Home > Nero (Made Men #1)(49)

Nero (Made Men #1)(49)
Author: Sarah Brianne

“You know I don’t like that fucking smell in here.”

Not saying a word, he flipped his lighter open and lit the end of the stick, inhaling the smoke for a long hit and then blowing the smoke out and filling the whole room. Lucca never had to reply, his actions saying his own words for him. He walked to his father’s desk and took a seat, pulling an ashtray toward him.

Boss Caruso continued to watch his son, waiting to see if he was ever going to say what he needed to say and leave him be. He had been here at the Casino Hotel and had to deal with people all day. As a result, he really wanted to leave so he could go to his home office and smoke his cigar and drink in peace, but his son looked like something had been weighing on his mind.

When he had waited long enough for his son to talk, he gave up. “I’m guessing this is about the girl.”

Lucca flicked his ashes in the tray. “Nero met the parents today.”

He finally understood his son’s displeasure. “That means one of two things.”

“Yeah, he has her. She likes him enough to meet the family, but then Nero could actually start liking her. It’s tough to sign a girl’s death certificate when you’ve met her family.”

He stared at his son, taking everything in. “So, is he playing her or does he love her?”

Lucca took a long puff before he answered. “I guess I’m going to have to find out.”

He nodded to his son while Lucca put out his cigarette. “Next time I see you, you better be in a fucking suit for once.”

He watched as Lucca got up to leave and headed for the door then turned the doorknob and went through, but before he could shut it, Boss Caruso had some final words.

“You do know the family comes before family, even if it’s your own brother.”

He expected his son to not say anything; however, Lucca gave him his own final words. “Yeah, you taught me that with Mom, remember?”

The slamming of the door echoed in his head. He got up and walked over to his bar then picked up and held the crystal glass in his hand right before it shattered. For him, it was something he would never forget. He poured a new drink and his bloody hand picked up the sparkling glass filled with whiskey. This will help.

* * *

Nero stood on his bedroom balcony, looking out. He had dropped Elle off and was now waiting on Stacy and Stephanie to get there. I have an itch that needs to be scratched.

He figured no one was going to be home tonight, thus he’d texted the girls to come right up. He didn’t wait that long before he heard his bedroom door open and high heels walking across his floor. Turning around, he smiled at the two slutty-looking girls walking to meet him on his balcony. A big fucking itch.

When they reached him, they stood on either side of him, hugging and pressing their bodies against his.

“Nero, I missed you,” Stephanie said.

“Well, I missed you more,” Stacy said over her.

Nero laughed. “How about, whoever makes me come the fastest missed me the most?”

The two girls laughed in agreement and grabbed for Nero’s clothes. They were only able to un-tuck his shirt and undo one button before they heard the bedroom door open.

“Nero, you didn’t tell us we were going to have a party!” The girls were practically jumping in joy when they saw Vincent and Amo walk in and join them on the balcony.

Stacy grabbed Vincent while Stephanie grabbed Amo.

“Do we finally get to fuck you?” Stephanie asked, wrapping her arms around Amo.

Amo responded by backing her up against the concrete railing and Vincent mimicked him by doing the same thing to Stacy. Nero walked to the balcony door and slid it closed, closing them all off from the bedroom.

Amo and Vincent took a handful of their hair, each yanking it down until they screamed in pain.

Nero walked toward them, standing in-between their now-crying screams. He let the sound soak in his ears, finding it peaceful. Nero then held up his hand, making Amo and Vincent stop.

He grabbed both girls, pulling them to his side as he wrapped his arms around their shoulders. Their crying was much softer now, and Nero could feel them trembling.

He took a deep breath, soaking it in for just a moment longer. “I know you two whores love to talk, right?” He heard Stacy cry a little louder. “Well, I need one of you to tell me everything you or anyone else has done to Elle.”

“W-what? W-we don’t know a-anything.” Nero looked at Stephanie as she talked then looked over at Stacy and saw she agreed.

Ultimately, Nero knew these girls were followers; they weren’t the ones to really instigate Elle’s torture—the hurt kind of torture, anyway. They clearly never did give a shit, though.

“How about you just give me the name of the worst one. Then I’ll leave you two alone so you can get back to sucking dick.” Nero wanted the true source, the one who, without a doubt, had hurt Elle and put her in all those casts and covered her in bruises and scars. That way, he could make the person sing about every little thing that had happened to Elle, and the little piece of conscience he had left wouldn’t get in the way. Because Elle was going to eventually find out if he hurt anyone, and he didn’t want that to be someone who hadn’t done that much damage to her.

Nero looked back and forth between the crying girls, their dark, skanky makeup running down their faces. When they clearly weren’t going to talk, Nero nodded for several seconds before he grabbed his own pile of fake hair in both hands. He shoved their torso over the railing, letting their faces meet the two-story drop. The cries that now filled the air were ones he really enjoyed. Yeah, but all good things must come to an end.

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