Home > Nero (Made Men #1)(55)

Nero (Made Men #1)(55)
Author: Sarah Brianne

Elle nodded and turned around to head back in the dressing room. She heard Chloe laughing behind her, making her stop to look at her before she closed the door.

“What is so funny?” Elle inquired.

“I was just thinking about what Nero’s face is going to look like when he sees you in that.”

* * *

Nero listened to the obnoxiously-loud music playing. It was very dark with almost-neon lighting all around. They sat at an uncomfortable, high table as they ordered some drinks and appetizers.

Nero looked around the full table. Amo and Vincent looked like they were at home, sitting beside two public school girls who were wearing glitzy, tight dresses. Unfortunately, the girl beside him was dressed the same way and there was not a shy one out of the group.

Nero hadn’t even caught their names when they’d introduced themselves. Before Elle, he would have had all their names in one second and their dresses off the next. Looking at Amo and Vincent, he could tell they clearly liked that Nero was out of the game.

Nero’s eyes had wandered the whole night, looking for Cassandra. I find her, get what I want, and then I’m out of this fucking place.

He could sense the girl he was with was getting a little wounded that Nero wasn’t paying her any attention, especially with his friends all hands-on and frisky in front of them. At first, he did feel a little bad, but then, when she started to get a little hands-on and frisky herself, he didn’t care that he was rude, pushing her hands off him. This girl was far from Elle, and that was who both of his heads wanted.

Nero turned his attention to the dance floor. That part of the lounge was crazy, and he had no intention of going near it. Everyone was barely two inches apart, dancing on top of each other. Get a bunch of horny teenagers together and you get an orgy.

As Nero saw a fake blonde appear on the dance floor, he turned toward Amo and Vincent and waved his head toward the mass of dancers. Nero stood with Amo and Vincent, them telling the girls to wait there.

Nero kept his eyes on the back of the fake-ass blonde hair. I fucking got you.

He and his crew pushed through the teenagers, who desperately needed to get laid already, until he finally reached the girl. Nero spun her around, and his control started to shake.

* * *

“Ugh, today is not my day, is it?” Elle said as she finished up with the last rack.

“I cannot believe we only found one thing.” Chloe was now sitting on the floor.

Elle looked over at her friend, who was exhausted from trying to help her find clothes. “I know. Let’s pay and get the hell out of here. I’m starving.”

“Thank God. My stomach has been growling for the last hour,” Chloe confessed.

Elle and Chloe walked to the checkout and handed over the green sweater.

“It’ll be three dollars,” the older woman said from behind the counter.

God, I love Goodwill. Elle handed over the three dollars, and the woman handed her a grocery bag with her sweater inside. She and Chloe then headed for the door.


Elle pulled out her phone as they headed toward Chloe’s BMW. Her phone displayed there was a new text message from Asshole, making Elle smile.

“Who was that?” Chloe asked once they were seated in her car.

Elle knew she was asking because only Chloe usually texted her.

“Nero. Let me see what he said.”

Elle went to her messages and read, Meet me at Poison, urgent. Elle stared at the words, confused.


She looked over at Chloe. “He said to meet him at Poison and that it was urgent.”

Chloe stared back at Elle, just as confused. “Well, we did always wonder what it looked like inside.”

“Yeah, but I don’t have enough money to get inside that place.” Elle didn’t know what could be so urgent. Her stomach started to roll in nervousness.

“You don’t; I do.” Chloe smiled.


Chloe stopped her. “Elle, he said it was urgent. Do you want to go or not?”

Elle’s feeling took over her body. “Let’s go.”

* * *

When Nero looked at her face, he was immediately disappointed it wasn’t Cassandra. Nero let the girl go and turned to his friends.

“Fuck! I can’t stay here any longer.” His control was finally gone.

Amo laughed. “It must be hard seeing every sad sack in here is going to go home and get laid when you haven’t even got Elle’s top off yet.” He had to speak loudly for Nero to hear him.

“Fuck you.” Nero went to walk off, but saw Vincent frozen in place, staring. Nero followed his eyes to two girls dancing together.

“Who is that? I need to fucking meet her,” Vincent said with his mouth practically hanging open.

Nero knew which girl out of the two he was talking about instantly. The girl was wearing a black dress that was loose at the top but tight over her ass. The material barely covered it, showing her long legs. He was sure if she bent over slightly, her whole ass would hang out. She was long and lean, the narrow type, and even though she wasn’t Nero’s type because of the small curves—I prefer something I can grab on to—he was even entranced by her dancing.

It was pretty dark in here, though the sudden flashes of neon every so often could sometimes light up the person’s face; however, the guys hadn’t seen either of the girls’ faces yet.

Nero noticed the guys around them salivating to dance with the girls. They tried to join in, but the girls kept pushing them away, making them all the more desirable. A flash quickly illuminated the girls.

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