Home > The Player (The Wedding Pact #2)(73)

The Player (The Wedding Pact #2)(73)
Author: Denise Grover Swank

She came to a stop beside Neil and looked up at the minister.

“Since you walked down the aisle alone,” the minister said, “I presume no one will be giving you away.”

Blair looked over her shoulder before returning her attention to the minister. “No. My mom is late, but she won’t be giving me away.”

“Blair’s too independent for that,” Neil added, only it sounded more like a dig at her character than a compliment. Or perhaps Garrett was too sensitive. But one glance at Libby confirmed he wasn’t alone in his opinion.

The minister continued. He had reached the vows part of the ceremony when Kelsey walked in through the back door. She took one look at Garrett and sighed. It was a relief to see her.

She walked down the aisle and sat in the front pew on the groom’s side of the church, eyeing Blair before returning her attention to Garrett. She pursed her lips and gave him a mischievous wink.

The minister explained when the rings would be exchanged, then smiled at the couple. “All that’s left is the kiss.”

Blair gave a forced smile, and Neil leaned in and planted a kiss on her that lasted several seconds.

The minister cleared his throat. “Now you two walk down the aisle together, and the bridal party will file out after you.”

Neil looped his arm through Blair’s, and they walked toward the back door as the groomsmen and bridesmaids paired up. Garrett was on the end, and when he walked down the steps, Kelsey cut in front of their cousin and grabbed his arm before Dena could.

“Good of you to join us, Kels.”

She grinned. “Traffic’s a bitch.” She leaned closer. “So the siren’s still going through with it, huh?”

He shrugged, feeling uncomfortable. “I wouldn’t call her a siren.”

“She’s captured the attention of my man-whore brother. She must be.”

“Shh.” He looked around and pulled her into a pew, worried someone had overheard them, but no one seemed to be paying attention. “Where’s the baby?”

“Drake’s watching her at the hotel.”


She shrugged with a frown. “I know. Drake’s so irresponsible he can barely be trusted with a goldfish. But he’s her father, and he’s threatening to sue for visitation rights. If I let him play house, maybe he’ll be too lazy to pursue it.”

Drake was a worthless piece of scum who happened to contribute his DNA to Kelsey’s baby. “You know I’ll help you with any kind of custody battle.”

“In California?” Her eyebrows lifted in a humorless smirk. “Besides, it’s for less than an hour. Drake’s bringing her to the picnic.”

He groaned. “Damn Aunt Debra. I hear she’s having a softball game too.”

Kelsey laughed. “Mom’ll love that. She only knew about the barbeque. It’s likely to cause a fight.”

“They’ve already had one that registered 6.5 on the Richter scale. And your ears must have been burning.”

She beamed. “I love being the center of attention. Tell me what they said.”

“Nope. That’s what you get for not being here to have my back.”

“Mom’ll tell me.”

Probably. His mother loved to complain about his aunt.

As if on cue, Aunt Debra leapt to her feet and approached the altar. “We’ll have to do it again. You didn’t practice lighting the unity candle.”

Blair headed back into the sanctuary, followed so closely by Neil it was a wonder he didn’t step on her shoes. “We’re not lighting a unity candle.”

Debra put her hands on her hips. “And why on earth not?”

Clearly gunning for a battle, Blair stopped in the middle of the aisle, her hands on her hips. “Because we chose not to have one.”

“How could you not have a unity candle?” his aunt asked, as though it were the most preposterous idea in the world. “Don’t you want your marriage to be unified?”

“Of course we want our marriage to be unified, but lighting a damn candle won’t make a bit of difference.”

Debra gasped and rushed over to her big purse, pulling out the cursing jar. One of the plastic ears had caved in, and the cat’s belly was bulging, presumably from all the money stuffed inside. “I can’t believe you cursed in the Lord’s house!” She held it out in front of her and shook it, causing the money to rattle around inside. “That’s five dollars!”

“What in God’s name is that?” Kelsey whispered.

“Aunt Debra at her best.”

Blair shook her head and pointed at the kitty. “I’m not putting five dollars in that damn jar!”

Debra gasped, her eyes flying wide. Her face turned red, and she spat out, “I’ve resigned myself to Neil marrying a foul-mouthed woman, but the least you could do is try to watch your tongue in church. Your mother should have raised you better.”

Blair’s body tensed, and Garrett dropped Kelsey’s arm and took an instinctual step forward. As protective as Blair had always been toward her mother, this was bound to end badly.

“Mom,” Neil warned.

“Why are you marrying her, Neil?” she demanded. “Why can’t you find a nice girl who will take care of you and give you babies?”


“Where’s her mother, Neil? She couldn’t even bother to show up for her daughter’s rehearsal. If she were any kind of mother at all, she’d be here washing her daughter’s mouth out with soap.”

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