Home > Running Mate(67)

Running Mate(67)
Author: Katie Ashley

Once she finished convulsing, I took my fingers out of her, and she glanced at me with glazed eyes while her face relaxed into a post-orgasm haze. “I’m sure your overinflated ego doesn’t need the compliment, but that was amazing.”

I grinned. “Thank you. I’m glad to be of service.”

As she eased down from the sink, Addison slid down my body as she got to her feet. When her pussy met the Bear, I groaned and bucked my hips against her. She reached between us to cup my bulge. “Does the Bear want to be in my mouth or my pussy?”

My mouth dropped open in surprise. First of all, I couldn’t believe she had actually said the word pussy—it was so not her style. I really dug the sound of it coming off her lips, not to mention the fact that she had indulged me by acknowledging my dick as the Bear. Secondly, I couldn’t believe she was giving me a choice. Most chicks wanted to bypass giving the Bear a lick-down. If this meant she was a fan of giving head, I thought I might come right there in my boxers.

“I want in your pussy. Now.”

Tilting her head at me, she said, “Then take me.”

Like the caveman I felt like, I grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her up to wrap her legs around me. Addison circled her arms around my neck and drew my head down to hers. Our lips met in a frenzied kiss as I stumbled out of the bathroom, and as we crossed the short distance to the bed, Addison rubbed herself against me.

After we collapsed onto the bed in a tangled heap of arms and legs, Addison tore her mouth away from mine. “Condom?” she questioned breathlessly.

I ripped open her pajama top before dipping my head to nuzzle her tits. God, they were even more gorgeous than I’d expected, full globes of firm perfection. “Aren’t you on the pill?” I questioned against one of her breasts.

She shook her head. “Stopped getting shots when my ex and I broke up. No insurance for a while,” she panted out.

“Damn,” I grumbled as I reluctantly unhanded her breast. I rocked back onto my knees before hopping off the bed. “Way to kill the mood.”

Addison rolled over on her stomach and propped her head up on her arm. “Newsflash, ace: even if I was on the pill, I wouldn’t dare let you ride bareback without being tested considering the number of women you’ve been with.”

I smirked at her. “While I should find that insulting, I'll take it as a compliment."

“I would expect nothing less,” she replied with a grin.

I snatched my wallet off the nightstand and eyed the remaining two condoms, not having imagined they would be coming out of retirement so soon. I ripped open the wrapper before tossing it to the floor. With one hand, I jerked my briefs down, sending the Bear officially out of hibernation.

At Addison’s gasp, I met her somewhat bewildered gaze. After blinking a few times, she swallowed hard. When her eyes trailed from the Bear up to mine, she gave me a shy smile. “The camera doesn’t do it justice.”

I threw my head back with a laugh at both her comment and the fact that she had googled my dick pics. “I’m glad you think so.” After sweeping the condom on, I placed my palms and knees back on the bed and crawled over to her.

“Are you ready for the Bear to ravage your cave?”

Addison rolled her eyes. “If you say anything remotely like that again, my alleged cave will be permanently closed to you.”

Smirking at her, I slid one of my hands over her buttocks and between her legs. She gasped at the contact. “Your cave might have other ideas.”

With a grunt of both irritation and frustration, she flipped over onto her back. “For the love of all that’s holy, just shut up and fuck me.”

“Your wish is my command,” I replied as I climbed on top of her. Addison widened her legs obligingly, and I settled between them. Taking the Bear in my hand, I guided him toward her. I began rubbing the length against her slit, circling her clit with the head.

Addison’s hands came to grip my shoulders. “Now, Barrett. Please.”

Slowly, I eased inside her slick walls. When I was halfway, I glanced down to gauge her reaction. At what must’ve been my overly concerned expression, she giggled. “Keep going. You’re not about to tear me in half.”

I laughed. “I’m glad to hear that.”

When I was buried fully inside her, we both moaned. Damn, it felt so fucking good being inside a woman again. It had been too long—multiple months too long—but being inside Addison felt different, and I wasn’t talking about the fact that she was ultra-tight after going without for a while.

My hips remained motionless as I stared into Addison’s eyes. What I saw in them momentarily scared the shit out of me. It was something I’d never seen in any other woman’s eyes: connection. A truly emotional connection. One that transcended the physicality of the moment. But the look wasn’t just in Addison’s eyes; it was being reflected back at me from my own. Although I hated to admit it, I really liked the feeling. I liked it almost as much as being buried balls deep inside Addison.

“Are you okay?” I croaked out.

Addison slid one of her hands down my back to cup my ass cheek while the other came up to touch my face. “I’m more than okay.”

I eased slowly out of Addison before plunging back inside. Thankfully, she shrieked with pleasure, not pain. I then took up a punishing rhythm. With every thrust, I went deeper than before. God, it felt good, maybe better than it ever had before.

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