Home > How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days (The Embraced #1)(46)

How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days (The Embraced #1)(46)
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

He slipped his dagger back into his boot. “I am Leofric of Benwick, Lord Protector of the Realm.” He slowly smiled at Luciana. “And your future husband.”

Her heart lurched. She didn’t know whether to rejoice or crawl into a hole to die from embarrassment. He was the man of her dreams, but he’d played her like a fool. All the time that he’d spent watching her, taking her confession, sneaking into the tower, he’d always known who she was.

But he’d kept his identity a secret. So even though he’d made her heart flutter, he’d also caused her heart to ache, for she had believed she would be forced to marry someone else.

Had he found it all amusing?

Tears stung her eyes. “I should have clobbered you when I had the chance.”

Chapter Fourteen

Leo’s smile faded. This was not the reaction he had expected. Had he been wrong in believing their attraction was mutual? Was he so starved for affection that he’d misinterpreted every glance she’d aimed his direction?

“What?” Captain Bougaire regarded him in horror as he stumbled back a few steps. “You’re the Be—Lord Protector?”

The bastard had come close to calling him the Beast. Leo cut him an annoyed look. “Leave us.”

“Y-you should have warned us,” the captain whined. “You should have told us who you are.”

“Exactly,” Tatiana ground out, her beautiful blue eyes glaring at him.

She was agreeing with the bastard? And how could she threaten to clobber her future husband? Leo stepped toward her. “Are you … angry with me?”

Her eyebrows lifted. “You’re clever. I like that.”

What the hell? She was using his own words against him. And there was no mistaking her sarcastic tone. No one dared talk to him like that. Only the general, Nevis, and Brody could get away with it, and only in private. Why, he could make hardened soldiers piss their pants with just a look—a sudden realization struck him.

She was standing up to him.

Since the age of five, he’d seen how people reacted when they learned he was a monster. They recoiled from him, cowered in fear, and refused to look him in the eye. But not Tatiana.

He moved closer and rested a gloved hand against the wall on one side of her head. Her eyes widened, but she didn’t flinch or turn away. “You’re bold. I like that.”

Her eyes remained fixed on his, and his heart pounded in his chest. She was breathing quickly, the lovely upper curves of her breasts straining against the bodice of her gown. By the Light, he wanted to touch her. He wanted it with a fierceness that made his heart ache.

He searched her eyes, and there it was. A sense of time slowing down. A world melting away with only two souls remaining. An eternity of longing. Bittersweet and desperate.

Couldn’t she feel it, too?

“Stay away from him!” Captain Bougaire yelled. “If he touches you, it will kill you!”

With a wince, she looked away, breaking the trance. Don’t be afraid of me, please. Leo stepped back, lowering his hand. “I promised to do my best to never harm you.”

“What about the duel?” Captain Bougaire whined. “It won’t be a fair fight if you—”

“Enough!” Leo scowled at him. “I will not use my powers. It will be a test of skill. If you have any.”

The captain snorted. “How can I trust the word of a Be—” He turned pale when Leo stalked toward him.

“Show up tomorrow. Or leave the castle now in disgrace. That is your choice.”

The captain gulped. “I’ll be there.”

“Good. Leave us.”

Captain Bougaire hesitated, casting a wary look at Tatiana.

Leo gritted his teeth. “Go!” He watched the bastard scurry from the room. “And shut the door behind you.”

He turned back to Tatiana. She was glorious in gold brocade, as bright and beautiful as the sun, and thankfully the fire had returned to her eyes.

She lifted her chin. “You may go, also. I wish to be alone.”

Was she giving him orders? His mouth quirked. This would be a duel he would enjoy. “I will stay. I wish to become better acquainted.”

“Odd that you would say that, since you waited so long before introducing yourself.”

He sauntered toward her. “This is only my third day here.”

“More than enough time.”

“Barely enough time for one of your very long baths.” He breathed deeply. “Roses. I like that.”

She crossed her arms, apparently oblivious that the action pushed her breasts higher against the low neckline of her gown. “You shouldn’t remind me of your deception. Lying to me, pretending to be a priest—”

“I never said I was a priest—”

“You said the lines of a priest.”

“And you said the lines of a confessor. Did you expect me to believe your long-bath story?” He scoffed. “We were both pretending to be someone we’re not.”

She closed her eyes briefly as she turned away.

Interesting. Had he touched a nerve? “The way I see it, there’s no reason for you to be angry. I, on the other hand, have ample reason. I came here to introduce myself and found you kissing another man.”

“I wasn’t kissing him.”

“His mouth was on yours.”

She turned back toward him, her eyes glittering with emotion. “I didn’t ask for it. Nor did I participate. If you were truly observant, you would have noticed I was shoving and kicking at him.”

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