Home > Worth the Risk (The McKinney Brothers #2)(57)

Worth the Risk (The McKinney Brothers #2)(57)
Author: Claudia Connor

“I don’t think so. Not tonight.”

“It’s important that I—”

“Go ahead.” Hannah squeezed Stephen’s hand. “I’ll make a run to the ladies’ room.” She gave him another squeeze, assuring him she was fine, and he reluctantly let her go.

Hannah exited the stall and washed her hands at the opulent sink. The bathroom had obviously been modified for parties, with three stalls and a lavish adjoining seating area. A lady joined her at the mirror.

“He is unquestionably the most gorgeous piece of man that ever walked the earth. And I’m sure my imagination of what’s under that tux doesn’t do him justice.” The woman fanned herself dramatically.

“Umm…” It took her a second to realize that the woman swiping on lipstick was speaking to her.

“Of course you’d know. So what’s it like?”

“What’s what like?”

“To be tied to a man like Stephen McKinney? To roll around naked doing the nasty, you know.”

No, she wouldn’t.

“Not that I imagine you’d be tied for long.”

“What?” Their eyes met in the mirror.

“Well, no offense, but I know for a fact that man doesn’t stay tied. Who knows?” She snapped the top back on her lipstick, gave her lips a final check. “Maybe I’ll get a shot with him next. Ciao.” She happily wagged chartreuse nails over her shoulder as she left.

Hannah could only stare at her own reflection. Doesn’t stay tied for long. She knew it was true and she’d do well to remember. The last thing she wanted was to get her heart broken, prove her brother right. Could she have a relationship without thinking things meant more than they did? She was new to the game. She wasn’t stupid.

Chapter 28

Stephen watched in the direction he’d last seen Hannah. It was crowded. He should’ve gone with her. God, he was starting to sound like her brother, wanting to stand guard outside the bathroom door. Hannah had an independent streak. She wouldn’t appreciate a watchdog.

“So, is that the someone you’re seeing but not dating?”

Stephen thought about how to answer that other than None of your business.

“Oh, God, poor girl,” Blair said, taking his silence as an answer. “I hope you don’t crush her too completely. She seems sweet.”

“She is.” And he didn’t want to hurt her. If he couldn’t look her in the eyes as he entered her sweet body, he swore to himself he wouldn’t do it. He’d cut off his dick before he hurt her.

“Relax. She’ll be a while yet.” Blair tossed back a glass of champagne. “Let’s dance.”

Blair’s demeanor after their last meeting was odd. She wasn’t really the forgive-and-forget type. “No thanks.”

“Aww, come on. She can share you for a few minutes. For old times’ sake.”

Curious, and with nothing to do but wait, they moved farther into the room and took the stance. His hand rested lightly on her lower back, hers not so lightly on his shoulder.

Blair was a beautiful woman, objectively he could see that. But he couldn’t remember why she’d ever held any appeal.

“My father’s not very happy with you.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” He was struck by a sudden annoyance with everything in the room. The people. The music. The woman in his arms. He wanted Hannah in his arms. Wanted to pull her body against his own, press his nose into her hair. Wanted to look into her eyes, not smoldering like Blair’s, but warm like a fire on a cold night.

“You know that project is important. The money you stand to make is extreme.”

When he’d pulled out of the St. Kitts deal, so did two-thirds of the other investors. Not his problem. It was business.

“Did your father send you to change my mind?”

Blair’s lips curved in a smile meant to tempt and seduce. “Can I change your mind?”

He searched the edges of the room. “No.” How long did it take to go to the bathroom?

Blair kept the hand at his neck planted, fingers digging in, eyes flashing. “You need to get your head on straight. This is important, Stephen.”

No. It really wasn’t. Though there was a time he might have thought so. He looked again. Finally, the one who did matter came into sight between the bodies that swayed and turned around him. And damn it—some bastard was slipping his arm around her waist, pulling her against his chest. And Stephen was moving, eyes zeroed in on Hannah, sidestepping bodies as he made his way across the room.

It all happened in slow motion. Hannah jerking back, colliding with a passing waiter. The scatter of glass, a pillar holding a giant flower arrangement tilted and teetered on edge before crashing to the floor.

Son of a bitch!

Blood roared in his ears as he pushed past people. Stephen grabbed the man, who was spewing obscenities at Hannah, and insinuated himself between them. He hit him once, twice, relishing the feel of his knuckles connecting. Gasps and shouts came from nearby guests as the rest of the room danced on.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Hannah on the ground. He felt her distress and still, he wasn’t sure he would have stopped if security hadn’t arrived and hauled the guy up and out.

Hannah skated back from the hands of well-meaning strangers, avoiding even his. The wrap had fallen and she frantically grabbed for it, trying to cover the marks on her arms. Her dress bunched up around her legs, exposing the pale purple lines from wounds and surgeries. The obviously intentional markings and patterns on her thighs clear.

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