Home > How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days (The Embraced #1)(36)

How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days (The Embraced #1)(36)
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

“Amen,” she said softly, and since no one was watching except Pirate, she made the sign of the two moons.

The sun rose slowly, painting the sea and sky with colors of pink and gold. She held up a hand to shade her eyes and focused on the sea just below.

Now she could see the different colors of the sea: the darker blue of the deep and the bright turquoise close to the shore. The waves rolled in, crashing and foaming over large boulders that dotted the shallow turquoise water.

Softly, she sang the Song of Mourning as if the words could somehow bring her the message from her sisters. “My true love lies in the ocean blue. My true love sleeps in the sea. Whenever the moons shine over you, please remember me. Please remember me.”

Suddenly a seal leaped from the sea and landed on a large, flat boulder. The sea around the rock churned as more seals gathered around it. The first seal barked, and more seals skidded up onto the boulder. They waddled into a tight group, their wet skin glistening in the sun.

Next to Luciana, Pirate rose onto his hind legs to peer over the wall. When more seals barked, he barked in reply.

She laughed. “Are you trying to talk to them?”

All the seals slipped back into the water. And there alone on the boulder was a glass bottle, the kind the nuns used to hold their different colors of paint.

“That’s it,” she whispered. Maeve had done it! She’d used the seals to deliver a message.

With a small squeal of excitement, Luciana hugged the dog. “I’m so happy!”

Pirate gave her a confused look, but she just laughed and headed down the stairs. The dog and Jensen followed her as she ran past the keep and toward the main gate.

At the gatehouse, another guard tried to stop her. “My lady, it’s not safe for you to leave the fortress.”

“I’m only going to the beach.” She motioned to Jensen and Pirate. “I won’t be alone.” Before the gatekeeper could object, she dashed across the drawbridge, then headed for the path that led to the shore.

She hurried down the path as quickly as she dared, worried that at any moment a wave would crash over the boulder and wash away the bottle. Pirate ran ahead of her and scampered along the beach, sniffing here and there.

“Why are you doing this?” Jensen asked behind her.

“Why not?” She reached the sand and looked about. Far to the east, the waves had blasted a cave into the rocky cliff. “I think there’s someone there!” She pointed.

“I’ll investigate,” Jensen replied. “Stay here.”

“Of course.” The minute the guard took off running down the beach, she kicked off her shoes and walked into the water. She winced, surprised by how cold the water was.

Pirate splashed into the water to get in front of her, then attempted to herd her ashore.

“You’re not stopping me.” She gathered up her skirt around her knees and waded deeper, headed for the boulder. The waves receded, sucking her feet with them, and she skidded a bit before regaining her balance.

She hitched her skirt up higher as the water reached her thighs. Almost there. She winced as the cold water reached her private parts, then lunged forward to grab onto the boulder.

The bottle was a few inches out of reach. Pirate barked at her. He was up to his neck in water.

“Stay there!” she warned him. Letting go of her skirt, she felt around the rock till she found an indentation she could slip a foot into. She heaved herself up till she could grab the bottle.

“Got it!” She jumped back into the sea just as the waves receded. The undertow whisked her off her feet and she went under. She struggled to get back onto her feet, but it was difficult with her skirt in the way.

Finally, she managed to stand. The wind was chilly against her wet hair and clothes. Taking deep breaths, she thanked the goddesses that she’d grown up on the Isle of Moon where she’d learned to swim at a young age. The water was only waist-high, but the undertow was strong. She glanced at the bottle held tightly in her fist. It was sealed with a tight cork, and inside was a rolled-up note.

She let the next wave push her closer ashore. Pirate grabbed her skirt with his teeth and pulled her toward the beach. She splashed through ankle-high water till she reached the dry, warm sand.

“My lady!” Jensen ran toward her. “What are you doing?”

“I’m fine.” She waved at him with one hand while holding the bottle behind her back with the other. “I felt like having an early-morning swim. So invigorating!”

“Are you all right?” He stepped toward her, but jumped back when Pirate shook himself, sending droplets of water in all directions.

“I’m perfectly fine.” She motioned for him to turn around. “Could I have some privacy, please? I need to wring out my skirt.”

“Aye, my lady.” He turned his back.

She plopped down on the sand, wrenched the cork out of the bottle, then fished out the note. Pirate made a whimpering noise as he sat next to her, his head cocked with an inquisitive look.

She put a finger to her lips to signal silence, then unfolded the note. It was signed at the bottom by her sisters. With a grin, she hugged the paper to her chest, then held it up where she could read it.

Our dear sister, Luciana,

We pray every day that you are safe and doing well. We miss you something terrible. Our room seems empty without you. Our meals seem lonely without you.

We tried playing the Telling Stones last night, but no one gives predictions as good as yours. We were talking about your last prediction, and we wondered if it had come true. You said in two weeks you would meet a tall and handsome stranger who had red hair and a black horse. Did it happen? Did you meet him?

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