Home > Take Three (The Jilted Bride #2)(31)

Take Three (The Jilted Bride #2)(31)
Author: Whitney Gracia Williams

“I’m sorry. I don’t understand what you mean by that…Your own flowers?”

She nodded. “I always made a point to tell every guy I dated that I really liked flowers. A lot. I specifically said, no sonata lilies—I tell the press those are my favorites, but that’s not really true…I like daffodils, irises, tulips, and rare breeds of roses…I would say ‘I would love to have flowers waiting for me in my dressing room, or in my apartment when I get home for the day, or…anywhere. I want to feel special just like the characters I play in my movies’…And no one ever bought them for me. No one.”

“So you bought them yourself?”

“Yes,” she choked up. “And I would write out a note like the guy had sent them to me, just in case someone happened to get curious and look at the tag…I had some sent every time I did an interview, every time I started a new film project or TV episode, and every time I attended a movie premiere…Do you know how many flowers that is?”

I shook my head.

“It’s a lot of f**king flowers! I have a preferred customer card from a florist, a florist! That’s the main reason why I canceled on you. I’m tired of buying my own flowers, I’m tired of being lied to, and I want to take things extremely slow…You’re sexy and all, but I know you’re just another guy waiting in line to hurt me. You’ll use me and leave, just like the others.”

I highly doubt that…

“Selena, I would never—”

“Didn’t you hear all those things I told you?” she shook her head. “All those things I did? I’m not a good person!”

“Hush, Selena. You’re drunk.”

Extremely drunk, yet still really gorgeous. That’s a first…

“I’m not drunk,” she struggled to sit up. “I just don’t feel well. Can you wipe my face again?”

“Sure,” I leaned over to wipe her face but she vomited on my hands as soon as I touched her.

“I swear I didn’t mean to do that…”

I sighed. “I’ll go get some towels.”

Chapter 15


I opened my eyes and realized I was lying on a bench on Main Street. There were no cars whirring down the road and no business’ lights were on. I could hear a soft wind whipping against the lamp posts every now and then, but everything else was silent.

What time is it?

“Are you feeling any better? Are you able to sit up?” Ethan smiled at me and waved his fingers in front of my face.

How long have I been laying here? How long has he been watching me? And why is he so damn attractive?

I didn’t want to get up. I wanted to lay there and look at him until I fell asleep again.

“I um…Yes,” I slowly sat up.

I wasn’t sure why he was only wearing a muscle shirt, but I tried my best not to stare. It was clear he worked out. Crystal clear.

His broad shoulders gave way to chiseled chest muscles that I could easily see through his thin white shirt.

I wonder what the rest of his body looks like…

“Where is your hotel, Selena?”

“I think it’s like eight blocks up… Can we please walk there now?”

“Sure,” he stood up and reached for my hands. “Take your time standing up.”

He wrapped his arm around both my shoulders, allowing me to lean on him as we walked.

He smells amazing…

We walked the first few blocks in complete silence, and every time I looked up at him he would look back down at me and smile—making me blush, making me feel like a teenager all over again.

When we were a block away, I realized I needed to apologize. “I’m sorry for anything offensive I might’ve said tonight. And I’m sorry you had to see me like this…I’m usually more composed.”

“It’s okay. I’ve seen worse.”


“No, but I thought it would make you feel better if I lied,” he laughed. “How much longer will you be in town?”

“Four weeks or so, maybe more. I don’t have much to go back to in New York City…You’re not some secret reporter here to expose me for something, are you?”

“No Selena,” he pulled me closer. “I’m definitely not.”

“Hmmm…Well, between you and me, I usually have to pay people to stick around me—for photo opps, you know? Or I have to trick them into it.”

He looked down at me and smirked, “How ironic.”

Is he laughing at my misery? Does he think this is ‘entertainment’? I need to stop talking…This is clearly a bad case of word vomit…

He let me go and opened the door to the hotel lobby. He led me onto the elevator and walked me up to my room.

“Thank you for walking me back,” I swiped my card at the door. “Thank you very very much.”

“You’re welcome. Are you going to be okay?”

“Could you stay the night to make sure I am?”

Please tell me I did NOT say that out loud…

He ran his hand through his hair and grinned. “Make sure you take some aspirin whenever you wake up.”

“Oh! So I’m not good enough for you?”

Oh my god…

“You’re drunk. I would never take advantage of you.”

“I only had five drinks! I’m completely coherent! Do you want me to walk in a straight line for you? I can!”

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