Home > How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days (The Embraced #1)(44)

How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days (The Embraced #1)(44)
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

“What?” Christopher’s form wavered.

“Don’t worry. I’m fine,” she reassured him. “And I’ll stay fine as long as I remain hidden.”

“Why?” Christopher’s form grew more solid. “Why would someone want to kill you?”

“The king wants the Duchy of Vindalyn, and he’s sent three assassins here to kill me and my father.”

Christopher thought for a moment. “Then the king is a bad man.”

“Yes, he is.”

“And the assassins are bad, too.”

Luciana swung her feet over the side of the bed as a thought occurred to her. She’d sent her sister to spy on the guards in the barracks. Perhaps Christopher could help, too. “Father believes one of the new priests could be an assassin.”

Christopher’s mouth fell open. “Really?”

“You could help me and the duke. If you watched the priests, you might discover which one is the bad one. You might even find proof. You could be a spy for me.”

Christopher’s eyes lit up. “A spy?” He bounced around the room, then stopped in front of her. “I haven’t been this excited in ages!”

She smiled. “Then I will ask you to kneel.” When he did, she took the dagger left behind by the redheaded man and pretended to tap the flat of the blade against the boy’s shoulders. “You may rise, Sir Christopher.”

With a giggle, he jumped to his feet. “I’m a knight!”

“And a fine one at that. Do you accept your mission?”

He nodded solemnly. “Don’t worry, Tatiana. I’ll find the bad man for you.” His form wavered, then disappeared.

Luciana had barely risen to her feet when he popped back in. “Oh. That was fast.”

Christopher laughed. “I forgot to tell you. I heard something else in the kitchens. They were busy making a fancy luncheon for your father and your betrothed.”

Her heart lurched. “My…”

Christopher nodded. “Aye. The man you’re supposed to marry. He arrived a few hours ago, and he’s in the library with your father. My mom said it was so sad that he arrived just as you were dying.”

“Oh.” She’d thought he was delayed a few days. She’d thought she would have some time before having to meet him.

Christopher frowned. “Some of the servants called him the Beast, but my mom told them to hush. Why would they call him a Beast?”

Luciana swallowed hard, then waved a dismissive hand. “Nothing but gossip, I’m sure. Now, off you go. You have a mission, remember?”

“Aye, Captain!” Christopher saluted with a grin, then vanished.

Luciana made the sign of the moons. Luna and Lessa, help me. The Beast had arrived.

A knock on her door made her jump. Was he here already?

“My lady?” Jensen called. “Are you awake? I thought I heard your voice.”

“I-I was talking to myself.”

“Permission to enter?”

“Just a minute.” She quickly put on the black gown she’d worn the night before. After braiding her hair and stepping into her shoes, she unlocked the door.

Jensen bowed. “We have orders to take you back to your bedchamber for a little while. Please wear your hooded cloak so no one will see you. And don’t worry. We’ll have guards posted at both entrances. You’ll be safe.”

“All right.” She pulled on her dark cloak and followed Jensen down the spiral staircase. “I’m sorry you were knocked out. Again.”

Jensen glanced back with an apologetic look. “You must think I’m incompetent.”

“No, not at all. I appreciate what you’re doing.”

“Thank you, my lady. Keep your hood on so no one will see your face. While you’re in the keep, we’ll be installing a bolt for your door here in the tower.”

She bit her lip. They were doing what the redheaded man had ordered? When they reached the ground floor, she asked, “Then I will continue to live in the tower?”

“Yes.” Jensen gave her a worried look. “I don’t wish to alarm you but your betrothed arrived early this morning. He’s currently in the library with your father.”

She nodded. “I understand.”

“The Lord Protector requested a meeting with you,” Jensen continued. “That’s why we’re taking you back to your dressing room. So you can get ready.”

She swallowed hard. “I see.” She pulled her hood up and started across the sheep meadow with Jensen and two other guards. Soon she would be meeting the Beast.

Jensen sighed. “The Lord Protector’s arrival has changed everything. You’ll be expected to spend time with him. And once the servants know you’re alive and well, the news will spread quickly.”

Her hands tightened their grip on her cloak. “I will be in more danger then?”

“You should be all right. Only a few guards know that you are sleeping in the tower. And no one would dare try to harm you when you’re with the Lord Protector.”

Because even the assassins feared him? Luciana took a deep breath to steady her nerves.

Back in her room, Gabriella burst into tears when she saw her. “My lady! I was so afraid something awful had happened to you!”

“I’m fine.” Luciana gave her a reassuring hug.

With a blush, Gabriella stammered, “Th-thank you, my lady.” She wiped her cheeks. “We mustn’t tarry. Your betrothed wishes to see you soon.”

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