Home > Crown of Lies (Truth and Lies Duet #1)(79)

Crown of Lies (Truth and Lies Duet #1)(79)
Author: Pepper Winters

I pursed my lips, hating the way my heart scampered when I wanted to remain angry.

It would be so easy to do what Penn did and lie. To say I was with him now. Engaged. But I wouldn’t do that because I didn’t need Penn to fight my battles for me. Besides, Penn had told him point blank that I was his now, yet Greg tried to claim me anyway.

I went with a roundabout lie. A dressed-up little fib. “You’re mistaken. I’m with someone.”

“Bullshit. Go out with me. One date. What’s so bad about me that you won’t even eat with me?” His annoyance shimmered like a bloodthirsty guillotine ready to fall. “Stop being such a bitch.”

The gentle clanging of bells turned into an orchestra of caution. I hated him looming over me, perched on my desk. I stood, pushing my chair back, and crossing my arms. “Call me a bitch again, and I’ll have you fired.”

He slapped his thigh. “God, you’re adorable when you act all CEO.”

I ignored that.

Reaching for the only thing—the only person—who popped into my head, I snapped, “Are you expecting me to cheat on, Penn?”

He guffawed. “Cheat? Come on, Elle. I know it’s all a scam. You’ve known the guy two minutes. I’ve known you for twenty-two years. He doesn’t stand a chance.” He leaned forward, smelling clean and soap-like compared to Penn’s mysterious deep aftershave. “You’re having a fling. Shit, I’ve had them too. You think I mind if you fuck him?”

I bared my teeth, holding my ground. “You should if you’re as in love with me as you claim.”

His smile was toxic. “Love? Who said anything about love? I said we’re meant to be together. We’re compatible. Our families own Belle Elle, and we work side by side. I’m not afraid of some bullshit asshole who thinks he can steal what’s mine by sticking his dick in you.”

Every nerve ending wanted to bolt out the door. My eyes shot to the intercom button where Fleur could bring reinforcements. Alone with him in my office was worse than alone on a street with a thief.

I can’t let him get away with this idiocy. Such treason.

Rebuttals came swift, forming fast on the typewriter of my mind, slipping into orderly fashion to school him. I’d had enough practice with bastards like him.

You don’t intimidate me, asshole.

Greg continued, loving the sound of his own threat. “You’ve had your fling, Elle. But I’m the one you’re meant to be with. I’m the one who has our fathers’ blessings, and I’m the one who deserves Belle Elle, not him or some other schmuck who thinks they can steal what’s mine—”

My patience snapped.

I left prim and proper and embraced fire and ferocity.

Grabbing his baby blue polo in my fist, I yanked him off my desk. He stumbled to his feet, shock making him pliable.

“Listen to me, Greg, and listen good.” My voice was a hiss. “You will never and have never owned Belle Elle. Belle Elle is mine. You work here. You. Are. My. Employee. If you think I would ever marry someone like you—someone pompous and self-centered and nasty—then all the years together haven’t taught you a thing. I rule you, Greg, so get the fuck out of my office, get back to logistics, do your goddamn job, and if you ever try to threaten me again, I’ll call the police.” I shoved him away from me. “Am I perfectly clear?”

For a second, the world teetered. Two scenarios lived side by side.

One, me bleeding on the floor from Greg’s punch, my skirt ripped, and his hands where they should never be.

And two, him backing down and finally conceding defeat.

I was stupid not to recognize the war brewing between us. To let Steve and my father make it seem like a harmless flirtation while Greg had already kicked me from my office and plastered his name over the plaque on the door.

He’d been counting my money and power since he left diapers.

“This is the end of whatever this is, got it?” I held my head high and pointed at the door. Sage meowed loudly in support. “Leave. Now. I won’t ask again.”

Slowly, a sly smile slithered over his lips. He no longer looked preppy but provoked and already planning retaliation. “I see you’re not a little girl any longer, Elle.” He swayed forward. “I like it.”

“Get out!”

He chuckled and strode to the door, leaving me gobsmacked that he’d obeyed.

Opening it, he turned and blew me a kiss. “Just so you know, your little speech was cute, but I know you don’t mean it. You’re as much a liar as that asshole you’re fucking.” He wiggled his fingers condescendingly in goodbye. “I’ll visit you next week, Elle—give you some time to cool down.”

His eyes turned to ice. “However, the next time I come for you; next time I ask politely for you to join me on a date, you’re going to say yes, Noelle. Just watch.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

“ELLE! WHAT A pleasant surprise.” My father stood from the neatly dressed table with a toucan bird arrangement and multi-colored water glasses stark against the white table-cloth. Even the cutlery had splashes of color in the form of engraved parrot feathers on the handles. The restaurant wasn’t called the Tropics for nothing.

“Hi, Dad.” I accepted his cheek-kiss, smoothing down my light gray dress with black and pink panels on the sides. The skirt was tight, just like the bodice, making self-consciousness tangle with the anxious residue of dealing with Greg.

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