Home > Archer's Voice(66)

Archer's Voice(66)
Author: Mia Sheridan


The next morning at work, I hesitantly told Maggie about the situation in Ohio and how I was needed back there. I hadn't shared the details of my dad's death with her, but she was just as understanding and sympathetic as I knew she would be. Her warm hug and comforting words soothed me–it had been a long time since I was mothered by anyone.

Although I was thankful that there was a break in the case, as I knew it was a rare occurrence once a certain amount of time had passed, I worried that simply being back in Ohio would dredge up my feelings of hopelessness and grief. I felt safe in Pelion–I felt safe with Archer. I still needed to tell him about this development. I had done stuff around my cottage yesterday and then fallen asleep at about seven o'clock, I was so tired. I hated that I had no way of communicating with him when we weren't together. But I knew it was good for us to spend a day apart here and there. We'd been practically inseparable lately and a little distance was a healthy thing.

As the end of my shift was nearing, the bell jingled and I looked up to see Travis walking in, uniform and aviator sunglasses on. I almost rolled my eyes at how ridiculously good-looking he was, not because that in and of itself was cringe-worthy, but because of the fact that it was so obvious that he knew it.

"Travis," I said, continuing to wipe down the menus in front of me.

"Hey, Bree," he said, his lips curving up in what appeared to be a sincere smile.

"What can I get you?" I asked.


I nodded at him and turned to get him a cup. I poured coffee and placed it in front of him and turned away.

"Still mad at me?" he asked.

"Not mad, Travis. Just not impressed with the way you treat your cousin."

He pursed his lips. "Listen, Bree, he's my family, and we didn't communicate for a lot of years–I can see that that was mostly my fault, but me and Archer were always… competitive as kids. Maybe that carried forward a little more than I should have let it when it came to you. I'll admit that. But he's game too, trust me there."

"Competitive?" I scoffed. "Jesus, Travis." I raised my voice slightly, and a few people looked over and then looked away when I gave them a tight smile before turning back to Travis. "Don't you think he deserves for someone to be on his side for once in his life? Don't you think he deserves for someone to root for him, rather than competing against him? Couldn't you have tried to be that person?"

"So that's what it is for you–some pity deal?"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath so that I didn't throw a pot of hot coffee in his face. "No, he doesn't need anyone's pity. He's… he's incredible, Travis." I pictured him in my mind, his gentle eyes and the way his smile lit up his face when he was truly happy. "He's incredible." I looked down, feeling slightly embarrassed all of a sudden.

Travis was silent for a second. He opened his mouth to say something when the bell jingled again and I looked up. My eyes grew big.

Natalie was standing there, and our friend Jordan was standing slightly behind her, his hands in his pockets, looking embarrassed.

I dropped the menu in my hand and hurried around the counter. "Oh MY God! What are you doing here?" I squealed. I was still waiting for a text telling me when her flight was getting in. Natalie walked quickly to meet me and we hugged, laughing.

"Surprise!" she said, hugging me one more time tightly. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," I said, my smile fading as I looked over at Jordan who still hadn't moved away from the door.

Natalie looked over and then looked back at me. "He practically begged me to bring him with me so he could apologize to you in person."

I let out a sigh and gestured for Jordan to come over to us. Relief washed over his face and he walked to me, hugging me to him. "I'm so sorry, Bree," he said, his voice gravely. I hugged him back. I had missed him too. Jordan was one of my best friends. Me, Jordan, Natalie and our friend, Avery, had been inseparable since we were in grade school. We had grown up together. But Jordan was also the figurative straw that had caused me to throw my stuff in a backpack and drive out of town.

At the height of my grief and emotional turmoil, I had gone to him as a friend and he had cornered me and kissed me, pushing it even though I resisted, telling me that he was in love with me, begging me to let him take care of me. It had been too much and the very last thing that I had needed at the time.

Natalie put her arms around us both and we all laughed softly, finally pulling apart. I glanced at the room around me–there were only a couple people in the diner and Maggie was in the back with Norm, closing the kitchen.

"Come sit at the counter while I finish up," I said, smiling.

Natalie sat down next to Travis who looked over at her, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Well hello there," Natalie said, flipping her long, blonde hair and crossing her legs as she swiveled the counter stool so that she was half facing him. She smiled her best flirty smile. I snorted. She ignored me and so did Travis.

"Travis Hale," he said, smiling back and reaching for her hand.

I shook my head slightly and introduced Travis to Jordan.

They all said hi and then Travis stood up, placing a five on the counter.

"Bree," he said, glancing at me. "Natalie, Jordan, enjoy your stay in Pelion. Nice to meet you. Bree, tell Maggie I said hi." Then he turned and made his way out of the diner.

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