Home > Jockblocked (Gridiron #2)(52)

Jockblocked (Gridiron #2)(52)
Author: Jen Frederick

“I did, didn’t I?” He dives for me.

I might be wet, but it’s a tight fit. Partly because I haven’t had sex in a while and partly because he is big. His dick is proportional to the rest of him. Big hands, big feet, broad shoulders. Poised over me, one hand braced by my shoulder and the other guiding the broad head past my entrance, all I can see is him.

He works himself in inch by excruciating inch. The feel of him inside me is headier than I remember. There’s something exquisite about the heavy weight of a body above yours. The way a body like Matt’s presses you into the mattress. How all your senses are engulfed because you can’t see, hear, or feel anything but him.

There’s nothing in my head but the roughness of his hair-covered legs against mine and the smell of his citrus-spiced scent that I suck into my lungs. Beneath my fingers, his shoulder muscles clench as he fights for control to give me everything I need.

He lasts longer than a couple of seconds—much longer. He grits his teeth, mumbles numbers under his breath, and stares off into the distance as he pumps his hips in a steady, perfect rhythm against me. I feel each drag of his plump head along my sensitive tissues as he withdraws and the fierce possession as he drives forward. It’s more wonderful, more erotic than I could have imagined, than I can even put words to.

And the way he’s trying so hard to keep it together long enough for me to enjoy this part as much as when he was kneeling at my feet, his mouth sucking and licking until I came undone, makes my heart squeeze. In this moment, with every part of his body and mind, he’s making the case that he’s worth every risk.

His hard planes rub against my tender parts. And it isn’t just my body that responds to him. My heart opens.

And I know I shouldn’t be feeling these things with him, not for one night. I know I should wrap my emotions up in a tight ball and simply enjoy the physical aspect of it. But between the really amazing sex and the tender, almost loving touch Matt lays against me, I can’t seem to keep it in, keep it together.

I let his warmth seep into every pore.

He dips down, his strong arms holding his body at the perfect angle above mine, and takes my mouth. His tongue makes love to me with the same patient pacing as his body. We suck on each other’s tongues. I hang on his shoulders, wrapping myself around him, arms and legs, until we are one measured, beating being moving in perfect synchronicity.

Why would I want to keep it together? Why not just let go?

He reaches between us, one hand finding my clit. “Here?” he asks.

“Yes, there,” I tell him.

He smiles against my mouth and presses and pinches and pulls the second orgasm out of me.

I’m barely conscious of him tensing and muffling a shout against my shoulder. And when his heavy weight pushes me deeper into the mattress, I only have enough energy to wrap my arms around his torso. I don’t even care that I can barely breathe.

He rests in my embrace for the count of ten breaths, maybe more, before heaving himself to the side.

I mewl my disappointment, and it wrenches a weak chuckle from him. “Woman, let me recover.”

“I’d slap you if I wasn’t so weak.”

He wedges a hand underneath me and, in one move, flips me onto my side. “Have I mentioned how small your bed is?”

“You might have complained a time or three.”

He grunts and hauls me back against his chest. His knees fit into the back of my knees. One strong arm is under my head and the other is banded around my waist. His thumb idly strokes a path from between my breasts down to my navel. It’s simultaneously soothing and arousing. The duality of the touch sums up Matt himself. He’s both a guy who has had a countless number of partners in the past but somehow still manages to make the girl he’s with feel special.

I don’t, in any way, feel like I’m one of the nameless crowds. I should be worried about that, about how I’m already erasing the image Ace had sketched out and am filling in my own image, but it’s too late. It’s a done thing. Matt has become my Matty—an unselfish guy who seems to only want to make me happy, both in bed and out of it.

“Take a nap. We have to prepare for round three.” His breath ghosts against the back of my neck.

I’ve told him one night, and it appears he wants to get in as much action as possible.

“No. There’s no round three. I’m not an athlete. I’m a delicate flower.”

He leans forward and presses his mouth against my neck, right below my earlobe. Shit, that’s a sensitive spot. “What did I tell you? I’m going to do all the work.”

As I fall asleep in the cocoon of Matty’s body, I wonder how I’m ever going to be satisfied with one night.



“I’m not trying to be annoying, but I have to ask. How was it?” Sutton blurts as the door of our apartment building closes behind us.

“He’s the unicorn,” I admit glumly.

“Damn.” Sutton jams her hands into her pockets, and we trudge along.

I give her full marks for waiting this long. After Matty left this morning, Sutton and Charity banged on my door and yelled for me to get my ass out into the living room where I would be subject to a full debriefing.

I feigned sleep and hid, not because I was embarrassed, but because I wasn’t sure what it all meant.

Sutton was dressed in her coat, hat, gloves, and boots when I got home from class. No more escaping her. I did make her wait while I tested my glucose. It was disgustingly normal, so I shrugged on my sleeping bag of a coat and now we’re going for our walk, or interrogation.

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