Home > Running Mate(70)

Running Mate(70)
Author: Katie Ashley

He laughed. “Goodnight Addison.”

“Goodnight Barrett.”


Addison Monroe was a sex goddess, an out-of-this-world, knock-your-socks-off, sex goddess—and I wasn’t just saying that because I’d been stuck in the seventh ring of abstinence hell for the last several months with only my hand to sustain me. I was saying that because I’d been with enough women to know what I was talking about.

I’d been quick to initiate Addison into my appreciation of sex outside the box. We’d christened the bathrooms on the Niña, Pinta, and Santa María, and I’d taken her doggy style on the jet’s couch then she’d ridden me reverse cowgirl in one of the captain’s chairs. Although I was ready to sneak some quickies in during campaign events, Addison balked at the idea.

Our scorching summer sexathons melted into fall. As Dad’s leads in the polls gained momentum, my feelings for Addison continued to grow. They transcended the physical into something much, much deeper. I was completely falling in love with her, even though I wasn’t really sure I knew what that was, but I didn’t know how to tell her. At the same time, I didn’t know if I should. I didn’t want to risk what we already had. For the life of me, I couldn’t begin to read her, so I sure as hell couldn’t afford to get it wrong. The one thing I was certain of was that I didn’t want us to end. What we had was beyond what I’d ever known to be possible with a woman, and sometimes I even swore I’d seen her look at me the same as Mom looked at Dad—adoringly, with love.

With two weeks to go until Election Day, Addison and I found ourselves at rallies in southern California. After a full day of speeches and hand shaking, we’d headed out to Napa to stay the night at the estate of one of Dad’s old buddies from Yale. Although Addison and I would have loved nothing more than to just crash, Lucas and his wife, Elaine, were throwing a huge dinner party for us. Cue having to break out the formal wear again.

While waiting to be called into the dining room for dinner, Addison and I mingled around the front hall, exchanging the same boring small talk with people. She looked gorgeous as usual in a glittering silver dress. Considering the low neckline of the dress, I owed Everett a thank you note. As I snuck peek after peek of Addison’s peaks, the Bear began growing restless.

Unable to restrain myself, I led Addison over to a private corner. Leaning over, I whispered into her ear, “I really want to fuck you right now.”

The champagne Addison had just sipped went spewing from her lips. While dabbing her mouth—which I would have loved to have wrapped around the Bear—she shot me a murderous look. “We’re in public,” she hissed.

“I know, that’s what makes it so much hotter.”

As she glanced around, I could tell the wheels were turning in her head. “You want us to go back upstairs before dinner?”

“No. I want to take you into one of the empty rooms and fuck you up against the wall, or maybe take you from behind while you’re bent over a couch.”

Addison’s eyes bulged. “But someone could catch us,” she protested.

I snorted. “I should have known you would be too much of a goody two-shoes to have sex in public.”

“Is that something you’re used to doing? Like with other women?”


Her brows scrunched as she gnawed on her bottom lip. Trying to put her out of her misery, I said, “Look, it’s okay. You’re not the brazen, sex-in-public type of woman.”

“I can be brazen,” she countered.

“Oh really?”

“Yes. I just don’t think now is the right time, considering what could happen to your father’s campaign if we were caught.”

I grinned at her. “Blaming your lack of a sense of adventure on the campaign is low.”

When Addison opened her mouth to argue, Lucas and Elaina began herding everyone into the dining room where they had one of those huge tables that seated thirty people. While I had expected to be separated from Addison like at most dinner parties, I was glad to see we were seated beside each other.

After we all sat down, wine was poured, and we began the first course of soup. I had just dipped my spoon into the fine china bowl when Addison’s napkin dropped beside me. When I started to reach for it, she shook her head. “I’ve got it.”

I’d just taken a bite when Addison’s hand landed on my knee. She then slid her hand up my thigh to cup the Bear, causing me to shoot straight up in my chair. Turning to me with an innocent expression, Addison asked, “Is something wrong?” All the while, her hand continued caressing my growing erection.

Feeling the eyes of everyone on me, I forced a smile to my face. “Just a little cramp in my foot. I’m fine.”

“You’ve been on your feet too much today. Make sure you put them up after dinner,” Elaina said.

“I will,” I croaked out.

As Addison continued to give me a hand job through my pants, she calmly ate her soup like nothing was amiss, like my eyes weren’t about to roll back in my head. When she increased her tempo, my hands gripped the sides of my chair so hard my knuckles turned white. As I subtly pushed my hips back and forth, sweat began to break out along my forehead. Just when I thought I was going to come in my pants like a teenage boy, Addison removed her hand.

I stared at her in both sexual frustration and disbelief as she took her wine glass and took a dainty sip. She smiled at Elaina. “This is delicious. I simply must get a few bottles to take back with us.”

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