Home > Running Mate(60)

Running Mate(60)
Author: Katie Ashley

I flashed her a wicked grin. “Oh yes.”

She sighed resignedly as she put the ruby earrings on. “Fine, it’s a deal.”

After taking the necklace out of the box, I guided it over her head before bringing it to rest against her neck. As I closed the clasp, my eyes dropped down to take in an eyeful of her cleavage. My hand itched to dip into the dress to cup one of the perfect round globes, to feel her nipple harden beneath my fingers.

“Eyes up here, Mr. Callahan,” Addison teased.

“I was just checking to make sure the necklace was hanging right.”

“Sure you were.”

With a wink, I replied, “Fine, I was totally checking out your tits in that dress. Are you satisfied?”

Addison wrinkled her nose. “Ugh, I hate that word.”

“Tits?” I repeated, solely to aggravate her.


“Would you rather me say breasts? Or maybe boobies?” I scratched my chin thoughtfully. “Knockers.”

She smacked my arm. “How about you say none of them?”

“I can’t make any promises.”

With a sigh, she took my arm. Thankfully, I had managed to bring some levity to the moment. The last thing I needed was to be fantasizing about doing anything to Addison. The stakes were just too high, and there was too much to lose.

The ball was being held at an exclusive country club just outside of Houston. When we got out of the car, flashbulbs went off all around us, and we stood and posed for the photographers on the makeshift red carpet before heading inside. Instead of the usual classical or big band music, a full country band belted out tunes.

We made the rounds, smiling and shaking hands before we were herded over to our table for dinner. Once dinner was over, it was time to put on a show with the photographers by taking a turn around the floor. As the band struck up “Carry Me Back to Virginia”, Dad threw back his head and laughed as he led Mom onto the dance floor. A pleased shock reverberated through the crowd as he high-stepped Mom around the floor, much like one of the Virginia reel dances of the past. “Do you know how to do that?” Addison asked as she clapped in time with the others.

“Would you revoke my man card if I said yes?”

She laughed. “No, I wouldn’t.”

“Then yes, I know how to do that.”

Addison’s eyes suddenly widened. “You guys don’t expect me to do that, do you?”

“I have a feeling if we win, it’ll make its way into one of the inaugural balls.”

“Count me out on that one.”

“It’s not that hard,” I reassured her, although Addison didn’t seem convinced.

Once the song ended, Dad and Mom received raucous applause. As they went back to their seats, it was time for Addison and me to take our turn. Thankfully, more couples walked out onto the dance floor so we wouldn’t totally be on display. The last thing we needed was to have a giant spotlight following our every move.

As the band began playing a cover of Chris Stapleton’s “Fire Away”, I drew Addison closer against me. She pressed her cheek against my face, tucking her chin to my shoulder. Closing my eyes, I inhaled the sweet fragrance of her shampoo; it smelled like a mixture of vanilla and coconut, and I immediately thought of our week at Martha’s Vineyard. I couldn’t wait until the election was over and we had time to go back there again.

And then it hit me: we wouldn’t be going back there together. When the election was over, we were over.

My heart clenched at the thought of Addison not being around. She had become such an integral part of my life. No longer did I think in just me terms, but it was always about us, or more importantly, about her. What did she want for lunch? How could I make her feel better when some fashion hack criticized one of her campaign dresses? What could we do to unwind after a long day of events?

Maybe we would somehow remain friends after all this. It might work better for the press if we remained on good terms. I sure as hell didn’t like the thought of not ever hearing her laugh or seeing her roll her eyes at something I said. Pain continued to work its way through my chest, and I had to fight to breathe.

More than anything, I didn’t like the thought of her meeting someone else. Having some other man’s lips pressed against hers. Having their hands on the perfect curves of her body. Just the thought caused my body to tense in anger.

“Are you okay?” Addison asked.

“Yeah. Fine. Sorry.”

Dipping my head, I buried my face into her neck. Before I could stop myself, I began placing tender kisses along the soft skin of her shoulder. After shivering slightly, Addison sighed, her breath warming the top of my ear. My thumb rubbed a trail on the exposed skin between her shoulder blades as I kissed a trail up her neck and onto her cheek.

With my mouth inches from hers, I stared into her eyes. Just like her impulsive kiss at the convention the day before, I brought my lips to hers, but I didn’t give a quick peck like she had. Instead, my mouth stayed glued to hers like it was a lifeline in a turbulent sea.

At the sound of applause, I jerked away from her. I want more. More of her. More of her lips. More. Confusion had replaced the longing in her eyes. Forcing a smile to my face, I waved to the crowd before leading her off the dance floor. Although I wanted nothing more than to escape to somewhere I could be alone, Caroline bounded in front of me. “My turn, big brother.”

Gritting my teeth, I let Caroline push me back out in the spotlight. Once again, I fought to breathe as my tie felt like it was strangling the life out of me.

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