Home > Worth the Risk (The McKinney Brothers #2)(54)

Worth the Risk (The McKinney Brothers #2)(54)
Author: Claudia Connor

He took another minute to watch her. A simple long-sleeved blouse billowed around her arms, thin pants outlined her shape. Sexy, elegant, and covered as always. It was his mission to change that.

He stepped behind her, ran his hands over the curve of her hips, then around to her stomach until she was wrapped in his arms. Instead of flinching away, she leaned back against him, covered his hands with hers. They stood as one, looking out the glass, and he was struck with awe that she could trust him. That she’d suffered at another man’s hands yet didn’t move away from his own. The knowledge of that both heated and soothed.

“It’s beautiful,” she said.

And it was, the sun setting over the Rockies as the human side of Las Vegas came alive. But not half as beautiful as Hannah. Not half as alive as she made him feel. He’d been with a lot of beautiful women, but none compared to her, and more than that, it did something to him that she didn’t see it.

“Thank you for coming with me.” He pressed his face into her hair, nuzzled it out of the way until he found skin.

“You’re welcome.”

“How hard did Nick try to talk you out of going?”

“Not that hard.”

Stephen nipped her ear.

“Okay. Kind of hard.”

“I probably would have done the same thing.” He turned her in is arms, kissed her long and slow, loving the way her fingers first clutched at his shirt, then moved up and around his neck. Still new enough it made his heart pound, but he no longer felt like he had to steal every kiss. “I could stand right here all night.”

Her lips curved against his and he loved that too. And her fingers skimming through the hair at his nape.

“You must be very good at what you do.”

“I’m okay.

“I’d say you’re more than okay.” She gestured to the room, the balcony. “Look at this. You’re only thirty-two.”

“You’re even younger, and look at what you do. You make a difference.” I make money.

Her gaze dropped to his chest and her smile faltered. “I may not be doing it much longer. The city is taking it. I’m pretty sure it’s just to sell.”

Then I’ll buy it. That was his gut reaction. I’ll buy it and give it to you because I would give you anything. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much. The state rarely goes through with these claims.”

She shrugged, looking unconvinced. “I just don’t get it. It’s not that valuable.”

He knew of at least one person interested and he should have told her a long time ago. Now it felt too late, like he’d been hiding it. He hadn’t, not exactly. “Why don’t I have our lawyer look into it, see what she can do?”

“Maybe. I have an idea, or your sister has an idea.”

“Oh, great.” He rolled his eyes.

Hannah slapped his chest and told him the plan. Not a bad idea and possibly not worth a backlash of negative publicity for the city.

He tightened his arm around her back and brought her face up to meet his gaze. “Promise me you won’t worry until I’ve had a chance to look into it. Go ahead with your plans, and let me work the other end.”

“You think there could still be a mistake?”

“I think there are always loops and holes and cracks.” And ways people, and the government, could make things look exactly the way they wanted them to look. “Promise?”

She smiled, nodded.

“Good. Now, unfortunately, we can’t stay right here all night.” He pressed one more kiss on her mouth before letting her go. “I’ll take the other shower and meet you back here. Oh, and there’s a surprise for you on the bed.”

Her chin dropped and she bit at her lip, avoiding his eyes. “You really didn’t have to do that.”

“Yes, I did. My date. I provide the goods.” He was no shopper, and he’d deny it if Lizzy ever found out, but he’d enjoyed giving his hotel concierge the yay or nay on each image she’d sent him. Loved picturing Hannah in each and every dress. And also because, as much as she didn’t want or expect anything from him, he wanted to give it.

“Besides, it was too last-minute to expect you to shop. There’re lots of choices, but if you don’t like anything, I’ll have more sent up.”

She gave him a shy smile. “I’m sure I’ll find something.”

“Then get moving.” He gave her bottom a pat and smiled after her.

He’d been waiting over an hour. Having a sister, he knew it could take a while, but she’d been behind that damn door and away from him for way too long. And he was anxious. To see her. To touch her. He had this need to touch her.

Walking onto the terrace, he could see the mountains, just a darkened backdrop now. This penthouse, in this hotel, in this city, represented a pinnacle of success. It said money and power. Exactly what he’d wanted it to say. And it had done exactly what he’d wanted it to do.

But right now his mind was full of something much more important. Turning from the window, he checked his watch again as he crossed the room. An hour and fifteen minutes. “Hannah? You okay in there?”

No answer. He was on his way to finding out for himself when the giant white door swung open. She stepped out slowly, her bare arms crossed over her body, one covering the other. She took a small step in the heels he’d purchased to match the dress.

Holy Mother. His jaw hung, his mouth went dry. The siren-red fabric clung to her body, accentuating every luscious curve on its fall to the floor. Curves he hadn’t spent nearly enough time exploring. The neck draped just above her breasts and hugged underneath, outlining every place he wanted his mouth over, on, and around. All the places he hadn’t kissed enough. And the entire thing was held up by the tiniest of straps.

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