Home > How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days (The Embraced #1)(95)

How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days (The Embraced #1)(95)
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

She hadn’t reacted at all. How could that be when a touch from his bare hand would kill anyone else? He thought back to all the times he had touched her. The first time he’d grabbed her arm to pull her away from the curtain wall, he’d been wearing gloves and she’d had on a cloak and nightgown. Three layers of insulation, so she hadn’t felt any pain. Later, in the tower room, he’d taken hold of her arm. His glove and her sleeve had made two layers of insulation. And when he’d pressed her bare hand to his cock, only his breeches had separated them. In her bedchamber, she’d hugged his back, her bare hands pressed against his thin shirt. She’d never felt a shock. And just now, he’d touched her bare skin with his gloved hand. That would have caused most people to lose consciousness.

But not Ana.

Even so, he would have never risked touching her with his bare hand. Yet he had touched her hair, and she was unharmed. Could he touch her skin? He stared at her as he tugged on his glove.

“Pirate, you’re back!” Ana leaned over to give Brody a hug.

Jensen knelt on one knee and bowed his head. “Forgive me, my lady. I have failed you.”

“Nonsense.” She grabbed his arm to pull him to his feet. “I’m the one who sent you away.” She turned toward Leo. “Please don’t punish him. It was my fault I was captured.”

Leo could only nod in silence, for his mind was still reeling. If he could touch Ana, he could make love to her.

“Was it Father Rune?” Nevis asked.

“Yes.” Ana nodded. “He left the trap so he could escape before Leo returned. Oh, I should warn you. He said if you survived his trap and go after him, he’ll have another trap ready for you.”

“Bastard,” Nevis muttered.

“We’ll catch him,” Edmund boasted, then glanced at Leo. “Right, my lord?”

Leo nodded as he flexed his gloved hands. “Nevis, take your men and half of my personal guard. Edmund can go, too, if he likes. And Brody, if you’re up to it.”

The dog woofed.

Nevis’s eyes narrowed. “Aren’t you coming?”

Leo shifted his weight. He couldn’t admit in front of everyone that he was more desperate to bed his wife than catch an assassin. “I want to make sure Ana and her father are safe before I leave. Send Edmund back once you find the priest’s trail, and I’ll join you then.”

“Aye, my lord.” Nevis motioned to Leo’s personal guard. “Let’s go!” They ran toward the path leading to the fortress with Brody chasing after them.

“Give Brody some food before you leave!” Leo yelled after them. The dog shifter had to be exhausted, but perhaps he could shift into human form for an hour or so and ride a horse.

“Come, my dear.” The former duke wrapped an arm around Ana’s shoulders and led her up the path, with Jensen following close behind. “You’ve had a frightful day.”

She shuddered. “I’ve seen more bones, spiders, and rats than I ever cared to. All I want to do now is soak in a hot tub.”

Her father nodded. “You should stay in your room and rest. I’ll have some food brought up for you.”

Leo followed behind them, making his plans. If all went well, his marriage would be consummated tonight.

* * *

Thirty minutes later, Leo had bathed, shaved, and dressed in clean clothes in the communal bathhouse. On the way across the courtyard, he slipped on his gloves. His power was still high, so he’d have to be careful. Dammit, if he hurt Ana, he’d never forgive himself.

Outside Ana’s bedchamber, he found Jensen standing guard. “No disturbances for the rest of the night.”

“Yes, my lord.” Jensen gave him a sheepish look. “I won’t fail you again.”

“I believe you.” Leo let himself in the room and bolted the door. The room was empty, but the sound of splashing and female voices came from the dressing room. She was probably still bathing. A basket of food had been left on the table in front of the hearth, along with a bottle of wine and two goblets.

Leo started a fire, using his lightning power, then opened the bottle and filled the goblets. His gaze kept drifting toward the bed as his thoughts kept returning to the way her hair had brushed against his bare hand. Surely that meant he could touch her. If he could touch her, he could kiss her. He could make love to her.

His groin swelled. What was taking her so long? Was this one of her infamous long baths?

He pulled off his boots and draped his jacket across the back of a chair. The splashing noises continued. Dammit, he couldn’t wait any longer.

He cracked open the door to the dressing room. The maid was pouring a bucket of water over Ana’s head, and suds were streaming down her hair and bare back.

When he walked in, the maid yelped and dropped the bucket with a noisy clatter. “My lord.” She quickly curtsied.

With a gasp, Ana sank deeper into the tub of sudsy water.

He skirted the tub, taking in Ana’s stunned look and attempt to cover her breasts with her hands. Her long hair floated around her shoulders, and her bare knees stuck out above the water.

He was so tempted to touch her, but he knew from experience that his lightning power was somehow amplified in water. Instead, he rested his gloved hands on the side edges of the tub as he leaned forward.

Ana’s eyes widened as she pressed back against the tub. Was she afraid of him? He didn’t want her fear. He wanted her to ache for him as much as he ached for her.

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