Home > Elicit (Eagle Elite #4)(61)

Elicit (Eagle Elite #4)(61)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

“Comforting.” I snorted.

“You need a drink.” His fingers gripped my elbow as he led me out of the room and into the kitchen.

“Yeah,” I sighed. “I really do.”


Things look better when you’ve spent time apart from someone or something you care about. Said no one. Ever.


“GET OUT OF THE DAMN CAR.” I gritted my teeth. “Now.”

“No.” Bee crossed her arms and examined her nails.

Groaning, I closed my eyes and imagined myself banging my head against the door in frustration. “Bee,” I tried again. “Your brother, the one you’ve never met, is inside, I need you to get your ass out of that seat and say hi.”

“You left.” Her voice wavered.

Good Lord I deserved this, all of this, her, the drama, the fighting. I deserved it, but I didn’t have to enjoy it.

“I had to save your brother’s life.” My teeth snapped together. “Apparently I have a hero complex.”

She snorted, then smiled, a row of white teeth flashed before biting on her soft pink lips and looking down at her feet again. From where I was standing I was safe. I wouldn’t be able to smell her vanilla perfume or look into her crazy deep blue eyes. They were like staring at the ocean and I really didn’t need that type of distraction. Not now. Not ever. She tossed her auburn hair. I damn near whimpered as the vanilla scent floated out the open window and landed on my body, threatening to overtake all logic.

“Bee.” I opened the door to the car and leaned in. “I’m sorry I left you, but I’m here now and I won’t leave until you’re safe. You have my word.”

Her eyes fluttered closed. “You promise?”

“I swear it.” After all I was probably going to die soon anyway.

She took a deep breath and straightened her black cocktail dress. It had capped sleeves and was freaking glued to her body. I had to look away as she pointed those long legs out of the car and stood.

They went on for miles those legs, I would know, she kicked me with them twice. Apparently the woman had me confused with a soccer ball, it was the only explanation to the bruising on both my calves and thighs.

“Fine.” She stood, her head nearly kissing my chin. “But only for an hour, and then I want to do something fun.”

“Fun.” I clenched my teeth. “Fine, I’ll let you watch a Disney movie.”

She pushed against my chest. “Phoenix, I think we both know I’m not a little girl.”

Wrong thing to say. My eyes immediately took in her curvy figure. No, she was a nineteen-year-old bombshell with the ability to flatten me on my ass.

“Let’s go,” I snapped slamming the door behind her. Her heels were a little higher than she normally wore, forcing her to walk slower than a turtle with hemorrhoids. “Sometime this year, please.”

She rolled those blue eyes and flipped her damn hair again then waltzed into the house like she owned the joint.

I followed, wincing as the smell of food hit my nose. I hadn’t had much of an appetite since my meeting with Tex and the closer The Commission got, the sicker I felt.

“Who’s this?” Mo was the first to see us, her smile was bright, fake, but bright.

“Bee,” I said as Tex’s sister opened her mouth. “This is Tex’s sister.”

“Bee?” Mo tilted her head.

“It’s my nickname.” Bee elbowed me in the ribs. “From this one.”

“I like it.” Mo smiled and shook Bee’s hand, “Why don’t I introduce you to some of the girls?”

“No.” Bee snatched back her hand. “I mean, no thank you. I really, um, I would really like to see my brother.”

“Oh.” Mo’s face lost some of its color. “Well he’s in the living room talking with some—”

“Phoenix?” Tex stalked towards me. “Is this?”

Bee launched herself into Tex’s arms. “You look like me!”

Tex’s face broke out into a smile as he returned the hug then set her away from him. “Yeah well, I think that means we’re related.”

Bee laughed, the first time I’d actually heard her laugh, and it was Tex who got it out of her. Of course.

“We should talk.” Bee’s face was so animated it hurt to look at her. “I mean, later, I know you have lots going on and—”

“I’ll make time,” Tex interrupted. “For you I’ll make time, it’s good to see you healthy and happy?”

She nodded slowly.

“Phoenix kept his hands to himself?” Tex leveled me with a glare.

Bee shook her head. “No he kissed me like fifteen times.” She leaned up and whispered loudly. “With tongue.”

“No!” I held up my hands. “She’s lying, she tends to exaggerate.”

She let out a little laugh and crossed her arms while Tex’s frozen glare never left my face.

“Shit.” I gulped and looked away. “I swear man, I didn’t touch her, I don’t touch girls, you know that.”

“You’re g*y?” Bee gasped.

Moaning I just shook my head and walked into the kitchen. She was his problem now, not mine.

The minute I poured myself a glass of wine I felt a hand on my shoulder. When I turned it was to see Tex chest to chest with me. Great.

“I need you to watch her.”

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