Home > Walk the Edge (Thunder Road #2)(60)

Walk the Edge (Thunder Road #2)(60)
Author: Katie McGarry

He lowers one arm, locks me to him and tilts his head. His tongue slips along the seam of my mouth. It’s a tickling sensation that heats parts of me I never knew existed.

Razor’s lips continue to move, and I hesitantly follow along, enjoying the way his kisses entice and coax. I’m a struck match on the verge of becoming a full-blown fire. Bolder than I’ve been in my life, I explore. My hands in his hair, along the hot skin of his neck, and when my fingernails skim down his spine, Razor groans against my mouth.

My lips edge up. The most dangerous guy at my school—the lone person who makes me feel safe—is reveling in the way I am touching him.

Razor pulls away, leaving a centimeter between us. That devilish smile I adore graces his beautiful face. “Enjoying yourself?”

There’s a definite tease to his tone and those blue eyes sparkle as they drink me in.

I bite my lip, loving this moment. “Maybe.”

His smile widens. “Know how I promised you a wild kiss that breaks the rules?”

I nod furiously as my excitement grows.

Razor bends, and before I can register what he’s doing, he swings me up into his arms. I squeal, then laugh when Razor eases down to his knees and rolls us to the ground. He’s lying on top of me. His thigh is over mine and his knee rests on the ground between my legs. Razor props himself up on an elbow, and he raises his other hand to trace the grin on my lips.

My blood tingles and I ache in very good ways.

“Tell me to walk away,” he says. “Tell me to take you home.”

It’s what I’ve been trained to do. It’s what’s expected of me. To be responsible. To follow the rules. To make logical decisions and use this precious brain, but Razor’s teaching me there’s more to me than logic—there’s also a ton of passion.

Butterflies and fireworks and a craving that curls my toes and melts my heart. All of these foreign emotions belong to him. “No way. You’re the one that keeps telling me a member of the Reign of Terror never breaks a promise.”

“I do, don’t I?’

“You do.”

I want magic... No, I demand it, and I’m done being patient. I want to be the girl who’s kissed, but there’s no reason why I can’t be the one doing the kissing.

I lift my head and draw his lower lip into mine. Within a heartbeat, Razor deepens the kiss, taking possession of my mouth. I lie back and begin to function on pure instinct. My hands seek the strong muscles of his back and shoulders and Razor’s hands also deliciously roam.

His fingers discover the curve of my waist and they meticulously inch up my shirt. I’m in the middle of an inferno and I’m clinging to the flames. He shifts and parts of his body fit perfectly into me. I turn my head and gasp with the jolt of sweet electricity.

Razor continues the kisses. Along my cheek, down my neck, and I’m completely lost in the sensation. All of the sensations. The way his lips press on my skin. The way our bodies have started a slow rhythm. The way his fingers tickle and tease the now-exposed skin below the material of my bra.

I hold my breath, half hoping he continues his expedition, and then my heart drums so hard at the idea of him caressing areas no one has touched before that I might die of excitement.

The two million thoughts in my head disappear and the only language spoken is by my body. Of how my arms tighten in consent, of how my foot wraps around his ankle to tempt him closer, of how my hips arch, of how my butt...vibrates?

I jerk and Razor’s forehead furrows as he stares down at me. My butt continues to vibrate and I blink as I return to reality. My phone. “Someone’s calling me.”

Understanding causes the wrinkles to disappear and he sits up, pulling me with him. I yank out my cell and release a relieved breath when I see Addison’s face. I reject her call but send her a text: I’m still alive.

Addison: I can’t decide if I should call the cops or celebrate.

Me: Celebrate.

Addison: If you leave one detail out I will never speak to you again.

Me: We’ll talk. Later.

I pocket my phone and find Razor crouched across from me. The awkward part? I have to guide down my shirt and rearrange my bra acting as if it wasn’t entirely dislodged.

Razor kissed me and I kissed him back and I have absolutely no idea if that means he cares for me like I care for him or if he’s driven to touch and kiss me like I’ve been fantasizing of cuddling with him since the night we met.

“That was definitely wild.” I try to smile past the strange ache. With a tug of the material to the left, most of me falls back into place and I’m dying of embarrassment. I thought I could do it, just kiss a guy and not be attached, but...

“It was.” Razor offers me his hand “But it was more than that. Least it was for me.”

Thank God. I lay my hand in his and he leads me to a towering oak tree. He sits against it, then encourages me to settle between his legs. I do, enjoying the warmth of his body.

Razor’s arms circle my stomach and his fingers graze along my sides. My head rests against his shoulder and he switches between scenting my hair with his nose and resting his cheek against mine. Both create a pleasing thrill in my bloodstream.

“I don’t know if this is a good idea,” he murmurs against my neck.

His lips on my skin? It’s a terrible idea. So terrible that I’m close to begging him to do it again. “What do you mean?”

He inhales deeply in the way my mother does when she has bad news. A twinge of fear strikes my heart. Razor lifts his head but keeps me tucked to him. “Us.”

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