Home > I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You (Gallagher Girls #1)(50)

I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You (Gallagher Girls #1)(50)
Author: Ally Carter

When Liz saw the dazed look on my face, she blushed and said, "Let's just say Bubblegum Guard is going to wake up in a few hours, amazed that his sinus medicine made him so drowsy."

I heard the music stop and wild applause, but it felt like we were a mile from the party. Josh was in there. Of course, so were two people who could punish me in ways that have been illegal since the Geneva Convention. But still, I looked at Bex and said, "I can't go."

Liz was already climbing into the golf cart, leaving Bex and me alone in the dark.

"I'll be okay," I told Bex. "I'll get Josh and we'll leave." She didn't say anything. We were on the dark side of the party, but I could read her face in the light of the full moon. I didn't see fear; I saw disappointment. It seemed a whole lot worse.

"They could catch you, you know?" Bex asked.

"Hey," I tried, forcing a laugh, trusting my smile to thaw her, "I'm The Chameleon, right?"

But Bex was already sliding into the backseat. "See you at home."

The Operative decided to go into a holding pattern in hopes of extracting The Subject and salvaging the mission. At least two hostile agents were inside (and they were going to get a lot more hostile if things didn't go well), so it was a risky move, but one she was willing to make, even as she watched her backup drive away.

Mom and Mr. Solomon might have had the advantage when it came to training and experience, but I had a superior position and far more information. As I crouched behind the hood of a big, black Buick, watching the doors, I went through my options: A) cause a diversion and hope to pull Josh away in the chaos, B) wait for either Josh or Mom and Mr. Solomon to leave, and pray they didn't decide to leave at the exact same time, or C) think of more options.

After all, I did have access to gasoline, rocks, and aluminum cans, but that old barn seemed really, really flammable, and I wasn't exactly in the mood to take chances.

I was just starting to wonder if one of the pickup trucks parked beside me would have a rope, when I heard someone say, "Cammie?" I spun around to see DeeDee heading my way. "Hi. I thought that was you."

She was wearing a really pretty pink dress that matched her stationery. Her blond hair was pulled away from her face. She looked almost doll-like as she floated toward me through the dark.

"Hi, DeeDee," I said. "You look really nice."

"Thanks," she said, but didn't sound like she believed me. "You, too."

Nervously, I fingered the corsage. The orchid petals felt like silk against my hand.

"I see he went ahead and got you one."

I looked down at my wrist. "Yeah." I didn't know how to feel about the fact that Josh had discussed his corsage plans with another girl, but then I looked at her and realized I didn't feel nearly as weirded-out about it as she did.

DeeDee pointed toward the lights and swaying couples in the distance and said, "I figured if I came late then I wouldn't have to be a wallflower for too long."

I imagined her blending in with the wooden slats and bales of hay, disappearing among the sea of couples until no one noticed one girl standing alone, not quite a part of the party. That's when I knew that DeeDee was a chameleon, too.

"So, what are you doing out here by yourself?" DeeDee asked.

It was a pretty good question. Thankfully, one I was ready for.

I rubbed my temples and said, "It's so loud in there, my head is killing me. I had to get some air."

"Oh," she said, and started digging in her tiny pink purse. "Do you want some aspirin or something?"

"No. Thanks, though."

DeeDee stopped digging, but she still didn't look at me when she said, "He really likes you, you know? I've known him for forever, and I can tell he really likes you."

Even if I hadn't read her note, I would have known how much she liked Josh, how deeply she wished that he would someday buy her a wrist corsage. And she'd wear it—not because it was part of some silly inside joke but because Josh had given it to her.

"I really like him, too," I said, not knowing what else to say.

She smiled. "I know."

And then I thought she'd walk away. I really needed her to walk away, because I absolutely had to come up with a way of getting Josh out of there! "Well, don't let me keep you, DeeDee," I said, running through possible distractions in my mind: small explosion, easily contained forest fire, the possibility that there might be some pregnant woman inside who could go into labor in the next half hour …

"Cammie?" DeeDee asked, and I couldn't help myself, I snapped, "What?"

"Do you want me to tell Josh you need to go home?"

Or that could work, too.

As DeeDee walked toward the party, I found myself envying her. She saw Josh at school. She knew what he ate in the cafeteria and where he sat in class. There was no part of her life she couldn't share with him—nothing he didn't already know from a lifetime of dances and carnivals and ordinary days. And then I found myself thinking: if all things were equal, would he still like me then?

But I would never know, because things would never be equal. DeeDee would always be flesh and blood to him, and I'd always be a legend.

"Are you sure I can't drive you home?" Josh asked as he turned the van onto Main Street and we headed for the square. "Come on. I know you're not feeling well. Let me—"

"No, that's okay," I said. "My head doesn't hurt now." Not a lie.

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