Home > Some Sort of Love (Happy Crazy Love #3)(48)

Some Sort of Love (Happy Crazy Love #3)(48)
Author: Melanie Harlow

The day was sunny but cool, so I dressed in fitted jeans, boots, and a slouchy sweater that Skylar had gotten me for Christmas last year. It was soft and cream-colored, and its draped cowl neck fell off one shoulder, which I thought Levi would like. Underneath it I wore a camisole but no bra, something I could do that my full-chested sisters could not. It was a small perk and didn’t make up for being denied their luscious curves, but it was still a perk.

In case I needed something dressier tonight, I threw a dress that packed well and a pair of heels into my bag, along with a deliciously sexy bra and panty set in a deep maroon color. For tomorrow, I put in another top I could wear with jeans, plus extra socks and underwear.

Yes, I was a Girl Scout.

Finally, I tossed in my hairbrush and makeup bag, making sure to double-check that I had my birth control pills inside it. While I was waiting for Levi’s knock, I wondered if Tara had been on the pill. He’d never said exactly how the pregnancy had happened. Natalie had gotten pregnant accidentally because she’d messed up taking her pills, so I knew it was possible. Was it something I could ask casually about? I wasn’t sure. He seemed open on the subject of his past, but I didn’t want him to think I was obsessing over it. Because I wasn’t.

At five after two, I heard the knock and threw my bag over my shoulder.

When I opened the door, the sight of him left me momentarily breathless. God, I loved that feeling. It was one of the best parts about falling in love.

He wore jeans too, and a fitted dark blue button-down with a light brown jacket.

“Hey, happy birthday.” He kissed me and caught me in his arms, lifting me right off my feet. “Mmmm, you even smell like a cake.”

I smiled, burying my face in his neck. “Thanks.”

“Can I have a piece?”

“Now?” I laughed as he set me down.

“I guess I could wait.” He sighed. “But it won’t be easy.” Picking up the bag I’d dropped at my feet, he took my hand and led me to the car. He opened the passenger door for me, then put the bag in the back. I took off my coat and tossed it into the back seat, and he did the same with his jacket before getting behind the wheel.

“I’m so curious,” I said. “What are we doing?”

He gave me a crooked smile and patted my knee. “It’s my sister who can’t keep secrets.”

“You won’t even give me a clue?” I asked as he buckled his seatbelt and started the car.

“Nope.” He backed out of the parking space and threw the car in drive. “But I will let you control the music.”

I eyed the satellite radio panel. “Then I’m going to torture you the whole ride to wherever we’re going.”

“With what?”

“With 90s on 9.” I pressed a few buttons and turned it up. “And I hope it’s Spice Girls the entire time!”

He groaned as I threw myself a little party in the front seat, dancing and singing like I was twelve years old again.

When the song ended, I took pity on him and turned it down. “Still no clue?” We were headed south out of town; that was all I could tell.

He shook his head. “Nope.”

I put my hand on his leg and slid it up his thigh. “Please?”

He smiled but said nothing.

I brushed my hand over the crotch of his jeans. “Pleeeeeeeease. I’ll be so nice to you while you’re driving.”

He glanced at me. “How nice?”

“So nice.” I stroked him a little harder through the denim, which was tight against the bulge in his pants.

“Hmmmmm. This is a very tempting offer.”

“Isn’t it? It will feel so good,” I cooed. “And it’s been so long—almost a whole week—since I’ve touched you like this.”

He groaned. “Tell me about it.”

“Did you have to do it yourself?” I asked, a lilt in my voice. I slipped the button of his jeans through the hole.

He glanced at me and shook his head like he couldn’t believe me, a slow smile tipping his lips up. “You’re so bad.”

“Did you?”

“Yeah. I did. Every night.”

I giggled as I dragged the zipper down. “You’re worse than me. I only did it twice.”

“I had a lot of material to work with after Saturday night. Oh fuck,” he breathed as I slid my hand inside his boxer briefs. “You shouldn’t even say that stuff to me while I’m driving, let alone touch my dick that way.”

“Why not?” I freed his growing erection from his pants and swirled my fingers over the tip. “Doesn’t it feel good?”

“It feels too good.”

I stilled my hand. “Want me to stop?”

He took a deep breath and exhaled as we turned onto the highway. “Fuck no. Tell me about what you did. It will be a good exercise in control for me.”

“Well, once was in the shower.”


“Yes.” I continued teasing the head of his cock, my touch light and playful. “And I wasn’t planning on doing it because it was in the morning before work, but then I remembered you in my shower, and I pictured your body with water streaming down your arms and chest and torso. I imagined getting my hands on your wet skin, and you getting your hands on mine, and before I knew it, I had my hand between my legs.”

Levi took another deep, deep breath.

“I thought about watching your cock get hard, how hot that would be. I pictured it getting bigger and thicker, imagined how it would feel in my fist, in my mouth, sliding inside me.”

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