to hers, kissed her deeply, and circled the heel of his hand exactly where he knew she needed it most. Coaxing, seducing. When she was moaning into his mouth he stopped. Left her mouth to skim his lips between her breasts, down her stomach. Ran his tongue over skin so soft it could have been silk, never once seeing her scars.

Hyperaware, every sense was amplified. Her rapid breathing in the quiet room. His heart drumming. Unsure what else he could give her, but he could give her this. He could show her she was wanted, desired. That she hadn’t been broken in every way. He pulled the pajama pants down her legs, taking the panties with them and tossing them to the floor.

His heart nearly stopped at the sight before him. Hannah, naked but for a thin T-shirt shoved up above her rising and falling breasts. Gently, he kissed the inside of her thighs, brushed his face over the skin there. When his lips brushed over her center, her hands clenched at her sides. She gasped, jerked away from the onslaught of sensations. “Easy, baby.”

He persuaded with his lips and tongue, Hannah’s scent wrapping around him. She was sweet, so sweet, and he brought her to the crest in seconds. Her breath quickened and his head buzzed with the spicy taste of her arousal. His erection strained so painfully against his zipper, he might not live through it.

On a sharp inhale, she arched her head back, mouth open in a silent cry. So damn easy, and in the very best way.

She lay limp and trusting as he pulled her panties up, leaving the pants on the floor. He took his time trailing kisses up her body before settling in next to her.

There was a squeeze in his chest at the way her soft body fit against him, the way she curled her arm over his chest. Neither spoke. Nothing needed to be said. He pulled the worn quilt up and over them, pressed his lips to her head. “No dreams tonight.”

Chapter 25

Hannah woke with her bare legs rasping against Stephen’s blue jeans. He’d gotten rid of his shirt sometime during the night, and her cheek rested against his bare chest. The size and heat of a man’s body, new and…incredibly awesome. Her own shirt bunched halfway up her ribs. Everywhere her body touched his was hot. Everywhere it didn’t was cold.

Hannah peeked up at his face. His beautiful brown eyes were still closed, a dark shadow covered his jawline. So big and solid and…male.

The silky hair on his chest tickled her palm as her fingers explored. Over his flat nipples, then lower to his stomach until his hand clamped down over hers and she squeaked.

“Did you sleep?” His voice, a low sexy rumble under her ear, vibrated to all the parts he’d touched last night. Touched and tasted. Her face went hot.

“Yes.” Better than she could ever remember. Sated, relaxed, and without a single dream, tucked in tight against his body. “Did you?” She shifted her leg over the top of his thigh and he groaned. His arm around her tightened.


She moved her leg again and he took the hand he held to his chest and slapped it over her thigh, holding her still. “You have to stop moving.”

She felt him growing hard against her other leg, reminding her of what they’d done last night. And what they hadn’t. He’d done everything for her and she’d done virtually nothing. Surely not what a man like Stephen was used to.

The room was growing lighter, and regardless of all they’d shared, she wasn’t that brave; wasn’t ready to lie here half naked beside him in the daylight. “I should go take a shower.”

“One of us should,” he said, sounding pained. With his fingers in her hair, he pulled her back until he could press a quick kiss to her lips. “Out.” He gave her bottom a pat.

Safe in the bathroom, she stripped and stepped under the spray of the shower. Her breasts had that pins-and-needles feeling, a combination of hot water and hotter memories. Stephen’s hands and mouth, touching her, kissing her. Her legs spread, his mouth…

Lord. She shivered and chills covered her skin, remembering the things he’d done. She could still feel him, driving her over an electrical current until she exploded.

She cut the water and stepped out, wondering if Stephen would still be there, or would he slip out. Instead she heard not one male voice, but two.

Oh, shit.

She stuffed her wet arms into a short robe and flew through her bedroom. It was a small house and she could already make out the angry words.

“Where’s my sister, McKinney?”

Nick’s voice was furious, Stephen’s perfectly pleasant. “I believe Hannah’s in the shower. I can get her if you want.”

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