Home > Chilled (Bone Secrets #2)(65)

Chilled (Bone Secrets #2)(65)
Author: Kendra Elliot

Darrin had frowned and tried again. “Did you watch American Idol?”

Alex had snorted, one side of his mouth lifting. “Fuck, no.”

“You should. There are some very talented kids on that show. Some can really sing. Beautiful girls too.”

Alex’s gaze had flown to meet his.


“I like the girl from the Philippines. She’s got an amazing range.”

Alex had inhaled heavily on his cigarette, gaze still locked with Darrin’s.

Darrin’s heart had slowed. It was like meth rushing through his system, and he’d wanted to stretch out the effects. He’d breathe shallowly and let the high seep through his body. If he kept calm, the buzz would linger.

“It was county music night. I hate country music, but she managed to transcend the twanginess. Truly a great performance by a beautiful girl. She reminded me of Olivia.”

Alex’s lashes had twitched ever so slightly, but Darrin had been watching closely and spotted it. “Olivia?” Alex’s voice had been purposefully casual. Darrin had inhaled and tasted the curiosity that permeated the air between them.

Darrin had swallowed and smiled. “Oh, yes. Olivia. She was from Hawaii or something originally, right? Long black hair, dark eyes, wide smile. Gorgeous.”

The room temperature had perked, but Alex hadn’t moved. He had charged the air in the room without moving a muscle. Darrin had casually moved his gaze to the small window where he could see the back of the guard’s head.

He’d let Alex sweat a little. He’d known better than to ask Darrin any direct questions. He’d known he’d have to wait until Darrin was ready to talk about Olivia. When Darrin had told him of Megan’s resting place, he’d drawn the facts out over three sessions.

He’d looked back at Alex. Alex had been acting casual, focusing on a blank spot on the wall, but the fingers holding the cigarette had quivered for a split second. Lovely.

Darrin had rested his chin on one hand and thrummed his fingers on the table. It was an art. If he gave too little, Alex would simply leave. If he gave too much, it would be over too soon. It was a delicate balance to keep Alex sitting across from him. One time he’d said too little and Alex hadn’t come back for several months.

Darrin had nearly cried with relief when he did return. And had nearly dumped out every hidden body location on the table between them. Control. He’d had to exercise control. He’d spend hours thinking about how best to string Alex along. What words and phrases he needed to use to push those emotional buttons.

“Looks like I’ve got your attention now, A-man.”

Anger had flashed in Alex’s eyes as he avoided Darrin’s gaze. He’d crossed an ankle over his knee. “Don’t call me that,” he’d muttered.

They’d both known Alex had just made a mistake.

One of the unwritten rules of this game had been that Alex didn’t lose his temper or verbally react when Darrin prodded him. Darrin had licked his finger and made a score mark in the air.

Alex had shot out of his chair and slapped one hand on the handle of the door as he pounded for the guard to let him out.

Darrin had jumped to his feet. He’d fucked up.

“Alex. Don’t…Fuck! I didn’t…I’ll tell you where Olivia is.” Darrin had breathed hard. Alex had been one step away from leaving the room, and Darrin knew he wouldn’t come back again for months.

Alex had spun around and nailed him with a direct stare. “Now. Say it now or I’m out of here.”

Darrin’s throat had tightened and he’d scratched at his neck. “Well—”

“Say it now!”

He’d swallowed. “I’m not really sure—”

“Fuck this. I’m out of here.” Alex had turned back to the door and pounded again.

“She’s in Forest Park. About twenty feet off one of the bike trails!” Darrin had screeched. Then he’d pressed his lips closed.

The guard had finally opened the door, one hand on his gun as he’d stared in surprise at the two men.

“Get me a map of Forest Park. Now,” Alex had snapped at the confused man. He’d turned back to Darrin. “You are going to show me exactly where. The first sign of shitting around or screwing with my head and I’m out of here.”

“Yes,” Darrin had whispered as he sat. His spine had slumped. He’d lost the battle.

The snowfall started up again. Darrin raised the binoculars to his eyes and rolled his injured shoulder, pleased with the low level of pain. And his head felt a million times better too. The body of the plane looked silent, and he wondered what was going on inside. Were the two men blabbing his written message to the others? Pride expanded his chest. He lowered the glasses, blew out a satisfied breath, and turned to go back to his excellent hiding place. He had to be ready when they decided to leave.

Alex scanned for footprints outside the plane. Thomas’s big tracks led upward and to the woods, with paw prints close by. Jim’s messier jogging prints followed. Alex started after them. His mind wouldn’t slow down.

Beautiful girl. Beautiful girl.

How many times had he heard Besand use those words? The most disgusting, dreamlike happiness would cover Besand’s face as he uttered the words. Like he was remembering squeezing the life out of them. Desecrating the beauty.

A profiler had told him Besand had the need to destroy beauty. The profiler couldn’t tell him why but had theorized it had something to do with the women in his life from when he was younger. Perhaps someone physically beautiful had emotionally scarred him somehow. Alex had dumped the theory with a laugh. What guy hadn’t been shot down by a gorgeous woman? With that logic the world would be crawling with serial killers.

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