Home > How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days (The Embraced #1)(105)

How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days (The Embraced #1)(105)
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

“No doubt. She’s a beauty.” Tedric frowned. “So my father has even more reason to kill you now. He can finally snatch up the Duchy of Vindalyn.”

“I’m sure that’s his plan.”

Tedric took a sip of whiskey. “I’m surprised you’re traveling with such a small party.”

“I thought it best not to draw any attention to ourselves.”

Tedric snorted. “Once my father decides to kill you, nothing deters him. You should have brought your army with you.”

Leo shrugged. “They’re busy. There was a battle with an elfin army last week, and now they’re fighting the Norveshki.”

Tedric took another sip. “And who is leading the army in your absence?”

“General Harden.”

“A friend of yours?”

“Yes. He’s like a father to me.” Leo wondered where this was going. Tedric had never shown any interest in the military before.

“So you have the loyalty of the army, but the king wants you dead.” Tedric set his goblet down with a clunk. “The solution seems rather obvious, don’t you think?”

Leo arched a brow. “That … solution seems rather drastic. Not to mention traitorous.”

Tedric scoffed. “Are you seriously trying to remain loyal to a king who has tried numerous times to kill you?” He leaned back in his chair. “I’m beginning to think your visit here is quite fortuitous. After all, I’m the heir, and you have the army.”

Leo sipped from his goblet. “You never seemed this ambitious before.”

Tedric suddenly leaned forward, his green eyes blazing with anger. “I’ve been stuck here for five years. I’m sick of waiting for the old man to die. All you have to do is take the army to Ebton, and he’ll crater…”

“The minute I do that, he’ll have every woman and child in Ebton slaughtered.”

Tedric waved a hand impatiently. “You have to expect a little bloodshed at a time like this.”

Leo inhaled sharply.

“Are you with me?” Tedric’s eyes narrowed. “Or not?”

Leo had a bad feeling that if he declined, he and his party would be part of the bloodshed. For now, he would try to buy some time. “I’ll think it over. Come up with some plans. We’ll have to be very careful.”

“Excellent.” Tedric’s smile didn’t reach his eyes.

Leo stood. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to wash up before dinner. And spend some time with my wife.”

Tedric snorted. “Lucky bastard.”

Not lucky at all, Leo thought as he left the room. They’d escaped one dilemma only to land in another one far more dangerous.

Chapter Thirty-three

Luciana leaned back and closed her eyes, enjoying the tub of hot water and peaceful solitude. A week on horseback had been tough on her legs and backside. And it seemed like ages since she’d had a moment completely alone.


Not alone, after all. She opened her eyes and discovered her sister hovering nearby.

Tatiana huffed. “You’re naked again. At least this time you’re not performing acrobatic stunts in bed.”

Luciana gave her a wry look. “Jealous, are you?”

With a shrug, Tatiana turned away. “I need you to get dressed. There’s someone you have to meet.”

“You mean a … ghost?”

“An important one.” Tatiana waved a hand impatiently. “Come on, hurry! I’m your best spy. You should trust me.”

“I do trust you.” Luciana climbed out of the tub and quickly dried off. “And you’re much more than a spy to me. You’re my sister. And my friend.”

Tatiana turned toward her with tears in her eyes. “Thank you. I’m sorry I’ve been such a grouch lately. I just felt a little … neglected.” She sighed. “And jealous, too, I guess.”


“I know, I know. You’re newly wed and madly in love. I’m happy for you, really. Now get dressed.”

Luciana slipped into a robe that the maid had left for her. “Who is this important ghost?” She wrapped the towel around her wet hair to squeeze it dry.

“You’ll see.” Tatiana called out, “You can come in now.”

As a spirit sifted through the closed door, Luciana gasped and dropped the towel to the floor. How could this be? She’d seen this man earlier, and he’d been alive. She curtsied. “Your Highness?”

Tedric of Benwick’s eyes lit up. “Then it’s true! You can see and hear me?”

“Yes.” Luciana gave her sister an inquisitive look.

Tatiana nodded. “It’s really him. The prince. I found him moping about the Great Hall.”

Tedric stepped toward them. “I’ve been desperately trying to contact the living so I can right this terrible injustice. And now, thanks to the two of you, I have hope that we can succeed.” He smiled at both of them. “You truly do look exactly alike.”

Tatiana sighed. “Not exactly, since I’m dead.”

Tedric tilted his head, studying her. “You still look beautiful to me.”

With a small gasp, Tatiana glided over to Luciana. “Did you hear that? The prince thinks I’m beautiful.”

“You are,” Luciana whispered, then cleared her throat. “Excuse me, Your Highness, but how can you be dead, when I just saw you downstairs?”

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