Home > The Player (The Wedding Pact #2)(78)

The Player (The Wedding Pact #2)(78)
Author: Denise Grover Swank

“Nope. It’s a surprise.” He was surprised when she didn’t push him for an answer. She hated surprises.

After spontaneously asking her out on a date the other night, he’d done some research about where he wanted to take her if he managed to convince her to give him a chance. Now he was glad he’d done his homework.

He drove down to Brookside and parked his car, then walked around the car quick enough to help Blair out of it. He held her hand after shutting the passenger door, and his pulse picked up when her fingers curled gently around his. She looked up at him with parted lips and soft eyes. Some of her hard exterior seemed to have flaked away, which he found surprising after the scene at the church. This was his Blair, the Blair he’d uncovered years ago after months of patience. And here she was, the woman he’d longed for since that stupid night five years ago, and he cursed his impetuous announcement earlier that he wouldn’t touch her tonight. He wanted her to see that she was so much more to him than a roll in bed, although he desperately wanted that too. So he held onto her hand as he led her down the sidewalk to their next destination.

That afternoon he’d constructed a plan to convince Neil to break off the engagement. The legal papers were in the works, waiting for the final details. He figured he’d eliminate the Neil problem and then concentrate on winning Blair back. He knew it was a lot of money, but he didn’t care. He’d gladly give it up for her. Never in a million years had he expected he’d be spending the evening with her. He wasn’t about to screw it up.

He stopped outside the building’s entrance and looked into her eyes, seeking permission as the music streamed through the door.

“So we really are going to a piano bar?” she asked with a teasing glint in her eyes.

“I promised, didn’t I?”

They entered the dark bar that consisted of a baby grand piano in the back corner and about twenty tables spread throughout the room. It was still early on a Friday night, but the place was half full, and he had to lean into her ear so she could hear him. “Let’s go in the back.”

She nodded, and he moved his hand to the small of her back, amazed by how natural it felt, as if they hadn’t been apart for five years or even for five days. She sat on the bench seat along the wall, and Garrett had a moment of indecision as to whether he should sit by her or in the seat across from her. But she looked up at him expectantly and patted the seat beside her, making the decision for him. He slid in, grateful to be close to her, even if it made it a thousand times more difficult for him to keep his promise.

A man sat at the piano playing a Barry Manilow song. Blair looked up at Garrett and laughed. “I want to hear Billy Joel.” She gave his arm a shove. “Go request it.”

“I see some things never change. You’re as bossy as ever.”

“And you used to love it, if I recall.” A teasing glint filled her eyes.

Desire shot straight to his crotch. Damn. He knew what she was talking about and it wasn’t requesting songs in a piano bar.

Her eyelids lowered, and her grin turned sexy, but her voice still held a teasing tone when she said, “Now go request a Billy Joel song.”

He wasn’t going to be able to get up from the table if she kept this up. He forced himself to be playful. “Only if you promise to sing.”

“Ha! My singing hasn’t gotten any better since we were together.”

“Neither has mine. We can sing it together.”

“Then I’m going to need a drink first.”

“Deal.” He got up and wrote his song request on a piece of paper and stuck it in the glass bowl on the piano with a couple dollars.

He stood at the bar and ordered their drinks, watching her while he waited. She looked more relaxed and at peace than she had all week. What had happened between Blair and Neil in the parking lot? According to her, the wedding seemed to really be off this time. He hoped it was true, but he needed to put his insurance policy into place just in case.

He slid his phone out of his pocket and pulled up Neil’s number, and then typed out a text.

We need to talk. Omni Hotel. Room 678. 10:00 a.m. I’ll make it worth giving up Blair.

Neil still hadn’t answered by the time the bartender returned with their drinks, but if Garrett knew him at all, he would come. Still, he wouldn’t rest until this scenario had played out—until he knew there was no chance Blair was actually marrying the guy.

Blair glanced up at him and smiled. He was suddenly overwhelmed by his good fortune. He couldn’t believe he was here with her tonight, that he was possibly getting this second chance with her. Grinning, he carried the drinks back to their table. He handed her a glass as he sat down next to her.

She took a sip and looked amused. “Whiskey?”

“If I’m making you sing, I figure the least I can do is provide liquid courage. Beer didn’t seem to be enough.”

She laughed and glanced at his glass. “But you’re still drinking beer.”

“I’m less inhibited than you.”

Something flickered in her eyes, and he thought he’d lost her, but she grinned and took another sip. “What did you request?”

He waggled his eyebrows. “It’s a surprise.”

“Now I’m scared.”

“You should be. When he starts to play the song I requested, remember that you promised to sing.”

She laughed. “Now I’m really scared.”

He scooted closer to her on the upholstered bench, close enough that their thighs pressed together. He watched her face to see if she was bothered by the contact, but she rested her chin on her hand as she watched the pianist belt out a Britney Spears song.

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