Home > Nero (Made Men #1)(63)

Nero (Made Men #1)(63)
Author: Sarah Brianne

“The clock is ticking, Nero. You need to find out if she saw any of our faces. If she did, then you gotta figure out a way to keep Dad from killing her. She needs to trust you, and you need to move things along at a quicker pace.”

As Lucca put out his hand to help him up, Nero took it. “And you paying the broke college fucker to kidnap her was supposed to do all that?”

Lucca smiled at his brother. “She was dragged into an alley and you rescued her. Sounds like some great fucking makeup sex to me.”

Nero ran his hands through his hair, pulling back the mass from his eyes. Lucca had placed Elle right where Nero had wanted her.

“What do you get out of all this?”

Lucca picked up his chair from the ground and sat back down in it. “Nothing, besides my brother’s happiness.”

Nero snickered. “Yeah, right.”

Lucca shrugged. “Okay, I might gain something out of this. Just remember what I’m doing for you and Elle.”

Nero walked toward the door. He knew Lucca was trying to help him not get Elle murdered by their father. It’s just a shitty way to do it.

Nero turned the door handle to leave.

Lucca smiled through his voice. “You’re welcome.”

Nero slammed the door on his way out. He knew exactly what his brother meant by ‘you’re welcome’—Nero had been waiting for Elle to end up in his bed for what seemed like a year now.

* * *

As Elle’s mind started to flicker back to life, she didn’t remember her bed feeling so big and warm.

She sunk into the bed, loving the feeling. Elle’s mind flickered again. Her head felt heavy and sore; she didn’t even want to attempt to move it. Why does my head hurt so badly?

It all came flooding back; she remembered being pulled into an alley. Or was that a dream? Her head screamed at her, and the taste of salt entered her mind as the memory of biting the man’s hand returned.

Elle opened her eyes, and the image before her was one she had never seen before. Anxiety filled her body as she remembered being thrown into a wall. Where am I? Does the boss have me?

She felt the bed sink in beside her and strong arms envelope her. Elle remembered the scent, bringing good memories back to her and making her nudge in closer.

“I’ve got you, baby,” a voice cooed to her, one she knew and made her feel safe.

Elle loved the smell that started to surround her along with the deep voice that murmured sweetly in her ear. How do I know…?

Elle’s mind fully awakened as her eyes shot open. Her face was pressed into Nero’s chest, her body being held by his. She pushed at his chest, trying to get some distance.

“Get off me.”

“Easy, Elle. You hit your head.” Nero rose up on his right elbow, not letting her go. His other hand was on her waist, but he let her lie back to give her some room.

Elle looked around the huge bedroom. It was mostly white with big, dark-brown furniture. She saw a leather armchair beside the bed that looked like someone had just gotten up from it. Her focus then shifted to the glass door, a balcony on the other side. The room was masculine yet beautiful.

“Where am I?”

Nero laughed. “My bedroom.”

Elle thought about how in the world she’d ended up there. The face of the college student appeared in her mind with the sound of flesh hitting flesh.

Elle looked up at Nero. “How did you get there so quickly?”

Nero took a minute to respond, not wanting to admit the answer. “I’ve been trying to find a way to talk to you since Friday. For some reason, I ended up just following you.”

Elle stared into Nero’s eyes. He’s been following me?

She didn’t know how to feel about it, yet she could tell it had taken a toll on him. He looked like he hadn’t slept in a few days.

Elle shut her eyes for a moment, trying to grasp how she’d ended up here in this glorious bed, wearing…“What the hell am I wearing?”

Nero smiled, flashing his teeth. “One of my t-shirts.”

Elle hit at Nero’s arm repeatedly. “You changed my clothes!”

Nero grabbed Elle’s wrists, holding them above her head as his body rolled on top of hers. “No, my sister did, but I can easily fix that.”

Elle’s heart started to pound and the butterflies she hadn’t had in days filled her belly. No!

“Get the hell off me, Nero. I don’t want your skanky germs all over me.”

Nero grinned as he bent his head to her neck. “You don’t mean that.”

Yes I do. “Yes I do!”

Nero parted her legs underneath him and pressed his clothed, hard dick at her opening.

“Do you want me to stop, baby?” Nero placed a kiss on her neck.

Elle’s breathe caught in her throat. No. “Yes,” she slowly got out.

Nero still kept his body above her. “What did I tell you about lying?” He flicked his tongue out and licked her skin. “Do you want me to stop?”

Elle’s wetness started to seep through her panties. Nero’s hardness was just a fabric away.

Elle whispered her confession, “No, but you hurt me. I don’t look or act like all the girls you screw around with, and I don’t want to be. I will never be enough for you, Nero.” The fact hurt worse than anything she could have imagined. Elle was the complete opposite of the girls he was used to, and it made her feel like Nero wasn’t even attracted to her.

Nero leaned up so she could see his face. “I wasn’t going to go, and I had planned on letting Amo and Vincent fight over the third girl.” He made sure his eyes told her what he meant. “I heard Cassandra was going to be there. She wasn’t, though. And I was about to leave when Vincent found his sister.”

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