Home > If You Were Mine(60)

If You Were Mine(60)
Author: Melanie Harlow

I loved hearing about her family, her students, her memories at “the cabin.” Laughing, I shook my head. Calling that log palace a cabin was like calling Mount Everest “the anthill.” But even though she’d grown up privileged, she wasn’t spoiled. The things she enjoyed most in life were not luxuries. She wanted to inspire and be inspired—that mattered more to her than anything. She wanted to take care of people and things. She wanted to feel good about herself.

She was pure gold, and no way in hell was I good enough for her. But if she was willing to put up with me, I’d do everything I could to make her happy, things I’d never done for anyone before.

Work hard and work honestly. Meet her friends and family. Introduce her to Aaron and Josie and the girls. Stay.

For her, I’d stay.



* * *

On the drive home, I called Margot.


“I owe you a hundred bucks.” I couldn’t keep the grin off my face.

She gasped. “Seriously?”

“Seriously. I went up to the cabin for some time away, and he showed up.”

“Oh my God. And?”

“And apologized, just like you said. Told me he’d panicked. Asked for another chance.”

“It’s like I wrote the script!” she said happily.

I laughed. “It is.”

“So things are good?”

“So far.” I hesitated. “He’s kind of…a complicated guy. One of those guys who has a lot of baggage and doesn’t like to talk about it.”

“Oh. Believe me, I get that. That’s Jack to a tee.”

“He was really open with me over the last couple days, but that was sort of my condition. I told him if he wanted another chance, he had to let me in.”

“Good for you,” she said firmly.

“And he did,” I said. “It’s crazy, Margot. For the first time, I feel really good about someone. Hopeful, but not in a rush. I’m just excited to see where it takes us, you know?”

“Perfect. Enjoy this stage of it—that newness is such a thrill. I will even let you keep your hundred bucks.”

I grinned. “I’ll buy you a nice wedding present.”

“So when do we get to meet him? Before the wedding, I hope?”

“That would be fun. I’ll get in touch with Jaime, and maybe we can find a date sometime this month.”

“Sounds good. I’m really happy for you, Claire.”

“Thanks.” My stomach fluttered. “I’m happy, too.”



* * *

Good things happened in January.

Theo and I finished my kitchen restoration—he even got me a discount on the gorgeous granite countertop I chose since he’d started working at the stoneworks again. We pulled up the old floor, laid the new travertine tiles, refinished the table, and above it we hung a fantastic vintage light fixture Theo found at a salvage shop.

We had dinner downtown with Jaime, Quinn, Jack, and Margot, and Theo charmed them just like he’d charmed me the first time we met.

“Oh my God, he’s adorable.” Margot grabbed my elbow the moment we got into the ladies room after dinner. “And you guys look so cute together—he’s so tall!”

“He is.” I giggled. “Sometimes it’s a challenge.”

“So how are things?” Jaime asked, taking her lipstick from her purse.

“Good.” I shrugged. “I mean, it’s only officially been a couple weeks, but it feels really good.”

Jaime nodded, her eyes narrowing. “I’ve got the vibe about you guys. I don’t know what it is, but it seems right.”

“It’s chemistry,” said Margot. “Did you see the way he looks at her? I thought he was going to eat her for dessert.”

Jaime smirked. “The night is young, Margot. Give him time.”

Later, we got in the car and Theo exhaled. “Fuck. I was nervous.”

“You were?” That surprised me. “It didn’t show.”

“Good.” He turned the key in the ignition. “I like your friends. I can tell they’re protective of you.”

I smiled, patting him on the shoulder. “They are, so watch your step. Margot throws a mean scone.” We’d laughed over that story at the table, and Jaime and had I exchanged a wink.

The following weekend was Margot’s surprise shower, and it went off without a hitch. She cried (no one cries more elegantly than Margot Thurber Lewiston, with her delicate sniffles and monogrammed handkerchiefs to dab at tears), she laughed, she opened an endless number of china settings, and we all got a little tipsy on champagne.

Theo took me over to his brother’s house and introduced me to his family—his brother Aaron, an older, stockier version of Theo with a warm handshake and quiet demeanor. Theo’s sister-in-law Josie was a petite brunette with a lovely, welcoming smile and obvious devotion to her family. And three adorable little girls, who attacked Theo as soon as he walked in the door, hanging on him like little monkeys. Honestly, it had kind of surprised me. I hadn’t imagined he was so good with kids.

“Your nieces are adorable,” I told him on the ride home.

He smiled. “Thanks.”

“They’re crazy about you.”

“Isn’t everybody?”

I punched him on the arm. “You’re so good with them. How did that happen?”

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