Home > How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days (The Embraced #1)(102)

How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days (The Embraced #1)(102)
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

Edmund’s mouth fell open. “Stanley? I don’t believe it.”

“I don’t want to, either,” Leo admitted. “Even so, we must be ready. Saddle the horses. Gather your weapons.”

Brody shimmered, then shifted into human form.

Jensen jumped back. “What the hell?”

Up in the loft, Luciana gasped. “Pirate?”

Leo moved in front of the naked Brody to block his wife’s view. “Nothing to see here.” He glanced back at Brody. “Now you decide to shift?”

“I can’t wield a sword without hands,” Brody grumbled. “Edmund, can you hand me my breeches?”

“Right.” Edmund rummaged through his saddlebags and tossed Brody’s breeches to him.

“What the hell?” Jensen repeated, still staring. “How come I didn’t know about this?”

“Because you were too busy snoring.” Brody fastened his breeches. “I’ve been shifting every night during my guard duty, but you always sleep through it.”

Leo glanced up at the loft where Luciana still looked stunned. “Throw down the saddlebags.”

She did. “I’ve never heard of people who can become animals.”

“Brody is Embraced like us,” Leo explained as he collected their saddlebags. “His gift is the ability to shift into a dog.” Or a seal, but he saw no reason to divulge all of Brody’s secrets.

Luciana gave the dog shifter a wary look. “But I’ve kissed him and rubbed his ears.”

Brody bowed. “Much appreciated, my lady.”

Leo groaned inwardly. At least she hadn’t rubbed his belly. “Jensen, snap to. We need to saddle the horses.”

“Aye, Your Grace.” Jensen went to work, and quickly they had all the horses packed and ready to go.

Suddenly a barrage of fire arrows shot through a window at the back of the barn and landed in a pile of hay. As the flames took hold, Edmund attempted to smother them with an old blanket. The horses reared, sensing danger, but Jensen and Brody caught their reins to settle them down.

Luciana ran to the ladder. “We’d better go!”

“You should remain hidden for now,” Leo warned her. “The assassins will be waiting outside for us.”

Another barrage of fire arrows zipped through the back window, forcing Edmund to retreat. The fire began to spread.

Jensen ran to the front door and slid the bolt. He pushed, but the door wouldn’t budge. “It’s blocked!”

Edmund dashed around the flames to the back door. “This one is blocked, too!”

Luciana gasped. “We’re trapped in here?” Her eyes widened with terror as she watched the growing fire.

“Not for long,” Leo called up to her. He removed his gloves and wedged them under his belt. Sparks flickered around his hands. “This will be over soon. Men, prepare for battle.”

Jensen and Edmund mounted their horses, while Brody took Luciana’s. All three men drew their swords.

Leo extended his hands toward the front doors. Two bolts of lightning shot out and blasted the doors open. He drew his sword and ran. “Charge!”

Chapter Thirty-two

Luciana gasped at Leo’s display of power. After sharing his bed for over two weeks, she’d forgotten how dangerous he could be. With his sword in his right hand, and his left shooting out lightning, he’d dashed through the doors so quickly, he’d become a blur before her eyes.

Jensen, Edmund, and Brody charged after him on horseback.

Tatiana whooped with glee. “This is so exciting!”

Luciana gave her an incredulous look. “Exciting? They could be killed!” She motioned to the growing fire. “And we could burn to death!”

Tatiana scoffed. “Speak for yourself.”

With a growing sense of panic, Luciana wondered what to do. She couldn’t stay inside a burning barn, but the only exit led straight into a battle. Already she could hear the sound of swords clashing and the screams of wounded men. Please, Luna and Lessa, keep Leo and my friends safe.

“Pardon me for having a bit of fun,” Tatiana grumbled. “It doesn’t happen that often since I’m dead.”

Down below, Leo’s horse whinnied and tugged at the reins that tied him to a post. Poor thing, he was as afraid as she was. Luciana wedged her dagger under her belt and started down the ladder.

“Where are you going?” Tatiana floated beside her. “I swear you don’t have any time for me anymore. Every time I try to visit, you’re romping about naked with the—”

“What?” Luciana halted halfway down the ladder.

“Beast,” Tatiana finished. “Don’t look at me like that. I don’t stay to watch.” She shuddered.

“Thank you for that,” Luciana muttered as she resumed her descent.

“So does his touch not hurt you at all? Or does all that power make him sizzling hot in bed?”

“I have other concerns right now.” Luciana glanced at the fire as she reached the ground. The back wall of the barn was now completely ablaze, and smoke was filling the air. She crooked her arm against her nose and mouth as she approached Leo’s horse.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Tatiana grinned. “And you thought you were so well educated. I bet the Beast has been giving you a few lessons!”

Luciana patted Fearless, murmuring words of comfort, and he nudged her shoulder. “Don’t worry. I’ll get us out of here.”

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