Home > How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days (The Embraced #1)(104)

How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days (The Embraced #1)(104)
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

“I heard that as a child, he was bullied and beaten by his father,” Edmund said as he rode behind them.

“True,” Leo agreed. “That’s why Tedric took refuge in books. He can seem a bit distant at times, but that’s because his mind is always thinking about whatever books he’s currently reading. He has an enormous library.”

Luciana smiled. “I like him already.”

Leo nodded. “He’s the most educated man I know. Someday he’ll be a wise king.”

“But not a strong one,” Edmund muttered. “I heard he can barely lift a sword.”

Leo gave his squire a pointed look. “He’ll have us to guard the borders and go to battle for him.”

Edmund snorted. “We do all the work.”

“We have fun, too.” Leo winked at Luciana.

She grinned back. “Is your cousin married?”

Leo winced. “He was, but you probably shouldn’t mention it.”

Her smile faded. “Why? What happened?”

“She ran off with a servant!” Edmund piped in. “And then they both drowned in the Ebe River!”

Luciana gasped. “How awful.”

“Yes.” Leo shot his squire a wry look. “Some people don’t know when to shut their mouths.”

* * *

Shortly before sunset, they arrived at Benwick Castle. It had been three years since Leo had last visited, and he noticed how the oldest tower appeared to be crumbling. A quick glance around assured him that the rest of the castle was in good shape. The moat looked recently dredged and clean enough that a few ducks were swimming happily about. A few guards along the curtain wall were watching him closely.

He drew his party to a halt in front of the drawbridge, and a guard yelled through the portcullis for them to identify themselves.

“Leofric of Benwick, Lord Protector of the Realm,” Leo called back. “I wish to see my cousin.”

The guard scurried off, and soon the portcullis was heaved up.

Leo and his party crossed the drawbridge, passed through the gatehouse, and came to a stop in the courtyard. He glanced around as he dismounted and helped Luciana from her horse. There was the usual bustle of activity. Servants rushed about, making chickens squawk when they got in the way. Some stonemasons were halfway finished sealing up the entrance to the old tower.

“Leofric!” Tedric called from the top of the steps leading to the Great Hall. “Good to see you again.”

“And you.” Leo was a bit surprised when his cousin used his full name, but then Tedric tended to be overly formal at times. He looked much the same as before, with the red hair and green eyes that all men of the Benwick line possessed.

Leo took Luciana’s hand and led her forward. “I’d like to introduce my wife, Ana, the Duchess of Vindalyn.”

“Welcome, Your Grace.” Tedric gave her a quick look, then his gaze focused on their clasped hands.

Luciana curtsied. “Your Highness.”

“Can we beg a room for the night, cousin?” Leo asked. “We’re on our way to Ebton. The king has requested our presence at court.”

Tedric’s mouth thinned. “Has His Royal Majesty tried to kill you yet?”

Leo blinked. Tedric had never been this blunt before. “The latest attempt was yesterday. I’m sure my wife would appreciate a hot bath and warm bed—”

“Of course.” Tedric motioned for a servant to approach. “Please take Her Grace to the blue room and prepare a bath for her.”

Leo gave her a peck on the cheek. “I’ll see you soon.”

She smiled at him, then gave Tedric a nod as she followed the servant up the stairs. “Thank you, Your Highness.”

Tedric joined Leo at the foot of the stairs and whispered, “So she’s the heiress of Vindalyn?”


“And you’re able to touch her?” When Leo nodded, his cousin muttered, “Lucky bastard.”

With a smile, Leo motioned toward the old tower. “Why are you not repairing it? If it crumbles any more, it could affect the integrity of your curtain wall.”

Tedric snorted. “Spoken like a warrior. We’re in the middle of Eberon. Who’s going to attack us? Besides, I don’t have the money…” His face grew harsh. “Yet.”

Leo gave his cousin a closer look. Had five years of banishment soured his disposition?

Tedric suddenly smiled like he used to. “Come, cousin, let’s have a drink and catch up on news.”

Leo followed him into the Great Hall, then through a door on the left to his library.

“Whiskey?” Tedric asked as he filled two goblets.

Leo paused before saying, “Sure.” The last time he’d visited his cousin, Tedric had imbibed only watered-down wine, claiming that anything stronger interfered with his studies.

Leo accepted a goblet and strolled along a wall lined with bookshelves. “I’ve always admired your library.”

“Thank you.” Tedric settled into the chair behind his desk. “Come, have a seat.”

As Leo turned back toward the desk, he suspected that his cousin didn’t want him wandering about. But it was already too late. Leo had spotted the layer of dust coating the books. What would have caused his cousin to eschew his favorite pastime?

“I didn’t realize you had married,” Tedric began.

Leo sat across from him. “King’s orders, though I’m delighted with the result.”

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