Home > Running Mate(66)

Running Mate(66)
Author: Katie Ashley

“Addison?” I questioned at the door.

My chest tightened apprehensively when I didn’t get a response. Throwing up my fist, I started to knock on the door, but then a picture of an unconscious Addison flashed before my mind. Okay, forget decorum—I was just going in. Thankfully, when I turned the knob, I found it unlocked, but nothing could have prepared me for what I saw.

Instead of Addison’s head hanging over the toilet throwing up or her crumpled in a heap on the floor, she had one foot hiked up on the tiny sink. Her pajama shorts and underwear lay wadded beside her left foot, and one of her palms was splayed out behind her on the tile wall for balance. Her other hand was between her legs, moving a pink vibrator in and out of her pussy.

Addison hadn’t heard me because she was too intent on getting off, and from the looks of it, she was close. Her eyes were pinched shut, and concentration lined her brows. Her chest rose and fell with heaving breaths in between moans of pleasure.

Holy. Fucking. Shit. My mouth dropped open, sending drool dribbling down my chin and onto my chest. The sight of Addison touching herself sent the Bear roaring to life. He clawed against the confines of my underwear to be freed, sending me shifting on my feet.

Wait, what were the odds that this was really happening? Surely I was still asleep, and this was all some sort of erotic dream. When I reached to pinch myself, my elbow banged into the door. “Dammit,” I muttered.

The sound of my voice caused Addison’s eyes to pop open. At the sight of me, she let out a screech of mortification rather than pleasure as her foot fell from the counter and she scrambled to shield her vag from my intense stare. In her melee, the vibrator fell from her hand and rolled to a stop at my feet.

Refusing to look me in the eye, she stammered, “J-Jesus, h-haven’t you ever heard of kn-knocking?”

“I called your name, but you didn’t answer. I was afraid you were sick again.”

“Well, I wasn’t.” She snatched her pajama shorts off the floor and covered her crotch with them.

This scenario could go one of two ways: I could leave the bathroom and let Addison recover her dignity, or I could offer my services to help her achieve the orgasm she’d just lost. I just needed to know where we stood.

“Look at me,” I commanded.

Although she resisted at first, she finally swept her gaze off the floor. Where I expected embarrassment, I got fire. Jerking her chin up, Addison said, “Go ahead, make fun of me for being so desperately horny I’d get out of bed in the middle of the night to get off in a skanky bathroom. And while you’re at it, go ahead and gloat about how just lying next to you got me hot because it’s the truth.”

I’d never been someone to be rendered speechless. I usually had some biting remark or smartass comeback just waiting to be released, but with the smell of Addison’s arousal fresh in my nose and her declaration of being turned on by me ringing in my ears, I was utterly and completely speechless. Seconds ticked by as we stood there having a stare-off.

“When you were touching yourself just now, did you wish it was my fingers stroking your wet pussy?” I questioned hoarsely.

Electricity crackled and popped in the air around us. “Yes,” she whispered.

That acknowledgement was all I needed to hear. I closed the gap between us, grabbed Addison by the shoulders, and jerked her into my arms. Dropping my head, I slammed my mouth against hers. Her lips were so much different this time than when we had practiced kissing. Desperate desire and aching need poured out from their softness.

As I swept my tongue into her mouth, Addison moaned. Damn, if it wasn’t the sexiest sound in the world. Our tongues intertwined and danced around each other as I raked one of my hands through the long strands of her hair and brought the other to cup her breast. When I ran my thumb over the hardened nub, Addison rewarded me with another moan, which caused the Bear to once again claw against my underwear for release. He was just going to have to be patient; this moment was about giving Addison pleasure.

I jerked back to stare her in the face. “Do you want to come?”

“Mmm, yes.”

“Do you want me to make you come?”

“Yes. Please, Barrett.”

“Mm, I do like hearing that sassy mouth of yours beg me.”

Addison grunted. “Do you have to ruin this by talking?”

“Does that mean you want my mouth somewhere else?”

When she bit down on her lip, I knew exactly where she wanted it. Grabbing her by the hips, I hoisted her up and placed her ass on the edge of the sink; thankfully, even though it was old as the hills, it was way more solid than I expected. After pushing her legs wide apart, I licked my lips at the sight of her glistening pussy. Then I dipped my head to lick her there. Addison sucked in a breath and arched her hips against my face. After a few teasing licks, I placed my mouth fully on her clit before sucking it into my mouth.

“Oh God! Yes!” Addison cried. While one of her hands clutched the edge of the sink, the other came to my head. With each pull of my mouth, she yanked the strands of my hair.

One of my hands once again sought out her pajama-clad breast while the other went between her legs. While my mouth worked on her clit, I slid two fingers inside her wet walls. Addison shrieked in pleasure as she began to move her hips furiously against me. “Barrett, Barrett, Barrett,” she murmured as her head lolled back. I seriously loved hearing my name coming off her lips.

When her walls started clenching around my fingers, I glanced up to watch as she came completely apart. Her eyes pinched shut as she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. Fuck me. It was so sexy. She was so sexy.

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