Home > Ryder (Slater Brothers #4)(47)

Ryder (Slater Brothers #4)(47)
Author: L.A. Casey

I couldn’t accept that.

I shook my head. “You always come first.”

“Maybe when I was younger, Bran, but I’m an adult now.”

I raised a brow. “That doesn’t change anythin’, you’ll always be me little sister. I know I didn’t birth you, but I raised you. You’re mine, too.”

No matter what, Bronagh would always be mine.

“Yeah,” she agreed, “I am, but even little sisters have to grow up and learn responsibility. I know you’ll always worry, but everythin’ else you freak out about falls on Dominic’s shoulders now. I’m his, too, so it’s only right he shares some of the responsibility for me. It’s what he signed up for.”

I swallowed down the sob that wanted to break free.

“I love you, but I need you to stop puttin’ me before yourself.” My sister pressed on. “You’re the most important person in your life, and that’s how it should always be.”

I blinked. “It’s easy for you to say that now, but wait till you have the baby, she’ll be the most important person in your life.”

“She’s me child though.”

“You’re practically my child.” I countered.

Bronagh’s shoulders slumped. “Touché.”

“I hear what you’re sayin’, and I love you for it. I’ll work on it, okay? I know you’re now a beautiful butterfly who needs space to flap her wings, and that you don’t need me all the time.” I smiled her way even though I wanted to cry my eyes out.

“I’ll always need you, but I don’t want any of my problems to trump yours.”

I nodded.

Bronagh released my hand and rubbed her nose with the back of her hand. “I’m tellin’ Dominic ‘I’m a beautiful butterfly who needs her space to flap her wings’ whenever he pisses me off.”

I laughed and it felt good.

Bronagh leaned back into the chair, and rested her hands on her round stomach.

“When are you goin’ to do it?” she asked when she stopped sniffling. “You mentioned tonight, but will you really do it then?”

I nodded, glumly. “Yeah, I need to get it over with now that me mind is made up. If I don’t, it will fester and I’ll probably never get the guts to do it.”

“What will you do if he reacts badly?”

I snorted. “He will react badly. He blew up at me because he thought I was cheatin’ on him. Endin’ things will only fuel that anger, but he’ll get over it.”

“Will you be okay with it?” Bronagh asked.

“With what?” I questioned. “The break up?”

My sister nodded.

I shrugged. “In time. In time I’ll be okay with it.”

“Really?” my sister asked with a raised brow. “You’ll be okay comin’ to family dinners and watchin’ another woman kiss him, holdin’ his hand, and be the one puttin’ a smile on his face?”

I glared at Bronagh as my stomach churned with the images she put in my head.

“Yes,” I almost growled.

She shook her head. “You’re a shitty liar, you look ready to tear me head off for just suggestin’ Ryder being with another woman.”

I looked away. “It’s because I haven’t had time to live me life without ‘im, but I’m sure I’ll get over ‘im just fine. Time heals all wounds.”



“I wasn’t jokin’, you’re really a shitty liar.”

I laughed then, but only to cover up the tears that were suddenly falling onto my cheeks.

“Hey,” my sister murmured. “Come here.”

I turned to her and leaned into her embrace.

“I’ll be fine,” I sniffled. “It can’t be any worse than how things are right now. Being with ‘im, but not havin’ ‘im is worse than not being with ‘im at all.”

“Oh, Bran,” my sister whispered. “I hate meself for not realisin’ how bad things were between you both.”

I pulled back.

“How could you know?” I asked as I wiped my face. “I’ve hidden it from everyone, I didn’t want to burden anyone.”

“How could you ever think anythin’ about you is a burden? We’re sisters, that means everythin’ about you, even your bullshit, is important to me.”

I felt my lower lip wobble. “Thanks, honey.”

“Don’t thank me, dipshit,” my sister stated. “I love you, and that means I get to protect you, too.”

I nodded. “I’ll be more open with you in the future.”

“Good,” Bronagh said, firmly. “That’s exactly what I want. We will both be the other’s ear to vent to when things get tough, and shoulder to cry on when things get tougher.”

I nodded in agreement. “Deal.”

Bronagh sat back on a sigh. “What are we goin’ to do about the knowledge we have about the investment the lads made?”

I shrugged. “I’ll probably bring it up to Ryder, and you can mention it to Dominic.”

“Or we could just have a big family meetin’ where we get all the lads, us and the girls in one room and get it all out into the open. If we don’t know, you can bet your arse that Keela and Aideen don’t.”

“Sounds good to me, but it will have to be at your house. Ryder might break a lot of things here tonight… which reminds me, can I stay with you and Dominic until I get meself together and find an apartment?”

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