Home > Take Three (The Jilted Bride #2)(54)

Take Three (The Jilted Bride #2)(54)
Author: Whitney Gracia Williams

Miss Johnson was already on stage for winning another contest, so she tapped the announcer on her shoulder and reached for the red ribbon.

“And in first place, from Fayetteville County, Selena Anne Beauregard with her ‘Triple Truffle Chocolate and Caramel Bourbon’ cake!”

Yes! Yes! Yes!

I rushed past the people in my way and practically leapt on stage. I grabbed my bright blue ribbon from the announcer and clapped as if I’d just won the lottery.

The other winners and I posed for pictures and shook hands with the governor. Even he didn’t mention the fact that I was a celebrity. He simply smiled and congratulated me like I was any other citizen.

I pinned my ribbon onto my shirt and searched for Ethan in the crowd. I walked back to where we’d stopped holding hands but he wasn’t there. I walked around the main stage and circled back to the entry point, but I couldn’t find him.

“Your real name is Selena Anne Beauregard?” he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

“No! It’s Ross!”

“Sure it is,” he laughed. “I learn something new about you every day. Are you ready for some rides?”


We rode Sweethearts’ Lane first; the slow water boat ride with heart shaped swans, and made fun of the teenage lovebirds that were in front us. The boy was trying his hardest to kiss his riding mate, but no matter what he did she couldn’t catch the hint.

When we were in line for the Tilt A Whirl, I realized that Ethan hadn’t made a move to kiss me all night.

I tried getting his attention on the carousel—sitting in his lap and slightly puckering my lips, but he laughed. I even tried leaning into his lap on the teacup ride, making it crystal clear that I wanted a kiss, but he acted as if he couldn’t tell.

When we were sitting atop the Ferris wheel, I leaned over his lap again and he laughed even harder.

I gave up.

I rolled my eyes and looked out over the fair. The bright and busy lights, red and white striped tents, and the sweet smell of funnel cakes and hot dogs had yet to lose their luster to me. They were still as enthralling as they were four years ago.

Once the wheel began to move back down, I started to feel sporadic droplets of rain.

“I think I’ll be ready to leave after this,” I sighed. “Will you help me get all my cake covers and stuff before we go? And would you help me put them away at my mom’s house?”

“You’re asking for a lot, Selena Beauregard.”

“It’s Ross! Will you please help me?”

“It’s funny how you can ask for things like that, but you expect me to read your mind when it comes to other things,” he pulled me close and laughed.

The audacity!

“You want me to beg you for a kiss?”

“I didn’t say that,” he smiled.

“Well, I’m not going to beg and I’m not going to ask. I shouldn’t have to.”

“And why is that Selena?”

“Why is that? Why is that! Really? Because I’ve never had to and I’m not going to start! I don’t need to—”

He stamped his mouth over mine and kissed me until I couldn’t breathe.

“You are the most frustrating woman I have ever met,” he kissed me again before releasing me. “We should probably get out of here before the rain picks up, don’t you think?”

All I could do was nod. His kisses always left me breathless.

The rain was relentless. I could barely see outside the windshield and was glad Ethan forced me to let him drive. Lightning was striking every ten seconds, and we could barely hear the radio’s weather announcer over the booming thunder.

I tried staying awake to keep Ethan company, but I fell asleep thirty minutes into the ride.

By the time I woke up, we were pulling up to my mother’s house and the rain was falling heavier than before. We both made a dash for the front door—expensive cake covers and cakes in hand.

I set my cakes down on the porch and opened the door. We placed the cakes in the refrigerator and ran back out for the second set.

I held one cake cover against my hip and rummaged around in my pockets for the keys to put it away. Then it hit me.

“I think I locked the keys inside the house…”

“You did what?” Ethan’s eyes widened.

He heard what I said…

“What did you say, Selena?”

“I said I locked the keys inside,” I didn’t look up at him. “And I think the car is locked too…”

“Should I assume that you don’t have Triple A and that the locksmith won’t be able to come out until tomorrow morning?”

I nodded.

“Selena, Selena, Selena,” he walked over to the garden bench and motioned for me to sit down. “Do you want me to get us a cab?”

“I doubt one would come out here in this weather. I’m sorry...”

“It’s okay,” he put his arm around my shoulders. “I’ve always wanted to sleep outside on a garden bench. Let’s just wait for the rain to slow down. Maybe I can get us one later.”

The rain never let up. It fell harder and harder, dragging a harsh wind along with it. Each time it blew by, Ethan and I were splattered with a soft shower of mist from the awning above.

“Does your mother have a spare key hidden outside somewhere?” his teeth chattered. “Or is there a back window she leaves open?”

“No…Wait, there’s blankets and stuff in my tree-house out back. We could go up there until it slows down.”

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