Home > Chilled (Bone Secrets #2)(63)

Chilled (Bone Secrets #2)(63)
Author: Kendra Elliot

“You guys are over? You broke up?” He’d looked horrified. Jim had always thought Liam was the best guy she’d ever dated. Jim had always been on the lookout for someone he thought could “take care of her.” Of course, looking over her dating history, Liam did look pretty good. But that didn’t mean she had to settle.

“He’s been living with Tyrone for over a month.”

“What? I had no idea. Does Anna know about this?”

Brynn had shaken her head. “We haven’t told anyone yet. He keeps saying we can work things out. But I know it’s over. We just don’t want the same things.”

“He’s crazy about you, Brynn. He’d do anything for you.”

She’d turned to him earnestly. “That’s what I mean. He absolutely smothers me. I had to sneak out for this job because we’d had a fight about my volunteer rescue work. He didn’t want me going on any more missions.”

“He’s worried for your safety. After last time—”

“That could’ve happened to anyone. You know me, Jim. You know I can’t walk away from this kind of work. It’s a part of me. I have to do this stuff. To ask me—let me correct that—to tell me I can’t go on any more missions simply shows me how much he doesn’t know about me. How could you tell someone you love and respect that they’re not allowed to do what they love?”

Jim had blinked hard and started to speak several times, but he’d finally given up. He’d slumped in his seat. “You’re right. I just didn’t want to see it. Even Anna thought he was too controlling for you. But some women like that.”

She’d raised a brow and wrinkled her nose. “Do you honestly see me as one of those women?”

“Hell, no. But I saw how worried Anna was when you got hurt last year. I guess I’d hoped Liam could protect you better.”

“Liam needs a little woman at home to greet him with a freshly baked apple pie as he comes in the door.”

Jim had grinned. “He would love that, wouldn’t he? But God, he’ll be bored to death. As much as he hates your risk taking, I think it was part of what attracted him to you in the first place. You guys are a lot alike in that manner.”

“He wants to get married,” Brynn had whispered, her eyes staring into the night.

“Can you blame him? You two have been together for a while now.”

“You know I can’t.”

“Not with him,” Jim had stated quietly. “Don’t completely write off marriage simply because of what you saw with your parents, Brynn. I never dreamed I’d be the type to settle down, but I thank God for dropping Anna in my path. It just takes the right person to spin your brain around. Then you find yourself doing things you never dreamed possible.” He’d shaken his head. “I never thought I’d buy a minivan. But damn it, with two kids that thing is awesome.”

“Yeah, but you haven’t given up your Mustang.”

“I’m saving it for Chris when he gets older.”

Brynn had studied him. Jim had a wistful smile on his face, like he was imagining handing over the Mustang’s keys to a teenage son. He hadn’t looked horrified to be letting go of his most precious possession.

She and Jim had both had trouble keeping their eyes open and decided to lie down in the cargo area. She’d lain awake for a long time, thinking about Liam and about Alex.

Now inside the plane, Brynn suddenly heard Jim and Alex coming back. She could hear panting and running footsteps in the snow. Were they running a race? Uphill in the snow?

Alex shouldn’t be running. He’d had a terrible shock to his system. The huffing from the race outside grew louder, and Brynn jumped at the force with which Jim yanked open the cargo door.

“Get packed up. We’re getting out of here.” He wildly scanned the plane and spun to look outside. “Where’s Thomas?”

Her heart pounded. The determination on Jim’s face had a shadow of...fear. Fear? From Jim? Alex appeared beside him; relief flashed on his face as he spotted her. He bent over and rested his hands on his thighs as he panted, his eyes never leaving her. She felt her cheeks pale.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” Her hands clutched the back of a seat, her nails digging into the fabric. “Where’s Thomas?” Jim shouted the question. “Out there!” She gestured at the woods. “He’s been gone for a few minutes. Now what in the hell is going on?”

The two men exchanged a glance she didn’t like. Not one bit.

“Tell me! What happened?” Her breathing sped up. Alex licked at his lips and exchanged one more look with Jim. She wanted to slap them both.

“Besand’s here somewhere. We need to move out.” “Here? Where? How do you know?” “We think he spent the night in the cockpit.” “Did you see him?”

Jim shook his head. He wouldn’t look her in the eye. Something was dreadfully wrong.

“What made you think he was there?”

Jim bent over and tossed her gloves at her. “Get packed. I want to get out of here.”

She caught the gloves and hurled them back at his face. He batted them away. “Answer my question, Jim. I’m not packing up one thing until you tell me what’s going on.” She was nearly yelling, and Ryan stirred.

“What’s going on?” Ryan awkwardly slouched forward in his chair and Brynn stepped over to support his shoulders. “Fuck,” he said.

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