Home > Archer's Voice(65)

Archer's Voice(65)
Author: Mia Sheridan

His eyes glittered at me and after a few silent beats, he picked me up and placed me down for a few seconds as he dumped some sand on the fire. Then he picked me up again as I laughed and clung to him, and he carried me up the hill to his house and his bed.



The next day I left Archer tangled in the sheets of his bed. A blanket barely covered the muscular globes of his ass and his arms were wrapped around the pillow under his head so that his beautiful back, all hard planes and ridges, was fully on display. I briefly considered waking him up to enjoy all those planes and ridges again, but I knew that Phoebe probably needed to do her business and I had sadly neglected my cottage and my life–it was a mess and I didn't have any clean underwear left. So I tore myself away to do some necessary chores, leaving a small, light kiss on Archer's shoulder. He was tired–he had exerted a whole lot of energy the night before. I squeezed my thighs together at the memory and forced my feet to move me out of the small bedroom.

When I got home, I let Phoebe out quickly and took a long, hot shower.

After I got dressed, I powered up my phone and saw that I had a couple messages–both from Natalie, both telling me that the detective who had worked on my dad's murder investigation had called her looking for me a couple times and that I should call him. I took a deep breath and sat down. I had called the detective many times in the months following my dad's murder and there had never been a scrap of evidence. Once I took off, I hadn't checked back in. I hadn't figured it was necessary. But now there was suddenly something new? Why?

I dialed the number that I still knew by heart and when Detective McIntyre picked up the line and I told him who it was, he greeted me warmly. "Bree, how have you been?"

"I've been good, actually, Detective. I know I haven't checked in for a while, and my phone number changed…"

"It's okay. I'm glad you'd given me your friend's number where you were staying after the crime." I noted that he didn't say 'murder.'

"So is anything new?" I asked, getting right to the point.

"Actually, yes. We have a person of interest in the case. We want you to come in for a photo lineup," he said gently.

My heart started beating faster, and I breathed out, "Oh," and then sat there quietly.

The detective cleared his throat. "I know, it's surprising after so many months have passed, but we actually got this information from a small-time drug dealer trying to save himself some jail time."

"Okay," I said. "When do I need to come back?"

"As soon as possible. How soon can you get here?"

I bit my lip. "Uh…" I considered for a minute, "three days?"

"If that's the quickest you can get here then that will have to work."

I felt slightly numb. "Okay, detective, I'll call you as soon as I get back into town."

We said our goodbyes and hung up, and I sat on my bed for a good long while just staring out the window, feeling in a way like some bubble had just burst. I wasn't sure exactly how to classify it though, because I knew I was happy that there might possibly be a breakthrough in my dad's case. If there was an arrest made… I wouldn't have to wonder anymore… I could finally feel completely safe. And my dad would get the justice he deserved.

I picked up my phone and dialed Natalie and told her the news. When I was done, she let out a big breath and said, "God, Bree, I'm afraid to hope too hard, but… I'm hoping so hard," she finished quietly.

"I know," I said. "I know. Me too."

She was quiet for a second before she said, "Listen, I have an idea. What if I fly there and drive back with you to keep you company?"

I let out a breath. "You'd do that?"

"Yes, of course I would. Plus, you know my mom has so many miles saved up from all the traveling she does. It won't even cost me a thing."

I smiled. "That would… I would love that. We'll have a good long car ride to catch up."

I heard the smile in her voice when she said, "Good. I'll arrange it. Are you gonna be able to get the time off at work?"

"Yes, I'm sure it will be fine. The people I work for are great, and when I tell them what it's for…"

"Bree, they know you're only there temporarily, right?"

I paused and lay back on my bed. "I didn't mention that to them, no." I put my hand on my forehead. "And the thing is, it's not temporary, Nat. I kind of… I've decided to stay." I closed my eyes waiting for her reaction.

"What? Staying? Are you being serious? Because of that guy you mentioned?" She sounded surprised and confused.

"Mostly, yes. I just… it's sort of complicated. I'll tell you all about it on the car ride, okay? Is that okay?"

"Okay… okay, yes. I can't wait to see you, honey. I'll text you with the details of my flight."

"Okay. Thank you so much. I love you."

"Love you too, babe. I'll be in touch."

We hung up and I lay there for a few minutes thankful that my best friend was coming to make the trip back with me. It would make the whole thing easier. And then I'd come back. I had told Natalie that I was going to stay permanently. And in saying it out loud to someone other than Archer, I realized how right it felt. There was no way I was moving back to Ohio. My life was here now. My life was with Archer–whatever that meant, I knew it was true.

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